-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.navcen.uscg.mil/gps/geninfo/y2k/DOT0899.htm">Latest DOT
Press Release</A>
"End-of-Week" Rollover for GPS

August 11, 1999
Contact: Bill Mosley
Tel.: (202) 366-5571
DOT 123-99

Contact Your Receiver Manufacturer Before Aug. 19

Users of the Global Positioning System (GPS) should contact the
manufacturers of their receivers before Aug. 19 to determine if their
systems could malfunction beginning on that date due to conditions
related to "End-of-Week" (EOW) rollover.

What is GPS?

GPS is a satellite-based system that allows consumers who use electronic
receivers to determine their location and receive timing information.
Recreational boaters and pilots, hikers, campers, hunters, and fishermen
are among the consumers who rely on GPS receivers. The military and
businesses also use GPS.

End-of-the-Week Rollover

The GPS EOW rollover occurs every 1,024 weeks -- about once every 20
years. The GPS system calculates time by counting the number of weeks
since Jan. 6, 1980 -- up to a maximum of 1,024 weeks. At midnight
between Aug. 21-22, 1999 Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) (which is 8:00
p.m. Eastern Daylight Time) the GPS week "counter" will roll over to
zero weeks. The Department of Defense (DOD), which operates the GPS
satellites, says this will not create problems for the GPS satellites or
DOD's GPS ground control center, but it could present a problem for
consumers who use GPS receivers and related applications. That's because
after Aug. 21, 1999, receivers that are not built to standards could
process satellite data incorrectly and display inaccurate information.

Changes on Aug. 19

On Thursday, Aug. 19, at 10:00 p.m. UTC (which is 6:00 p.m. Eastern
Daylight Time), new information tables will begin to be uploaded to the
GPS satellites. These tables, known as almanacs, contain information
that allow GPS receivers to predict which satellites are in view at an
estimated location and time. These are used by the receiver to lock onto
the correct satellites and to continue proper operation as satellites
fall below the horizon and others rise into view. GPS receivers that are
not fully compliant with the current standards may experience GPS
receiver malfunctions when trying to use the new almanacs.

Possible Receiver Malfunctions

Consumers who depend on noncompliant GPS receivers for geographic
locations at sea, on land or in the air, may experience one of the
following problems with their receiver:
It will be unable to locate the satellites, resulting in the receiver
not working. It will take more time than usual to locate the satellites.
It will appear to be working but display inaccurate positions, times or
Is This Related to Y2K?

"Year 2000," or Y2K, is a similar but distinctly different problem. DOD
has determined that the GPS satellites and its ground control center
will operate properly after Dec. 31, 1999. But if consumer GPS receivers
and applications are not Y2K-ready, they could process satellite data
incorrectly at that time.

What Should You Do?

If you use GPS, check with your receiver manufacturer to find out if
your receiver and applications are EOW rollover- and Y2K-compliant. You
may want to check the Coast Guard Navigation Center's web site
www.navcen.uscg.mil/gps/geninfo/y2k/default.htm, where the Department of
Transportation has posted a list of receiver manufacturers and contacts.
You also can call the free Y2K consumer hotline (1-888-USA-4-Y2K) for
manufacturer contact information. You will need to tell the manufacturer
your receiver's model, serial number, and the firmware version or
release date displayed on the startup screen.

Dated Last Modified: 12 Aug 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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