Re: [CTRL] Denver Airport World Bloodfest celebration

1999-04-02 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks! This is a good one!


Check out the 'apocalypse Now murals' of Denver Airport
and see if the murals of the refugee women carrying dead babies
have relevance to the insanity of today .
personally, I'm not so sure about 'time travelling' cool guys that
with infinite time to play with have made no difference to todays
butchery ie. I'm skeptical about Al Bieleks claims -
but someone has obviously put a lot of demented thought into the
alienating, barbaric and sadistic art of Denver airport 

 Extract from Leading Edge International Research Journal #92

 The KSEO 4/26/96 Interview with Alex Christopher

   Author of Pandora's Box and Pandora's Box II

Transcript 6/1/96 by Leading Edge Research Group
Legend: DA (Dave Alan, Host) AC: Alex Christopher C: Caller

Keywords: Montauk, Phil Schneider, deep underground Bases, Reptilians, New
Denver Airport, Masonic influences, disappearing children, Queen of England
buying up U.S. Property, New World Order, George Bush, Area 51, Dulce,
MKULTRA, CIA, bribes to Denver officials, Germans and Americans working
together in high-tech craft, U.S. disk possession since 1920's and
possession of hundreds in 1952.

DA: My special guest tonight is Alex Christopher, author of Pandora's Box,
an expose of the British instigation through Washington D.C. over the last
200 years. You thought you were free? This stuff has been going on forever.
The idea was to make us perceive we were "free and independent", but
actually we are still subject to the British Commonwealth. She has a lot of
information here, and we are going to have to have her back again for more.
I talked to her last night. Just a fascinating individual. She is going to
talk about the Montauk Project and extraterrestrial influences, and more.
So, Alex, where do you start?

AC: Somebody told me one time, start in the middle and go from there. If
you want to, pick a subject and we'll start from there.

DA: Last night we talked about a few things. We talked about the Denver
airport last night and what is really going on down there, and we talked a
bit about the Montauk project and Al Bielek, and then we skipped around a
bit about some of the things in Pandora's Box. You mentioned that the Queen
of England has been buying up a lot of property in Colorado under a
pseudonym. Why don't we start on the subject of the British.

AC: All right. The information, primarily, that is in Pandora's Box covers
how the major corporations, railroad and banking concerns in this country
were set up through a trust that was originally known as the Virginia
Company, and there was a survivor to the massacre of the royalty in France
during the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette and King Louis' son, the
Dauphin, who survived and was smuggled out of France. The Dauphin went to
the United States via England, where he signed a contract with the Virginia
Company. He came here to help the businesses, especially banking, in the
United States.
The deal was that everything would remain under English control, or
subservient to it, and that brings us right up to today, because we are
still looking at everything falling under that trust system going back to
the Crown of England. It is mind boggling to think that everyone in this
country has been led to believe that the people in the United States had
won independence from England, when in fact they never did.

DA: Well, look at President Bush, wherein two years ago he went to England
and was knighted by the Queen. Where is that coming from? Is it that he was
a faithful servant?

AC: You bet. All of them are doing the bidding, and it goes back to their
secret societies and the establishment of the New World Order, which all
leads back to the house of Windsor. There has been in this country for a
long time a grooming process whereby people carry on the bidding of the
Crown of England. That is one of the things the system involving the Rhodes
Scholars was set up to achieve. Cecil Rhodes set it up to groom people for
this task, to carry the United States into the New World Order. It appears,
from what I have been able to find out, that the Crown of England has had
this very skillfully planned for hundreds of years, and it could be
possible that they have been privy to information that not many of us have
been for a long long time about the chaos involving Earth changes that is
coming. It is my understanding that England is not going to make it through
the changes, so they set up a whole new Empire over here. That goes back to
some of the things we discussed before, about lands being bought up in

DA: Yes, the area is of a pretty high altitude, where it will be safe.

