[CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?

2001-03-07 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

As Dick Cheney is being mentioned, I take the liberty to repost this article.

Best, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark
> --- Forwarded message follows ---
> Date sent:  Mon, 24 Jul 2000 14:55:09 -0400 (EDT)
> From:   William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:        [CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?
> Send reply to:  Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Reptiles Could Be Watching You:
> by Jess Miller
> ___
> Just after the Gulf War I was at my home, then in London, when the phone rang
> and a Canadian fishing guide - who I had never heard of - asked if I had one
> of the fishing reels named after his grandfather. I did indeed have one in my
> collection, but it was not for sale. However he continued to tell me how
> desperate he was to buy it and so I quoted him what I thought was a high
> price. Not having the money to be able to purchase it, he then offered to
> guide me for a week on British Columbia's Dean River in exchange for the reel.
> I had fished the Dean many years previously and a wondrous river and superbly
> powerful place it is too, with forested mountains rising from the often
> green, glacial river and Grizzly and Black Bears all over the place. Wild and
> powerful is how I would describe it and the Steelhead that run the Dean are
> some of the finest British Columbia has to offer. Well I was going to visit a
> friend in Vancouver anyway and so I agreed to the guide's proposition.
> So in time there we were camped in single tents on the banks of the Dean. We
> had flown in from Bella Coola to the tiny gravel airstrip and then had a
> drive over a really rough track up to where we had decided to camp and began
> to fish immediately.
> On the second day the guide said to me,
> "I want you to meet Dick Cheney."
> I was taken aback and looked at him for an explanation.
> "You know, Dick Cheney, the ex-U.S. Secretary of Defence." Well I of course
> knew who Cheney was, but we were miles into the wilderness of British
> Columbia in amongst the bears, so what the hell was this guy on about?
> "He's coming in as we go out and I want you to meet him."
> That was all that was said, I just shrugged and began to wonder whether the
> guide had a full set of marbles. We continued fishing and what with all the
> bear activity and releasing spectacular Steelhead back into the Dean, the
> Cheney proposition completely left my mind. So the week ended and we arrived
> back at the gravel airstrip to find a light plane being unloaded by a couple
> of guys and another fellow standing to one side, dressed in a sort of
> overcoat, not the type of thing you go into the wilderness of British
> Columbia wearing. This man made a beeline for my guide and they turned away
> from me and engaged in a seemingly deeply serious and somewhat animated
> discussion.
> Having been brought up to have manners I moved off two or three metres and
> stood patiently waiting until they had finished. Meanwhile the two who were
> unloading the plane were not happy about my doing this and one in particular
> kept eyeing me until eventually he stopped doing what he was doing and stood
> and looked at me. I just smiled, feeling a little awkward and also feeling
> that in a moment he was going to start something. His attitude was hostile
> and I was beginning to feel that something was really wrong when my guide and
> the other man turned to me.
> "Oh, and this is Jess Miller from London. Jess Miller, Dick Cheney."
> I held out my hand as it dawned on me that it was Cheney and said,
> "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Cheney. You'll be pleased to hear that I've left
> you some Steelhead in the river because that's what we Englishmen like to do
> for our fellow human beings." I don't know why I said it, it just came out,
> but I'm always joking when I'm fishing, that's the way I am.
> Cheney was facing me, but never looked me in the eyes, instead he looked
> steadfastly at my solar plexus, grunted at my remark and then looked at the
> ground at our feet. A few seconds later he walked over to his two companions
> and that was my one and only meeting with Dick Cheney ended and I must say I
> was glad that it was. I had felt awkward, uncomfortable and uneasy around
> him.
> I put it out of my mind and we flew out back to Bella Coola.
> It stayed out of my mind for the years afterwards as my life turned into a
> nightmarish procession of evil people ripping me off and gradually my
> finances waned to almost n

[CTRL] re [CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?

2000-07-25 Thread DIG alfred webre

>From MC-L:
 Pat - I am sorry you do not share my deep intuition about the mind control
nature of both Cheney and W. Bush.

So let's share some background about Texas, George W. Bush, George Bush, Sr.,
and the courts of Ontatio.

As far as a political motive for my statements,  yes I have been in Texas
democratic politics.  I was a Clinton delegate at the 1996 Texas Democratic
convention.  I first met W. Bush in 1997 when he came to the Rio Grande
Valley, at a bill signing denying Hispanic children healthcare.  That same
day he stonewalled the Mexican Foreign Minister and executed a Mexican
national. That is not why I am making these assertions, though I find his
surface politics abhorrent. (W and I were contemporaries at Yale, BTW).

With regard to George Bush, Sr., however, the matter is far different.  I
sued Bush as a defendant while he was President, along with other parties on
behalf of a Canadian mind control victim.  The lawsuits were a series of 25
complex cases in US Federal Court, and in the Courts of Canada. The legal
evidence against Bush and co-defendants, including affivavits, appears in the
book THE LEVESQUE CASES (PSP: Ontario 1990) ISBN 0-9694459-0-3.  For five
years in federal courts in Canada and the USA I was thoroughly familiar with
all of the available mind control activities against Bush, and brought them
to open court.

