Re: [CTRL] Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition

2001-03-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

You're right, mea culpa. My husband is not on Ca+ channel blockers, but
does take the others.

--- kl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Your post is entirely correct, with the
notable exception that
> Inderal is
> another beta blocker (the first one IIR).  Most likely Ca+ channel
> blocker
> would be Cardizem (Diltiazem).

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Re: [CTRL] Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition

2001-03-07 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

> As for the medications they won't disclose, this is a likely scenario: An
> ACE inhibitor like captopril, a beta blocker like metoprolol, a
> calcium-channel blocker like inderal -- those 3 control blood pressure; a
> statin (Lipitor or Zocor) to control cholesterol; nitroglycerin for chest
> pains; a blood thinner, either aspirin or warfarin, to prevent clotting;
> possibly a diuretic like hydrochlorothiazide. No matter what he does with
> his weight, no matter what the numbers say, he will be on many of these
> medicines for the rest of his life. They don't seem to affect memory or
> intelligence, but they can cause mood swings, especially the metoprolol.

Your post is entirely correct, with the notable exception that Inderal is
another beta blocker (the first one IIR).  Most likely Ca+ channel blocker
would be Cardizem (Diltiazem).
> Tenorlove
> __
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> mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups
> with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
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> posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives
> no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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Re: [CTRL] Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition

2001-03-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove the one thing that shocked me, on the day President Bush was
sworn in - this man, Dick Cheney, stood in the cold with the others, and
managed to get through it all - at that time I feared for his safety an
believe he should had slipped quietly away from this scene.

I think in a sense he proved his strength that day;  he seems to be a
man with control mentally but physically, he stil withstood a hard day.

He has enemies in the administration of that I am sure;  if he should
resign,  the last person I would want as VP would be this programmed
Manchurian Candidate Colin Powell  - for this man not only has inflated
ego but this would be one confused guy - asian, black, jamaican, white
blood - probably practices voodoo on the side with a needle in the heart
of Cheney already..Powell identifies with the black blood choosing
to ignore the Asian connection and I wonder, what is his real name?
One generation out of Jamaica?

Was he really even born in USA?   We have all these Manchurian
Candidates walking about who do not  use their real names - even Jesse
Ventura but then he is WWW NWO Wrestling star...Clinton Barak, Sharon,
Ford, Jackson, King, Richie Rich, none of these people use their real

Is it a matter of I Will Give You a New Name to help cover up a past
that might prove to be a little more than embarrassing.

The strangest thing to me was Gerald Ford, for long before he was Vice
President, I knew his real name was Leslie Kinghe had this Hollywood
touch in acquaintance, played football too long without helmet - and I
swear looking at his face, the look of the Manchurian Candidate for that
guy had this Powell look..then when he was made President, Walter
Cronkite, CFR - announced "his real name is Leslie King" - only because
now, he would be we had two Leslie Kings.

Then the REAL Leslie King, Ford's brother, shortly thereafter on a
Thursday night - on a lonely road, like John D. Rockefeller and the
curator who released King Tuts stuff to USA, th real Leslie King met
with a strange accident and went off the road, and of course was killed,
and then there was One.

Clinton, his real name it is said isn't even the Blythe they offered;
maybe this is of no consequence, but I keep thinking of that psalm,
Mafia Stuff - Made Men, Kiss of Death, etec, and blotting names out of
book - let his days be few, let another take his office - ritual murder
stuffbut this one like, God set the solitary in FAMILIESthe

There are people now in our FBI who are traitors and Clinton opened the
door to murder - his body bag count - this big fat slob, thi big fat
head with his slovenly wife made President of the USwe already knew
he was a bastard without a doubt,  who's father would be nothing but
calculated guess - who associated with thieves and murderers from all
indications - this man sitting in our white house, a sodomist.

Our kids murdering kids by maybe a flick of a switich or a word like K 9
Dogs = an suddenly a community is smiling in some instances for the TV
cameras, like these kids in California who knew the killer -  the druged
up dare devil - lips that are asleep made to speak,  like a Hinckley -
and always the same story.

This news media is number one killer but they know what they are
doing..they sell a President like a pound of hamburger.heros now
steal an have illegitimate children - and like Jackson threatens to turn
loose all these blacks on the streets - suddenly two blacks murder 5
whites - slaughter of the innocents?   My what control Sharpton and
Jesse have but why not - they are paid well to instigate the riots -
remember Washington Burning.

I for one am sick of this stuff - no wonder MSNBC and CNN loses it
ratings - their idea of entertainment to begin with, was watching the
USA bomb the hell out of Iraq and the Balkans - waiting for the show to
go on at Waco (for they had threatened to leave unless there was some
action) but then who owns these people = Clinton had and still has some
of these guys on payolla..

Maybe the kids are revolting at being taught sodomy in schools - maybe
they do not want to run with homosexuals  - maybe they look at their
heros and ignore the laws because is anybody doing anything about the
polluted blood Clinton sold where kids and adults are getting AIDS and
HIV from this poison - his theft and sodomy in office as a role model.

