Dr J Mack & Bud Hopkins dialogue 2/2

Five Areas of Focus

Dr. Mack suggests five areas around which to focus our deepening
appreciation for this experience.

The first of these he calls the event level. By this he means that whatever
occurs is assuredly intrusive in nature and very real to experiencers, yet
so reality-shattering to everyone else as to be utterly unbelievable by its
very nature. The trauma is real, the event seems real, yet acceptance of it
as real has not yet begun to take root among the vast majority. Despite what
a large number of very credible and psychologically healthy individuals are
reporting, the reality of what is occurring has not yet become integrated
into our "current reality." Skepticism among the "compact majority" exist
primarily because no objective proof exits beyond the human experiential
reports of experiencers.

Secondly, Dr. Mack refers to the informational nature of what is being
reported to him by experiencers. Concerns about ecological damage to the
environment, mind to mind contact and hybrid breeding, represent the type of
information which is relayed by virtually all experiencers. It appears as if
the alien beings are relaying to, or putting experiencers in touch with
perceptions about the state of the world, altered forms of communication and
hybrid breeding, for reasons that we as yet do not understand.

Thirdly Dr. Mack alludes to the spirituality aspect of what these beings
impart to experiencers. Experiencers report that in some manner, the aliens
are introducing to them the need for humans to become more open to a sense
of a universal Oneness, the Source, or God.

The fourth component of Dr. Mack's outline describes the nature of the
beings themselves as they relate to experiencers. Mack has discovered that
as he works with abductees they seem to develop a closer, deeper and
powerful relationship with the beings. As a result of his work with
experiencers, Dr. Mack does not believe the aliens are either benign or
benevolent. Dr. Mack goes on to more fully explain these components in the
fifth segment of his outline.

Fifth, Dr. Mack discusses the societal and scientific resistance toward the
phenomenon which is clearly evident throughout society in general. General
resistance is generated whenever a shift in paradigms begins to influence or
alter a dominant world view. Ontology (ways of knowing or how knowledge is
organized within a society) is drastically shifted when attempts are made to
deal rationally with something like the alien abduction enigma. It does not
fit. Acceptance of it would necessarily require a drastic alteration of our
belief structures, both scientifically and socially, in order to fully
integrate the notion of alien influence into our current world view. The
abduction phenomenon crosses over and through the physical and spiritual. In
a strange way it seems to be both physical as well as spiritual. The
phenomenon appears to manifest itself in a physical way, but somehow
possesses attributes of the spiritual domain. In a like manner, it has
spiritual characteristics, yet it also possesses physical attributes.

Dr. Mack continues by talking about how we cannot expect to "master" this
phenomenon from within our current structures of knowledge. It all comes to
us from or through another reality into our own reality. Since the
illusion-like quality of abductions creates such discontinuity in our normal
realm of beliefs, the only way most people deal with it is to dismiss it
outright, as would be the case in any situation where discontinuity and the
lack of physical proof abound. Resistance also emanates from the fact that
we have no language with which to describe the subtleties of what seems to
be happening to experiencers, therefore, resistance is understandably
substantial. Dr. Mack explains that normal language like good-evil and
Gods-Devils cannot adequately describe what seems to be occurring.

Mack, it appears, remains convinced that the phenomenon is inviting us to
expand our notion of reality. We are somehow being challenged to develop
criteria which invites a different form of knowledge into our realm, thus
expanding our ways of knowing. Dr. Mack appears to believe that this will
never be proven outright and scientifically, but that these experiences will
gradually evolve to gradually expand our consciousness and ways of knowing.

The Nature of the Beings

Following each outline the moderator invites both speakers to sit with him
on the stage to begin an interchange or dialogue about key points of their
years of observations and work among experiencers. The moderator requests
more clarification on the nature of the beings and what they seem to bring
to our reality.

It is quite clear that Budd Hopkins has a defined mistrust of the aliens and
their motivations. He explains how he has witnessed immense trauma and how
the ensuing traumatic disorder has affected the lives of many of the people
with whom he has worked. He also made it clear that he is in no way
interested in the supposed agenda of whoever the alien beings are or portray
themselves to be.

Hopkins explains further that whatever their agenda is, it is decisively
deceptive and is not to be trusted. The moral issue of aliens influencing
the human spirit and our essence as human beings, can not be and should not
be part of the equation. Mr. Hopkins is forceful in his defense of the
uniqueness of the human spirit. Our human spirit in no way needs the
intervention of deceptive beings who seek to control, implant devices and
otherwise influence human beings along their evolutionary path. He reaffirms
several times, and remains adamant that beings such as these who cause such
trauma and who change their appearance at will in mid-stream can not be
trusted or allowed to intervene in this manner. We simply cannot trust what
they appear to be showing us.

