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Role-Reversal for Drudge

Internet sleuth Matt Drudge is feeling what it's like to be on the other end
of an expose.

MSNBC correspondent Jeannette Walls purports to out Monica-gate scribe Drudge
in her new book about the business of gossip, "Dish."

Walls writes that back when he was his 20s and living in Washington, D.C.,
Drudge "hung out with a crowd of promiscuous, openly gay men and dated
several of them."

Walls writes that Drudge used to date a guy named David Cohen, who contends
that the future Web-slinger once got kicked out of bar for dousing everyone
with beer and that he "seemed very comfortable and open with his sexuality,
though they never talked about it."

Drudge, who broke the story of President Clinton's affair with Monica
Lewinsky, told us yesterday that he's now dating "a very elegant woman." He
wouldn't confirm or deny whether he used to date men.

"My youth, to me, is a blur," he said.

Also disputing Walls' account of his love life is Harold Evans, former Daily
News editorial director and husband of Talk magazine editor Tina Brown.

Evans has sent a letter to Walls' publisher, Avon Books, advising
editor-in-chief Jennifer Hershey that, contrary to Walls' book, "Tina did not
'stalk' me with passionate love letters. The implication is wrong and
malicious. We both wrote to each other over a long period when we were on
different continents."

Ticking off six errors, Evans also wrote that "Tina and I were not apart on
our so-called honeymoon."

Says Walls: "I stand by everything in the book."

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