-Caveat Lector-

We know that the worship of the Ancient Gods [the Asutra] is a concept which
the farthest of far right have wholseale adopted - from born again celtic
christians to the old dragons themselves, from adolph hitler to - or so it
seems: Hillary Clinton and George W Bush - both recently photoed with the
thumbs up

FROM GRIMMS TEUTONIC MYTHOLOGY chapter 7 page 11   [1913]

Wuotan, Wodan (Ođinn) (Page 11) Even a part of the human body was named
after the god: the space between the thumb and the forefinger when stretched
out, which the Greeks name licaj , was called in the Netherlands
Woedensspanne, Woedenspanne, Woenslet. The thumb was sacred, and even
worshipped as thumbkin and Pollux = pollex; Wodan was the god of play, and
lucky men were said to have the game running on their thumb. We must await
further disclosures about the name, its purport, and the superstition lying
at the bottom of it (see Suppl.). I started with assuming that the worship
of this divinity was common to all the Teutonic races, and foreign to none,
just because we must recognise him as the most universal and the supreme
one. Wuotan

andrew hennessey

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