Re: [CTRL] Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told

1999-08-29 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

Replacing Clinton with G.W. Bush is like replacing Hitler with Himmler.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told (fwd)

1999-08-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told


   By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

   © 1999, The Dallas Morning News

   A former CIA officer said Thursday that he learned from
   Delta Force commandos that members of the secret
   Army unit were "present, up front and close" in helping
   the FBI in the final tear-gas assault on the Branch
   Davidian compound.

   The former officer, Gene Cullen, told The Dallas
   Morning News that he heard the detailed accounts of the
   military's active involvement from "three or four"
   anti-terrorist Delta commandos as he worked with them
   on an overseas assignment in 1993.

   "Whether it's the macho-bravo-type talk of guys in the
   field, I don't know," he said, declining to identify the
   individuals involved. "I have no reason to suspect that
   they lied. And it didn't just come from one of them. There
   were three or four guys that confirmed that, who were
   from Delta."

   The chairman of the Texas Department of Public Safety
   on Thursday told The News that evidence in the hands of
   Texas law enforcement personnel may support the
   account given to Mr. Cullen.

   "I'm advised there is some evidence that may
   corroborate" the allegation that Delta Force participated
   in the assault, said James B. Francis Jr., the DPS

   A Pentagon spokesman who spoke on condition of
   anonymity denied Thursday that any U.S. military units
   were involved in the assault, "as far as I know."

   Use of active military personnel against civilians
   without a specific presidential decree is a violation of
   federal law.

   The spokesman confirmed that three Defense Department
   "observers" whom he declined to identify were in Waco
   on April 19, 1993, the day that an FBI tear-gas assault
   ended in a fire that consumed the compound. Branch
   Davidian leader David Koresh and more than 80
   followers died in the fire, which arson investigators
   ruled was deliberately set by sect members.

   The spokesman said Pentagon policy barred him from
   any public discussion of Delta Force, even the
   possibility of its existence.

   A once-classified memo written to the Army Special
   Forces command, which includes Delta Force, indicated
   that three of its personnel watched the final tragedy
   unfold. The May 1993 memo stated that the observers
   did not participate and were warned not to videotape
   anything that happened.

   Mr. Francis said evidence in the hands of Texas law
   enforcement suggests that more than three Delta Force
   personnel were at the compound on April 19 and
   involved in the assault.

   "I have been advised that there are some police officers
   who have developed some evidence that needs looking
   into with regard to what the role of Delta Force was at
   the Branch Davidian compound," he said, declining to

   "I think it's a subject that the FBI director and the
   attorney general need to look into," Mr. Francis said.
   "The $64 question is whether they were advisory or
   operational, and I think some of the evidence is

   Talk to Pentagon

   An FBI spokesman in Washington said he had been
   instructed by the Department of Justice to refer all
   questions on the presence of Delta Force to the Pentagon.

   Tron Brekke, FBI spokesman, added that he could not
   say whether Delta Force might have been actively
   assisting the FBI in any way in Waco "because I don't
   think anybody knows."

   "That's part of the reason that the attorney general and the
   director are, in a very expeditious manner, going to have
   40 assistant inspectors and whoever is chosen to lead
   them come down and find out definitively what did
   happen," he said. "I don't know what was done or wasn't
   done down there."

   On Wednesday, the FBI announced that a full inquiry
   was being launched to explain the use of pyrotechnic

[CTRL] Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told

1999-08-27 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told

Pentagon won't discuss Army commando unit


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

© 1999, The Dallas Morning News

A former CIA officer said Thursday that he learned from Delta Force
commandos that members of the secret Army unit were "present, up front
and close" in helping the FBI in the final tear-gas assault on the Branch
Davidian compound.

The former officer, Gene Cullen, told The Dallas Morning News that he
heard the detailed accounts of the military's active involvement from "three
or four" anti-terrorist Delta commandos as he worked with them on an
overseas assignment in 1993.

"Whether it's the macho-bravo-type talk of guys in the field, I don't know," he
said, declining to identify the individuals involved. "I have no reason to
suspect that they lied. And it didn't just come from one of them. There were
three or four guys that confirmed that, who were from Delta."