Nothing surprises me anymore - but the show put on in California was
just that to many -for its Show Time - only the faces I notice the most,
are the ones that come smiling throughthe first to talk on the TV to
know it all.wonder if anyone from a closet called CNN instead of
othe police this time.

But be assured the evil ones are always envious of the righteous man
-not necessarily a perfect man - but a plain righteous man - I still
remember the Snow White and 7 Dwarves labael they came to the democrats
one election - these 6 dwarves knew the m

Re: [CTRL] Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition

2001-03-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

My husband had the same procedure in 1999 AFTER a heart attack, not
before. Inserting a stent, a tube made of some hypoallergenic material
I forget what, into the artery to keep it open, is much less risky than
bypass surgery. It is done during catheterization. It also has a much
shorter recovery time. There is no large incision, and the ribs and
sternum are not broken like they are in bypass surgery.

As for the medications they won't disclose, this is a likely scenario:
An ACE inhibitor like captopril, a beta blocker like metoprolol, a
calcium-channel blocker like inderal -- those 3 control blood pressure;
a statin (Lipitor or Zocor) to control cholesterol; nitroglycerin for
chest pains; a blood thinner, either aspirin or warfarin, to prevent
clotting; possibly a diuretic like hydrochlorothiazide. No matter what
he does with his weight, no matter what the numbers say, he will be on
many of these medicines for the rest of his life. They don't seem to
affect memory or intelligence, but they can cause mood swings,
especially the metoprolol.


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[CTRL] Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition
There's nothing "precautionary" about Monday's procedure, says a leading
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper
March 6, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- President George W. Bush's reference to Vice
President Dick Cheney's heart catheterization as a "precautionary measure"
was not accurate, a leading cardiologist said Monday afternoon.
"No, you're not going to do [a heart catheterization] on a precautionary
basis," said Dr. Douglas Zipes, president-elect of the American College of
Cardiology. "You do it when you have information about the patient's chest
pain that makes you think that it might lead to a heart attack or an unstable
angina -- which is a precursor to a heart attack. The doctors then take the
patient to the cath lab to prevent a subsequent heart attack." The issue
involves the use of the word "precautionary"; no doctor, Zipes explained,
would use that term to describe an invasive surgical procedure employed to
help prevent a heart attack in a patient.
This is the second time since Nov. 22, when Cheney suffered a mild heart
attack, that Bush and his staff initially downplayed to reporters the
severity of Cheney's condition. On that day, then-Bush press secretary Karen
Hughes characterized Cheney's trip to the hospital as a "precaution" only.
Zipes, both a distinguished professor and chief of cardiology at Indiana
University School of Medicine, agreed with others who were critical at the
time of the Bush campaign's obfuscation of Cheney's November attack, his
"Obviously they're very concerned about what kind of spin they put on
things," Zipes said. "The important thing, of course, is that he is being
cared for by good doctors."
Cheney, 60, had his first heart attack when he was just 37. In 1988, Cheney
had quadruple bypass surgery. When Cheney was selected as Bush's vice
presidential nominee, the Bush campaign refused to disclose a list of all the
medications he was taking.
On Monday, the Bush spin operation was similarly unhelpful. The White House
put out a statement saying that the catheterization "is a non-emergency
precautionary procedure. An EKG obtained at the White House this afternoon
was unchanged from one obtained last Thursday."
"There's nothing that's very helpful in what they said," Zipes said, hungry
for more data and again taking issue with any description of a cardiac
catheterization as "precautionary."
"Nobody's got heart data," Zipes said. "So everything is speculative."
The seriousness of Monday's trip to the George Washington University Medical
Center is still unclear. But one hopes that the Bushies will be a little more
honest and forthright than they were last time. Zipes' respect for Cheney's
spin doctors does not quite equal his respect for his heart doctors. "I am
concerned that they weren't forthright about what was going on," he said.
What Cheney suffered on Nov. 22 would not have been considered a heart attack
a year prior, before the American Heart Association changed its
classifications. Still, Dr. Alan Wasserman, president of the George
Washington Medical Faculty Associates, assuredly knew what he was saying
when, right off the bat, he said that neither Cheney's "initial EKG nor his
blood work indicated that he had a heart attack." [Emphasis added.]
Of course, it was Cheney's subsequent EKG and blood work that indicated he
had had a heart attack, which Wasserman clearly knew at the time, since he
referred to the fact that "a second EKG showed minor changes" -- "minor
changes" as in a heart attack.
Bush, too, made this same deceptive assertion about Cheney's condition when
he said that "the initial EKG showed that he had no heart attack."
And, as always, despite the blatant disdain for the American people that Bush
and his misrepresentation -- and Wasserman and his misrepresentation -- would
indicate, the issue was dropped soon enough and media outrage was minimal.
None of this is completely new to the world of politics, of course. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt hid his polio from the world, and insisted that
photographers never show his crutches or wheelchair. President John F.
Kennedy's White House deceived almost everyone about his Addison's disease,
and it remains to be comprehensively disclosed as to when, exactly, President
Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's set in.
"If you look historically at these types of situations, the White House
always does damage control," Zipes said. "The glass is always half full
rather than half empty."