Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia

1999-08-13 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Nicola Molloy wrote:

I got it from a Dutch person

And my Dutch relatives express a totally different I
suspect that the Netherland public does NOT present the unilateral
viewpoint you suggest, but just like any society, have proponents and

articles in the local paper over the years which I have saved. My Dutch
friend committed suicide a few years ago,

Which suggests your friend had a singularly pessimistic outlook on

she was only about 40 but just
had enough of life. Her mother didn't think it was a great idea. Which
age do you draw the line for - suicide at 40 or voluntary euthanasia at
50?  Not much difference really is there?

There is a world of difference between someone who is only depressed with
life taking their life (altho I believe anyone who is an adult has the
right to do so, but I would counsel them to seek counseling first to make
sure that is really what they want to do), and an adult who has an
incurable illness not wishing to prolong the inevitable.

One's age doesn't matter, as long as one is of sound mind and of legal

Death is part of lifethat's the bottomline fact, and you can't get
around it.  The only control one has -- or SHOULD have -- is whether one
shuffles off this mortal coil with a modicum of dignity, or is forced to
endure the torture of progressive debility and pain, draining the
financial, physical, and emotional resources of loved ones.

If a person WANTS to endure all that, fine...but they should have the
CHOICE to opt not to...

If I have a dog that is suffering from cancer, there comes a time when it
is felt that it is CRUEL to keep that animal alive, and that the best
thing for the pet, the KINDEST thing to do, is to put it to sleep...

And yet if _I_ am suffering from that same cancer, I am not given that
same option...seems strange that what is considered CRUEL to subject a
pet to, is considered the 'best' option for human beings...

And BTW, please remove all the irrelevant portions of old posts that
you're including in your wastes bandwidth.



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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia-

1999-08-13 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

You're right.  It could get out of hand.

As do abuses in nursing homes

mentally deficient.  There have to be controls.  Still, I recall my father's
last weeks, and I wouldn't put an animal through what he went through.

As I stated in my other post, for some reason we subject our loved ones
to something that we'd deem 'cruel' to subject our pets to...strange...

I remember a few days before my Dutch grandfather died, he'd gestured to
my mother (his daughter), because he was then incapable of speaking,
other than gasping a word or two -- he gestured for her to get his gun
and shoot him; needless to say, my mother didn't...but how much more
dignified for my dying grandfather if his doctor could have given him an
injection to 'put him to sleep' BEFORE my grandfather had gotten to the
point where he no longer wnated to take another breath...

You could see it in his eyes, that he thought continuing on this level of
existence was beyond his endurance, and more than he wanted to bear...or
subject his family to...

BTW, when my mother shook her head 'no' to her father's gesture, he
gathered enough strength to speak -- I think perhaps he thought she
hadn't understood -- and gasped his request, finishing with the word
'burden'...he wanted to die at that moment so that he wouldn't be a
burden (which he had often stated, when he was well, was something he
considered a fate worse than death)...

He died two days later, suffering not only physical pain but emotional I wish something could have been done way before then, to
make his passing less painful on BOTH levels for him...

My grandfather was more a father to me than my own father...I loved him
deeply, and my desire to 'hasten' his passing had nothing to do with
inheriting anything he left this day, I wish he was alive.
But BECAUSE I love him so dearly, I wish we could have given him the same
injection my mother gave a dog in the same condition, because it's
considered KIND to put a dog to sleep when it's suffering...

It is
only right that doctors be authorized to allow those for whom there is only
suffering to slip away quietly.

There HAS been a law in the Netherlands for years, which allowed those
who were suffering from terminal illnesses to sign a contract with their
doctors, authorizing the doctor to euthanize them at a certain point in
the futureit was always up to the patient and the doctor, never the
family members.

I think what the furor is currently about is an ALTERATION in that law,
which will now allow doctors to make that decision even if there hasn't
been a prior contract with the patient...

But voluntary euthanasia is NOT something new to the's been a
fact of life for over a decade...