AC: Yes. Plus, all the symbolism that is apparent in the layout of the new
Denver airport says that it is a control center for world control. There is
a lot of "secret society" symbology at th

[CTRL] Denver Airport World Bloodfest celebration

1999-04-02 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Check out the 'apocalypse Now murals' of Denver Airport
and see if the murals of the refugee women carrying dead babies
have relevance to the insanity of today .
personally, I'm not so sure about 'time travelling' cool guys that
with infinite time to play with have made no difference to todays
butchery ie. I'm skeptical about Al Bieleks claims -
but someone has obviously put a lot of demented thought into the
alienating, barbaric and sadistic art of Denver airport 

 Extract from Leading Edge International Research Journal #92

 The KSEO 4/26/96 Interview with Alex Christopher

   Author of Pandora's Box and Pandora's Box II

Transcript 6/1/96 by Leading Edge Research Group
Legend: DA (Dave Alan, Host) AC: Alex Christopher C: Caller

Keywords: Montauk, Phil Schneider, deep underground Bases, Reptilians, New
Denver Airport, Masonic influences, disappearing children, Queen of England
buying up U.S. Property, New World Order, George Bush, Area 51, Dulce,
MKULTRA, CIA, bribes to Denver officials, Germans and Americans working
together in high-tech craft, U.S. disk possession since 1920's and
possession of hundreds in 1952.

DA: My special guest tonight is Alex Christopher, author of Pandora's Box,
an expose of the British instigation through Washington D.C. over the last
200 years. You thought you were free? This stuff has been going on forever.
The idea was to make us perceive we were "free and independent", but
actually we are still subject to the British Commonwealth. She has a lot of
information here, and we are going to have to have her back again for more.
I talked to her last night. Just a fascinating individual. She is going to
talk about the Montauk Project and extraterrestrial influences, and more.
So, Alex, where do you start?

AC: Somebody told me one time, start in the middle and go from there. If
you want to, pick a subject and we'll start from there.

DA: Last night we talked about a few things. We talked about the Denver
airport last night and what is really going on down there, and we talked a
bit about the Montauk project and Al Bielek, and then we skipped around a
bit about some of the things in Pandora's Box. You mentioned that the Queen
of England has been buying up a lot of property in Colorado under a
pseudonym. Why don't we start on the subject of the British.

AC: All right. The information, primarily, that is in Pandora's Box covers
how the major corporations, railroad and banking concerns in this country
were set up through a trust that was originally known as the Virginia
Company, and there was a survivor to the massacre of the royalty in France
during the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette and King Louis' son, the
Dauphin, who survived and was smuggled out of France. The Dauphin went to
the United States via England, where he signed a contract with the Virginia
Company. He came here to help the businesses, especially banking, in the
United States.
The deal was that everything would remain under English control, or
subservient to it, and that brings us right up to today, because we are
still looking at everything falling under that trust system going back to
the Crown of England. It is mind boggling to think that everyone in this
country has been led to believe that the people in the United States had
won independence from England, when in fact they never did.

DA: Well, look at President Bush, wherein two years ago he went to England
and was knighted by the Queen. Where is that coming from? Is it that he was
a faithful servant?

AC: You bet. All of them are doing the bidding, and it goes back to their
secret societies and the establishment of the New World Order, which all
leads back to the house of Windsor. There has been in this country for a
long time a grooming process whereby people carry on the bidding of the
Crown of England. That is one of the things the system involving the Rhodes
Scholars was set up to achieve. Cecil Rhodes set it up to groom people for
this task, to carry the United States into the New World Order. It appears,
from what I have been able to find out, that the Crown of England has had
this very skillfully planned for hundreds of years, and it could be
possible that they have been privy to information that not many of us have
been for a long long time about the chaos involving Earth changes that is
coming. It is my understanding that England is not going to make it through
the changes, so they set up a whole new Empire over here. That goes back to
some of the things we discussed before, about lands being bought up in

DA: Yes, the area is of a pretty high altitude, where it will be safe.

AC: Yes. Plus, all the symbolism that is apparent in the layout of the new
Denver airport says that it is a control center for world control. There is
a lot of "secret society" symbology at the airport. We started researching