In the months after the Waco tragedy, Mr. Cullen said, he heard from
associates in Delta Force that the secret unit's involvement there amounted
to far more than observation or tactical discussions.

While he was deployed overseas on an assignment, Mr. Cullen said, Delta
operators told him that the unit "had 10 operators down there, that they
were involved in the advanced forward stages of [the FBI's April 19]

"When they explained to me the depth to which they were involved down in
Waco, I was quite surprised. They said basically they were out there in the
vehicles, the Bradley [fighting vehicles], the CEV [tanks]," he said. "They
were active."

The chairman of the Texas Department of Public Safety told The News on
Thursday that evidence in the hands of Texas law enforcement personnel
may support the account given to Mr. Cullen.

"I'm advised there is some evidence that may corroborate" the allegation
that Delta Force participated in the assault, said James B. Francis Jr., the
DPS official.

A Pentagon spokesman who spoke on condition of anonymity denied
Thursday that any U.S. military units were involved in the assault, "as far as I

Use of active-duty military personnel against civilians without a specific
presidential decree is a violation of federal law.

The spokesman confirmed that three Defense Department "observers"
whom he declined to identify were in the Waco area on April 19, 1993, the
day that an FBI tear-gas assault ended in a fire that consumed the
compound. Branch Davidian leader David Koresh and more than 80
followers died in the fire, which arson investigators ruled was deliberately
set by sect members.

The spokesman said Pentagon policy barred him from any public
discussion of Delta Force, even the possibility of its existence.

A once-classified memo written to the military's Special Forces Command,
which includes Delta Force, indicated that three of its members watched
the final tragedy unfold. The May 1993 memo stated that the observers did
not participate and were warned not to videotape anything that happened.

Mr. Francis said evidence in the hands of Texas law enforcement suggests
that more than three Delta Force members were at the compound on April
19 and involved in the assault.

"I have been advised that there are some police officers who have
developed some evidence that needs looking into with regard to what the
role of Delta Force was at the Branch Davidian compound," he said,
declining to elaborate.

"I think it's a subject that the FBI director and the attorney general need to
look into," Mr. Francis said. "The $64 question is whether they were
advisory or operational, and I think some of the evidence is problematical."

An FBI spokesman in Washington said he had been instructed by the
Department of Justice to refer all questions on the presence of Delta Force
to the Pentagon.

The spokesman, Tron Brekke, added that he could not say whether Delta
Force might have actively assisted the FBI in any way in Waco "because I
don't think anybody knows."

"That's part of the reason that the attorney general and the director are, in a
very expeditious manner, going to have 40 assistant inspectors and
whoever is chosen to lead them come down and find out definitively what
did happen," he said. "I don't know what was done or wasn't done down

On Wednesday, the FBI announced that a full inquiry was being launched to
explain the possible use of pyrotechnic tear-gas canisters by the FBI
hostage rescue team during the final assault.

The bureau's admission that such devices "may have been used" marked
an abrupt reversal of a long-standing denial that its agents used anything
capable of sparking a fire at the compound.

Bureau and Justice Department officials have maintained that the devices
could not have played a role in the fire because they were used hours
before the blaze and were fired at an underground bunker adjacent to the
wooden compound.

A pending wrongful-death suit filed by surviving 

Re: [CTRL] Delta Force had active role in raid, ex-CIA officer told

1999-08-27 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

This unfolding story is a good example of deep dishonesty within the US
government, and how they only tell as much truth as required by the
evidence that they cannot destroy and the withnesses that they cannot kill.
It's called "a limited hangout." I suspect the government will be doing this
quite a bit in the next few weeks.

Another trick they are using is to have the same agency that deceived the
public in the past (the FBI in this case), conduct the investigation. The CIA
did this a while back with the CIA-Drugs investigation. It was a limited
hangout as well, naturally.

The American people are for the most part fools, preferring to believe that
replacing Clinton with George Bush, Jr., will put an end to this deception.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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