June ;-)


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[CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia-

1999-08-12 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Tuesday August 10, 10:52 PM

Dutch to legalise euthanasia-even for 12-year-olds

By Karen Iley

AMSTERDAM, Aug 10 - The Netherlands plans to make history by legalising
mercy killings in a controversial government bill
that would also make children as young as 12 eligible for euthanasia.

The bill, delivered to the lower house on Monday, proposes immunity from
criminal prosecution for doctors provided they follow strict
guidelines when performing euthanasia.

The law would also apply to incurably ill young children, so long as the
parents agree. In exceptional circumstances, a doctor could perform
euthenasia even without parental consent.

"In the case of 12 to 15 year olds the consent of the parents or
guardian is required, but in the event of refusal... a minor's request
nevertheless be met if the doctor is convinced this would prevent
serious detriment to the patient," the Justice and Health (LSE: sUB44.L
news) ministries said.

The bill also recognises for the first time the validity of written
requests to die.

Both the Voluntary Euthanasia Society (NVVE) and the Royal Dutch Medical
Association (KNMG) welcomed the development, which
removes already liberal Dutch policy from a legal grey area.

"After more than 25 years of discussion there will be legislation for
death at one's own request. This is a significant step in the right
direction," the NVVE said.

Political opposition was expected from the main opposition Christian
Democrats and small Calvinist parties. But provided the three
government parties unite behind the bill, its passage through parliament
should be smooth.

The Dutch have tolerated mercy killings for years, but right-to-die
campaigners and doctors have long pressed for immunity from criminal
prosecution for doctors.

In 1997, a doctor was charged with murder after allegedly ignoring
euthanasia guidelines when he injected a patient with a fatal dose of

The KNMG said cases of terminally-ill children requesting death were few
and the vital dialogue and relationship between doctor, patient and
family would remain.

"The doctor will do his utmost to try to reach an agreement between
patient and parents," said Karin Hagelstein, KNMG spokeswoman. "If
there is no unanimous agreement, then it is the doctor's duty to fulfill
the wishes of the patient."

"Doctors find that children who have gone through such a long and tragic
illness are capable of making their own decisions. A child which
has entered the last terminal phase can be very clear about what he or
she wants. They've seen a lot, they're tired. If parents don't want to
cooperate it is the doctor's duty to respect the wishes of their
patient," she said.

In all cases, doctors must adhere strictly to guidelines.

The patient, who must be facing unbearable suffering, must make the
request on a voluntary, well-considered and sustained basis. Their must
be no reasonable alternative and the doctor must give advice on the
patient's situation and consequences.

The doctor must also consult at least one other independent physician
who also agrees with the due care requirements, and the euthanasia
must be performed with due medical care.

Regional committees, set up in 1997, will continue to review whether
these criteria have been met.

The NVVE, while welcoming the bill as a whole, criticised some of the
criteria as either too vague or too tough and said doctors therefore
remained vulnerable to prosecution.

The only previous attempt to legalise euthanasia was in September 1996
when Australia's Northern Territory approved medically-assisted
euthanasia only to see the law revoked in March 1997.

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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia-

1999-08-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/12/1999 3:28:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 AMSTERDAM, Aug 10 - The Netherlands plans to make history by legalising
 mercy killings in a controversial government bill
 that would also make children as young as 12 eligible for euthanasia.

 The bill, delivered to the lower house on Monday, proposes immunity from
 criminal prosecution for doctors provided they follow strict
 guidelines when performing euthanasia. 

At last people are to be allowed to die peacefully and with dignity.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia-

1999-08-12 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Prudy,

I have heard terrible stories about that being abused there though. Like
they have got carried away and that there are no old people's homes now.
I guess with the fight for space it is practical. Could get out of hand
don't you think?


"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 08/12/1999 3:28:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  AMSTERDAM, Aug 10 - The Netherlands plans to make history by legalising
  mercy killings in a controversial government bill
  that would also make children as young as 12 eligible for euthanasia.

