[CTRL] Environmental war

2001-03-09 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-


Our political being is a fundamental cosmic right.  That right is
threatened when the very planet on which we incarnate and live
is in the process of being destroyed through Environmental War.

Take action now to save Our Home Planet Earth from the utter
loss of environmental war.

Already, every Member of the Canadian Parliament, and every
Political Party in Canada has been contacted to take action
against environmental war.

In the USA, you can find your Senator and Congressperson's contact email
and phone at many places on the Internet, including:



Take a moment and think about how you would approach the
Congress on this issue. Environmental war must be exposed to
public light and forever outlawed. Ask for hearings; ask for the
opportunity to brief your Congressperson and/or Senator.
Contact all Congress persons in your state, or in the nation.
Ask for a Congressional investigation of environmental war.

EcoNews can be available for telephone briefings of Congressional
staff, etc.  Just email us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I myself started by simply writing an email - you are free to look at
the letter I just emailed my college and law school classmate - Joe
Lieberman (below).

Hey - if we do not stop this madness, who will?

Yours in action ;-)

Alfred Webre
Editor, EcoNews
Vancouver, BC

From:   "EcoNews Service"
Date sent:  Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:12:21 -0800
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Priority:   normal

Hi! I am an undergraduate and Yale Law School classmate of
Sen.Joe Lieberman, have followed his career for many years,
and am proud that he is doing the public work that he is.
My law school room-mate was the late Sen. Paul Tsongas.
I was a Clinton-Gore delegate at the 1996 Texas Democratic

I would like to bring an issue re: Environmental War to his
attention. It concerns both the US and Canada, and is a
public issue here in Canada.

The following EcoNews article summarizes the issue.  We are
prepared to brief the Senator's staff on this issue.

We would appreciate a reply by email as to specific staff
members we can contact.

Thank you.

Alfred Webre, Yale 64, Yale Law School 67
Editor, EcoNews Service

ECONEWS  STORY:http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews12.html

Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental
EcoNews Service

VANCOUVER, BC - Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake of 28
February 2001 triggered - accidentally or on purpose - by new,
secret electromagnetic weapons?

The Vancouver-based author of EARTH CHANGES
(Universebooks.com), environmentalist Alfred Webre, believes the
deep, magnitude 6.8 earthquake may have been triggered by
electromagnetic (EM) events.  Other researchers, including
members of the ELFRAD Group, which monitors electromagnetic
(EM) events, note that HAARP, a U.S. electromagnetic (EM)
weapons system in Alaska, - or some other EM source piggy-
backing on HAARP's signal - may have inadvertently or
intentionally affected the earthquake.

In the mid-1990s, despite the strong opposition of Congressman
Ronald V. Dellums (Dem.-Calif.) the U.S. Congress narrowly
approved HAARP, in the face of studies showing HAARP's negative
environmental impacts.  The U.S. Navy assured Congress that
HAARP would not trigger climate change or seismic events like the
Seattle-Vancouver earthquake.  Now, if it can be established that
HAARP - or some other EM installation - had a role in causing this
earthquake, the U.S. domestic and international repercussions of
this finding could be profound.

In the aftermath of the Seattle-Vancouver quake, a Yakima valley,
Washington researcher, writing agreed with Webre's analysis that
earthquakes can be triggered by electromagnetic EM warfare. He
stated, "Like the weather and the oceans, the mantle beneath the
floating tectonic plates also involve convection cells, but in a plastic
medium that sets up wave patterns that may be modified by
superimposition of additional waves."

Electromagnetic (EM) weapons can possibly trigger cataclysmic
earth events. EM fields can superheat the ionosphere, devastating
magnetic bands around the earth, and in turn causing massive
disruption of the earth’s Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995
earthquake in Kobe, Japan may have been triggered by clandestine
deployment of EM weapons. EM strategic warfare includes
weather, climate and earth event warfare. Researchers have
reported the use of EM weapons in anti-population mind-control
operations over major cities.

Scientific observers and short wave radio operators now state that
unusual electromagnetic (EM) broadcasts preceded the Seattle-
Vancouver earthquake. One researcher who actually monitored the
EM broadcasts prior to the earthq

[CTRL] Environmental war: Plutonium Row Set to Rock Bush Debut with Europe

2001-01-22 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday January 21 10:42 AM ET
Plutonium Row Set to Rock Bush Debut with Europe

By Douglas Hamilton

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe's relationship with the George W. Bush (news -
web sites) administration could kick off with an angry row on Monday over
charges that the United States failed to warn allies of plutonium
contamination in munitions.

EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels to discuss a wave of public concern
about the alleged health risks of depleted uranium (DU) shells can expect to
hear complaints by Germany that Washington kept its European allies in the

Portugal and Spain were also unprepared when the United States finally
confirmed media reports and a Swiss laboratory finding that the ``low-risk''
material held minute traces of highly toxic plutonium and highly radioactive
uranium 236.

If other EU states which also belong to the 19-member NATO (news - web sites)
alliance feel they too were inadequately informed to deal with the furor over
DU, incoming Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's dealings with the allies
may have a frosty start.

``It should be the damned duty of a friendly nation to inform their
partner,'' German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping told journalists on a
weekend visit to Bosnia and Kosovo.

Plutonium Not Mentioned

NATO felt it was getting public ``hysteria'' over DU munitions under control
until the presence of plutonium was disclosed.

Top medical officers from all 19 armies met in Brussels last week to compare
data and announced a day later there was no ''Balkans syndrome'' and no
unseen health risk from DU.

The Pentagon (news - web sites) had twice sent U.S. Army medical experts to
NATO headquarters to help reassure the European media. But while they said DU
was even less radioactive than ubiquitous natural uranium, they never
mentioned plutonium.

On Thursday, Defense Department spokesman Kenneth Bacon said plutonium was
detected a year ago and a nuclear plant was shut for 90 days. ``As you know,
we discovered some stray elements... in depleted uranium...'' Bacon said.

``They consisted of plutonium, neptunium and americium. Now these are very,
very small amounts and as soon as they were discovered as indicating possibly
a flaw in the production process, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission suspended
the operation at this plant, which is in Paduhac, Kentucky.''

Despite a lack of evidence that DU has caused cancer among NATO peacekeepers
serving in the Balkans, public concern had already prompted calls by some
allies and by the European Parliament for a moratorium on the munitions.

Depleted uranium is prized as the best armor penetrator in anti-tank shells.
About 40,000 rounds were fired in Bosnia and Kosovo, all by U.S. ground
attack aircraft.

The U.S., Britain and France have dismissed demands that they give up a
military advantage on account of unfounded fears, and the Bush Administration
is unlikely to waver, although American anti-DU campaigners say it caused
Gulf war cancers.

Scientists say that inhaling one millionth of an ounce of plutonium can cause
a fatal cancer. That scares many people and frightens governments, as
reaction to the latest developments indicates.

Calls For Proof Of Safety

Scharping took scientists with him to the Balkans to make on-the-spot tests
for plutonium. Spain ordered its medical experts to investigate. Switzerland
said it would call for a total ban on DU ammunition at the United Nations
(news - web sites) this year.

A World Health Organization (news - web sites) team was set to scour DU blast
sites in Kosovo for traces of plutonium, and NATO member Portugal said the
alliance must quickly back up assertions that the plutonium levels posed no
health threat.

In a letter to NATO Secretary-General George Robertson, Prime Minister
Antonio Guterres called for a full explanation of where and why such
ammunition was used.

Washington can rightly claim that the presence of plutonium was not a secret,
if allied military attaches cared to read the newspapers or look at relevant
Internet sites.

``The Internet is not the way to share information between governments,''
said Scharping as criticism mounted at home over his alleged failure to
inform German voters of the facts.

In a bitter comment, he said that after summoning the U.S. charge d'affaires
last week, he had been told of nine incidents possibly involving DU munitions
at U.S. bases in Germany.

``That's not in order. We can't accept that,'' he said. ``I'm quite certain
that I would not have been informed of this had I not created such
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness & Universe
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Environmental war & weather modification

2000-04-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>How can we kick the entire global warfare state out of our reality,

>gone like slavery, or?

Slavery isn't gone. It's just changed form. Where once we had chattel
slavery we now have wage and debt slavery. In the Sudan we even still have
chattel slavery.

If you HAVE to work, you're a slave.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Environmental war & weather modification

2000-04-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

A.J. Craddock wrote:
> Let's get real about this,  environmental war & weather modification has
> been going on for the last 20-30 years at least.

The modification of public international order around the issue of weather
modification and environmental war goes even further than this.

The United Nations Treaty Against Environmental Modification
was brought into being in the 1970s precisely to prohibit and forestall
environmental war and weather modification.  Environmental
war and the type of weather modification that military powers
engage in are PROHIBITED BY THE UN TREATY and have been for 30 years!