The Plantiff, my client, won a judgment in the courts of Ontario against this
mind control network. Please don't try to normalize George Bush to me.

What I saw in W. Bush's Texas about the mindcontrol empire within the USA
formed a large part of my decision to leave.  The mind control BTW is much
less outside of the USA.

No - I am not attempting political character assassination of W. Bush, the
Bush brothers or George Bush Sr.  It is true I am in the
abolish death penalty movement, and the Bush brothers are the main suppliers
of execution.  It is true that I publicly state that W "embodies the forces
of death." in print and on the Internet.  I do so pursuant to the First
Amendment.  And guess what: Most people in the abolition movement beleive

No, My mission here is to help expose a mind control network mediated, in
significant role, by USA operatives including George Bush, W. Bush, and
Lieutenants like Dick Cheney.

Naturally, we will be submitting research briefs during the course of the
campaign - demonstrating a mind control connection and agenda as among W.
Bush, Richard Cheney and mind control Mastermind George Bush, Sr. And yes,
demonstrating George Bush's operating connection to the CIA-mind control
empire of drugs, assassination (including that attempt at Ronald Reagan).  My
research contention is that you are running the "plausible deniability" line
about George Bush and W. Bush.

Having proved the mind control truth successfully about George Bush
while he was President (we won a default verdict of $750 million in Ontario
courts), that will now be brought to public opinion.
Our goal? It is set out in http://www.exopolitics.com

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver BC
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness & Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?

2000-07-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Hi All - Those who have been watching the psyops behind the Republican
nomination for VP may find this article of interest.  George Bush ran the
global mind control empire from the VP position - it is perfect for psyops.
Need we remind you that the almost-assassin of Ronald Reagan had dinner at VP
G. Bush's house the week before the assassination attempt.  Purported tech
used: Teleguiding.  Goal: Palace coup d'etat, putting the Bush-CIA-NWO in
power.  We apparently are having a re-play now in W.  More to come,
obviously.  If you are uncomfortable with "reptilian" substitute "mind
controller",   Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
For Amazing Allegations on "Dick" Cheney (in long league with the Bushes, who
are also featured prominently) review the book "Trance-Formation of America"
available at Amazon.com.

 The Reptiles Could Be Watching You
 by Jess Miller

 Just after the Gulf War I was at my home, then in London, when the phone rang
 and a Canadian fishing guide - who I had never heard of - asked if I had one
 of the fishing reels named after his grandfather. I did indeed have one in my
 collection, but it was not for sale. However he continued to tell me how
 desperate he was to buy it and so I quoted him what I thought was a high
 price. Not having the money to be able to purchase it, he then offered to
 guide me for a week on British Columbia's Dean River in exchange for the

 I had fished the Dean many years previously and a wondrous river and superbly
 powerful place it is too, with forested mountains rising from the often
 green, glacial river and Grizzly and Black Bears all over the place. Wild and
 powerful is how I would describe it and the Steelhead that run the Dean are
 some of the finest British Columbia has to offer. Well I was going to visit a
 friend in Vancouver anyway and so I agreed to the guide's proposition.

 So in time there we were camped in single tents on the banks of the Dean. We
 had flown in from Bella Coola to the tiny gravel airstrip and then had a
 drive over a really rough track up to where we had decided to camp and began
 to fish immediately.

 On the second day the guide said to me,

 "I want you to meet Dick Cheney."

 I was taken aback and looked at him for an explanation.

 "You know, Dick Cheney, the ex-U.S. Secretary of Defence." Well I of course
 knew who Cheney was, but we were miles into the wilderness of British
 Columbia in amongst the bears, so what the hell was this guy on about?

 "He's coming in as we go out and I want you to meet him."

 That was all that was said, I just shrugged and began to wonder whether the
 guide had a full set of marbles. We continued fishing and what with all the
 bear activity and releasing spectacular Steelhead back into the Dean, the
 Cheney proposition completely left my mind. So the week ended and we arrived
 back at the gravel airstrip to find a light plane being unloaded by a couple
 of guys and another fellow standing to one side, dressed in a sort of
 overcoat, not the type of thing you go into the wilderness of British
 Columbia wearing. This man made a beeline for my guide and they turned away
 from me and engaged in a seemingly deeply serious and somewhat animated

 Having been brought up to have manners I moved off two or three metres and
 stood patiently waiting until they had finished. Meanwhile the two who were
 unloading the plane were not happy about my doing this and one in particular
 kept eyeing me until eventually he stopped doing what he was doing and stood
 and looked at me. I just smiled, feeling a little awkward and also feeling
 that in a moment he was going to start something. His attitude was hostile
 and I was beginning to feel that something was really wrong when my guide and
 the other man turned to me.

 "Oh, and this is Jess Miller from London. Jess Miller, Dick Cheney."