Dr. Mack counters Budd Hopkins' response by indicating that in his work he
has witnessed the trauma and disorder, but that it appears to take the
experiencer "somewhere else" after the experiencer has had an opportunity to
deal with the fear and trauma. The trauma was, in his experience with
abductees, not continuous - something else of greater value evolves. In his
cross-cultural work with experiencers from different countries, he has seen
how non-western cultures have dealt with the on-going experience and allowed
it to evolve within themselves and their culture. The result seems to be a
greater understanding of the deeper meaning behind the abduction experience.

A Pyramid of Pain

Budd Hopkins describes a vivid image which characterizes how different
people integrate the abduction experience into their lives. Hopkins' point
here was that we are yet to discover how most of humanity has been touched
by this phenomenon and how they have integrated it into their lives. He
asked the audience to imagine a large pyramid. At the base of the pyramid
were the many thousands of people who have been traumatically touched by
abduction experiences. Receiving no assistance or support they have, in
their misery and inability to cope, turned to substance abuse, sexual or
physical abuse and even suicide. The next level in the pyramid are those
fewer who are touched by the phenomenon and who suffer in solitude, not
knowing what is occurring yet barely coping with day to day existence. Then
there is the next level; those who are getting help and coping with the many
unexplained anomalies in their lives. Then at the top of the pyramid, are
the very few survivors who have somehow integrated it into their lives.

Looking around the auditorium I sensed that many present there that night
identified emotionally with what Budd Hopkins was saying at that point.
There were several areas of total agreement that evening, and this was
definitely one of them.

Following more general dialogue which reviews their general positions, the
moderator opens the floor to questions from the audience to each speaker.
The questions range from the well informed inquiry, framed to sincerely
advance the level of discussion, to those which focuses on needless personal
narratives or attempts to pin down either speaker on validity of proof.
There were several good questions dealing with dream states and how they may
be influenced by alien beings. There were also several questions about
ufology, government cover-up and religious concerns.


After the proceedings ended and both speakers had left the stage, a peculiar
feeling lodged in my mind. "What comes next; where do we go from here?" Was
I any more informed? No, not really. I had read or heard each speaker before
and their positions had not drastically altered.

So why then, drive ten hours to Boston to hear things about the
possibilities of realities changing or expanding in new ways? I'd already
heard or read it all before. I toyed with the question that evening as I
drove back to my hotel amidst the insane Boston traffic.

I suppose the answer lay in a few puzzling areas. Could it be the simple
intrigue of imagining... What if things really were as these two renowned
researchers described? What if the reality we all count on from moment to
moment did or could change, or was in fact inter-changeable with other
realities? What would the meaning of reality be then?

It seemed to me much like watching a good classic movie, like Casablanca
over and over... expecting something different to happen. Each time I watch
Humphrey Bogart stand in the rain letting her go to board the plane; for an
instant... for just that one split second... Gretta doesn't board the plane,
but runs back to him in the rain, to stay... and yes reality is
changed...yet the sun will rise tomorrow.

Victor Viggiani B.A., M.Ed.

Mr. Viggiani has researched the abduction phenomenon for about 9 years. His
emphasis is support group work and individual assistance. His interest in
UFO research has taken him to Quebec, Maryland, Boston, Montreal, New
Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado. Specific geographic locations where
Mr. Viggiani has interviewed people and performed key research include
Roswell, Corona, Magdelana, Soccorro, Sun Spot, Area 51, Nellis AFB and
Dulce New Mexico. His research has been published in several journals and
newsletters. His major concerns are:

(1) Dealing openly and honestly with experiencers,

(2) Working toward total Governmental disclosure and open dialogue about the
ET presence and influence on our planet.

As an elementary school principal, Mr. Viggiani has direct involvement with
children. He has come to realize through vivid testimony, that some children
are involved in primary abduction experiences. He has become vitally
interested in how childhood abduction experiences are manifested and the
types of support and guidance that can be offered to these children and
their parents. Mr. Viggiani has been in contact with Dr. Mack on the issue
of abductions involving children and young adults. He hopes to release his
findings in the near future. If you have any information on childhood
abduction experiences or other anomalous experiences, Victor Viggiani can be
contacted by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr. Viggiani is part of a support group which is planning a symposium that
will focus on the subject of abductions. The symposium will be held in
Toronto in the Fall of 1998. He is fifty years old and was born and raised
in Toronto, Canada. He has two children and is also a "private pilot in

PEER: The Program for Extraordinary Experience Research, can be reached by
calling (617) 497-2667. If you would like to receive their helpful
information packet, please send a check for $5.00 and a self-addressed
stamped envelope to: PEER, P.O. Box 398080, Cambridge, MA, 02139.

IF: The Intruders Foundation can be reached online at http://www.if-aic.com
Budd Hopkins can be reached by writing to: IF, P.O. Box 30233, New York, NY,
10011; or by fax at (212) 352-1778.

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