[CTRL] Demonstrations in Spain and Around the World Against an Iraq War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Demonstrations in Spain and Around the World Against an Iraq War

  By Emma Daly
  New York Times

  Sunday 15 March 2003

  MADRID, March 15 Angered at their government's unwavering
 support for United States policy on Iraq, Spaniards took to the
 streets here today, one of hundreds of antiwar demonstrations
 around the world.

  For the second time in a month, crowds of demonstrators jammed
 the center of Madrid, waving antiwar placards and chanting insults
 against President Bush and one of his strongest allies, Prime
 Minister José María Aznar of Spain.

  We are marching against the law of the jungle that the United
 States and its acolytes old and new want to impose on the world,
 José Saramago, the Portuguese writer and Nobel laureate, told the
 crowd, estimated by news organizations at about half a million,
 gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol. Another demonstration was held
 in Barcelona, where the police said 300,000 people demonstrated,
 some of them forming a three-mile human chain.

  The events were part of a largely coordinated worldwide effort
 to rally support against the war.

  While the Spanish demonstrations drew large crowds, some
 others were more sparsely attended. In Seoul, South Korea, 3,000
 protesters held towering candles as they paraded through the
 capital. About 15,000 rallied in Athens, accompanied by a giant
 reproduction of Guérnica, Picasso's antiwar painting. And in
 Moscow, 1,000 people demonstrated in front of the American Embassy.

  In London, where an estimated one million people marched
 against the war in January, there were protests in several
 residential neighborhoods and a scheduled concert tonight for 2,000
 people aimed at raising money for the Stop the War coalition.

  Muslims in London organized walk-bys at the embassies of Saudi
 Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Qatar and Pakistan, countries they
 accuse of collaborating with the United States. The governments of
 the Muslim world have the power to stop this war by disallowing
 America and its allies from using their land, airspace, waterways
 and logistics to perpetrate it, said one of the organizers, Dr.
 Imran Waheed.

  In Montreal, about 250,000 people marched through the streets
 shouting antiwar slogans, in the largest of 30 demonstrations in

  About 100,000 people demonstrated in Berlin, according to
 police estimates, while 50,000 demonstrators gathered in the Place
 de la Nation in Paris.

  More than 5,000 people marched in Marseille, France's second
 largest city.

  In central Tokyo, an estimated 10,000 people filed through
 downtown streets to applause from passers-by. According to polls,
 more than 80 percent of the Japanese people oppose an attack on
 Iraq, but the government has supported the United States demand
 that Baghdad disarm or face military action.

  In Madrid, few demonstrators saw much hope of persuading Mr.
 Aznar to change course. Hope is the last thing to go, said
 Ernesto Cano, a student attending with his parents and family
 friends. If we keep making an effort there is still a possibility
 to avoid war.

  But Maria Conde, marching with her three labrador dogs, was
 pessimistic. I don't think this will change anything, she said.

  In the Middle East, some of the demonstrations were in support
 of Saddam Hussein. In Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, for example,
 10 men in black hoods, wearing mock versions of the explosives
 belts of suicide bombers, led a march in support of the Iraqi

  In Cairo, several hundred people, surrounded by 1,500 police
 officers, protested outside the University of Cairo chanting, With
 our blood, with our soul, we will defend Baghdad.

  In Nicosia, 2,000 people marched on the American Embassy
 demanding no more blood for oil. They also condemned the presence
 on the island of the largest Royal Air Force base outside Britain,
 at Akiroti, which is scheduled to play a support and logistics role
 in any attack on Iraq.

  Go to Original

  Hundreds of Thousands March Against Iraq War
  By Eric Lichtbau
  New York Times

  Sunday 16 March 2003

 Antiwar demonstrators gathered yesterday near the Washington
 Monument before marching to the White House. Similar actions were
 staged in other cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles and
 Portland, Ore.

  WASHINGTON, March 15 In what many saw as a last chance to head
 off military action, tens of thousands of antiwar protesters

[CTRL] Demonstrations

2002-02-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

@ http://www.netureikarta.org/dmnsrtn12feb02.htm

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