  The bill, delivered to the lower house on Monday, proposes immunity from
  criminal prosecution for doctors provided they follow strict
  guidelines when performing euthanasia. 

 At last people are to be allowed to die peacefully and with dignity.  Prudy

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 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia

1999-08-12 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

On 13 Aug 99, at 12:36, Nicola Molloy wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 I have heard terrible stories about that being abused there though. Like
 they have got carried away and that there are no old people's homes now.

The old people who remain are also afraid of their doctors.  They
never know whether their loving family members may have them
involuntarily euthanised.


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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia

1999-08-12 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, K wrote:
On 13 Aug 99, at 12:36, Nicola Molloy wrote:

 I have heard terrible stories about that being abused there though. Like
 they have got carried away and that there are no old people's homes now.

The old people who remain are also afraid of their doctors.  They
never know whether their loving family members may have them
involuntarily euthanised.

I'd like to know where you both get your supposed 'information'...

None of my Dutch relatives feel the way you describe, and indeed always
have thought of voluntary euthanasia the civilized thing, and welcome
the chance to make that choice for themselves...and have never feared
that it would be forced upon them by others

I share their opinion, and would rather be 'put down' than spend out my
days in a nursing home...

June ;-)


So many things you want to see
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-- Bob Childs
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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia

1999-08-12 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Kathleen,

Maybe they would like the money left to them too. I wouldn't like to be
old there and I suppose the cost of the rest homes would eat away the
finance. The old person may feel guilty not leaving the rellies anything
and say I'll go now and you can benefit.  What a horrible dilemma to be
in, feeling guilty for being a burden too possibly.


 The old people who remain are also afraid of their doctors.  They
 never know whether their loving family members may have them
 involuntarily euthanised.


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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia

1999-08-12 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi June,

I got it from a Dutch person and there have been a few full pages
articles in the local paper over the years which I have saved. My Dutch
friend committed suicide a few years ago, she was only about 40 but just
had enough of life. Her mother didn't think it was a great idea. Which
age do you draw the line for - suicide at 40 or voluntary euthanasia at
50?  Not much difference really is there?


 I'd like to know where you both get your supposed 'information'...

 None of my Dutch relatives feel the way you describe, and indeed always
 have thought of voluntary euthanasia the civilized thing, and welcome
 the chance to make that choice for themselves...and have never feared
 that it would be forced upon them by others

 I share their opinion, and would rather be 'put down' than spend out my
 days in a nursing home...

 June ;-)


 So many things you want to see
 And as you ask I'll set you free
 But as you fly
 You'll touch the sky
 And touch the heart
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   Fly away.

 -- Bob Childs
 revcoal AT connix DOT com
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[CTRL] Info source (was Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia]

1999-08-12 Thread Kathleen

 -Caveat Lector-

Hope this doesn't turn out to be a duplicate.  My ISP has been a
little flaky recently - never know whether a message will go through
or not.

On 12 Aug 99, at 21:13, YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

I'd like to know where you both get your supposed 'information'...

I got mine from an article written by a Dutch physician.  It was
published sometime between 1988 and 1993 in one of the journals I
It has been some time since I read it so I don't recall any further
details.  If I find some spare time I will attempt to track it down for

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Re: [CTRL] Dutch to legalise euthanasia-

1999-08-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/12/1999 8:37:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I have heard terrible stories about that being abused there though. Like
 they have got carried away and that there are no old people's homes now.
 I guess with the fight for space it is practical. Could get out of hand
 don't you think? 

You're right.  It could get out of hand.  Mercy killing should not degenerate
into a Nazi-style practice to rid society of the old, the infirm and
mentally deficient.  There have to be controls.  Still, I recall my father's
last weeks, and I wouldn't put an animal through what he went through.  It is
only right that doctors be authorized to allow those for whom there is only
suffering to slip away quietly.  Life and death decisions should never be
made for what is practical for the state, family or whatever.

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