Has that made a difference to a world military system that creates global
instability? The global warfare state exists in order to enslave gross world
product, human consciousness, capital wealth and production, and political
freedoms to their grey, monotonous, march toward auto-destruction of our
environment. The global warfare state, whose only products are instability,
war disease and poverty, exists to line to pockets of the 250 wealthiest
individuals, who own more than that bottom 2.5 billion human souls.

I have only one question:

How can we kick the entire global warfare state out of our reality, forever,
gone like slavery, or? Alfred

ps- The are some promising approaches, if not yet answers. Hmm, let's
see How about unleashing some creativity on deconstructing the global
warfare state?

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics &
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
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USA http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Environmental war & weather modification

2000-04-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

 This article on environmental war & weather modification is posted courtesy
of Dr. Bernard Eastlund. Many thanks, Alfred Webre
Alternative News Portal for
Ecology, Politics, Consciousness
Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister!
Starting now, lightning strikes - on demand.

By Tom Standage

If the US Air Force is to be believed, illegal drugs aren't going away
anytime soon. In fact, in the future they'll only cause more problems,
because the distributing cartels will have consolidated. They'll have wealth,
political power, and, instead of a few guys with submachine guns, entire

Picture, then, a South American cartel of the mid-2090's. It maintains
hundreds of fighter planes, thwarting attacks by launching a dozen Russian-
and Chinese-made aircraft for every one of ours. Our sole advantage comes
from a piece of military intelligence: Cartel pilots won't fly in harsh
weather. But this doesn't mean waiting around for the skies to turn - because
by then, thunderstorms will be made to order.

First we launch uninhabited aerospace vehicles (UAVs), which, through
advanced cloud-generation technology, disseminate cirrus clouds to block
enemy surveillance. Next we seed any one of the daily rain showers passing
through the region, intensifying it precisely over the target. Then we snuff
out our blinded enemy.

Over the course of the next century, the weather will be our most powerful
weapon. So says Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,
part of a 1996 Air Force-commissioned report forecasting the technology
required to maintain US air and space leadership into the next century.
"Current technologies that will mature over the next 30 years will offer
anyone who has the necessary resources the ability to modify weather
patterns, at least on the local scale," the study says. "Weather modification
can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. By 2025
it will be within the realm of possibility."

Sound like hyperbole? Ironically, three years after the report was issued,
that's what Air Force officials would have you think. "We have no plans to
try and modify the weather. It's just too much of a crapshoot in terms of the
complex dynamics and huge energy involved," says Brigadier General Fred P.
Lewis, the Air Force's director of weather. "How will you guarantee the
outcome? How will you create what you want yet avoid kicking off an
undesirable or even dangerous weather system?"

Made-to-order thunderstorms, says the military, "can provide battlespace
dominance to a degree never before imagined."

Whatever the truth about the military's attitude toward weather modification,
the private sector won't wait for Lewis to answer his own questions. One sign
of real-world progress has come in a rather ancient-sounding technology:
cloud seeding. Introduced in the 1940s, the tactic has made huge leaps of
late thanks to a new method known as hydroscopic seeding. In the early '90s,
South African researchers began using flares shot from planes to inject
water-attracting salts into clouds. In these and other tests, hydroscopic
seeding has shown evidence of increasing not only the amount of rainfall, but
also the duration and vertical concentration of individual storms.

The most extensive hydroscopic test to date, being conducted in Mexico by
scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder,
Colorado, has been running for three years. So far, 99 seeding missions have
shown rainfall increases of as much as 40 percent, according to head
researcher Brant Foote. Another 50 tests with the same results, Foote says,
and he'll consider the evidence conclusive.

While Foote and the military talk of weather enhancement, some of the most
important developments are coming in weather suppression. One factor pushing
those developments is the ever increasing density of Earth's population. Not
only does it amplify the need to move water to drought-afflicted areas, it
also intensifies the amount of damage natural disasters wreak.
Weather-related catastrophes caused $92 billion in damage worldwide during
1998 and displaced more than 300 million people from their homes, according
to the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, DC. Top priority: Mother Nature's
ultimate terror, the hurricane.

Hurricanes are fueled by the evaporation of warm ocean water. One way to kill
a storm would be to cool the ocean. Given the huge energy investment of, say,
towing icebergs, however, researchers have made little progress in this
regard. Pushing a hurricane toward land would also kill the storm by
eliminating its energy source - but also threaten people and property. That's
not an option, of course. But can we make a hurricane think it's over land?

A team of MIT scientists believes so. Led by professor Kerry Emanuel, the
scientists are hoping that by applying a chemical coat one molecule thick to
the ocean's surface, they can retard the natural heat-transfer p