 I held out my hand as it dawned on me that it was Cheney and said,

 "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Cheney. You'll be pleased to hear that I've left
 you some Steelhead in the river because that's what we Englishmen like to do
 for our fellow human beings." I don't know why I said it, it just came out,
 but I'm always joking when I'm fishing, that's the way I am.

 Cheney was facing me, but never looked me in the eyes, instead he looked
 steadfastly at my solar plexus, grunted at my remark and then looked at the
 ground at our feet. A few seconds later he walked over to his two companions
 and that was my one and only meeting with Dick Cheney ended and I must say I
 was glad that it was. I had felt awkward, uncomfortable and uneasy around

 I put it out of my mind and we flew out back to Bella Coola.

 It stayed out of my mind for the years afterwards as my life turned into a
 nightmarish procession of evil people ripping me off and gradually my
 finances waned to almost nothing. I was ill quite a lot and homeopathy helped
 me greatly. Finally I was poisoned in a murder attempt and the people made
 off ow

[CTRL] Dick Cheney-Reptilian?

2000-07-24 Thread William Shannon

The Reptiles Could Be Watching You
by Jess Miller

Just after the Gulf War I was at my home, then in London, when the phone rang
and a Canadian fishing guide - who I had never heard of - asked if I had one
of the fishing reels named after his grandfather. I did indeed have one in my
collection, but it was not for sale. However he continued to tell me how
desperate he was to buy it and so I quoted him what I thought was a high
price. Not having the money to be able to purchase it, he then offered to
guide me for a week on British Columbia's Dean River in exchange for the reel.

I had fished the Dean many years previously and a wondrous river and superbly
powerful place it is too, with forested mountains rising from the often
green, glacial river and Grizzly and Black Bears all over the place. Wild and
powerful is how I would describe it and the Steelhead that run the Dean are
some of the finest British Columbia has to offer. Well I was going to visit a
friend in Vancouver anyway and so I agreed to the guide's proposition.

So in time there we were camped in single tents on the banks of the Dean. We
had flown in from Bella Coola to the tiny gravel airstrip and then had a
drive over a really rough track up to where we had decided to camp and began
to fish immediately.

On the second day the guide said to me,

"I want you to meet Dick Cheney."

I was taken aback and looked at him for an explanation.

"You know, Dick Cheney, the ex-U.S. Secretary of Defence." Well I of course
knew who Cheney was, but we were miles into the wilderness of British
Columbia in amongst the bears, so what the hell was this guy on about?

"He's coming in as we go out and I want you to meet him."

That was all that was said, I just shrugged and began to wonder whether the
guide had a full set of marbles. We continued fishing and what with all the
bear activity and releasing spectacular Steelhead back into the Dean, the
Cheney proposition completely left my mind. So the week ended and we arrived
back at the gravel airstrip to find a light plane being unloaded by a couple
of guys and another fellow standing to one side, dressed in a sort of
overcoat, not the type of thing you go into the wilderness of British
Columbia wearing. This man made a beeline for my guide and they turned away
from me and engaged in a seemingly deeply serious and somewhat animated

Having been brought up to have manners I moved off two or three metres and
stood patiently waiting until they had finished. Meanwhile the two who were
unloading the plane were not happy about my doing this and one in particular
kept eyeing me until eventually he stopped doing what he was doing and stood
and looked at me. I just smiled, feeling a little awkward and also feeling
that in a moment he was going to start something. His attitude was hostile
and I was beginning to feel that something was really wrong when my guide and
the other man turned to me.

"Oh, and this is Jess Miller from London. Jess Miller, Dick Cheney."

I held out my hand as it dawned on me that it was Cheney and said,

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Cheney. You'll be pleased to hear that I've left
you some Steelhead in the river because that's what we Englishmen like to do
for our fellow human beings." I don't know why I said it, it just came out,
but I'm always joking when I'm fishing, that's the way I am.

Cheney was facing me, but never looked me in the eyes, instead he looked
steadfastly at my solar plexus, grunted at my remark and then looked at the
ground at our feet. A few seconds later he walked over to his two companions
and that was my one and only meeting with Dick Cheney ended and I must say I
was glad that it was. I had felt awkward, uncomfortable and uneasy around

I put it out of my mind and we flew out back to Bella Coola.

It stayed out of my mind for the years afterwards as my life turned into a
nightmarish procession of evil people ripping me off and gradually my
finances waned to almost nothing. I was ill quite a lot and homeopathy helped
me greatly. Finally I was poisoned in a murder attempt and the people made
off owing me a large amount of money, which I will never see again. I
survived full blown clinical depression, brought on by the arsenic based
biological agent I had been administered, much to my toxicologist's
amazement, but at least I am alive and happily starting out again from a zero
financial base.

Then, around June 1999, I was told about David Icke and I got hold of some of
his books and read them. I had only heard about him previously around 1990
when he had undergone some sort of revelation and the British Establishment
took him apart on television, about which I remember feeling uncomfortable at
the time. Since then I had heard nothing more of him. I dropped The Biggest
Secret three times whilst reading it and I'm not that clumsy. When Cheney was
mentioned (in a dark light) it all came flooding back to me and I began to
think more and more about what had happened