> Evidence shows cannibalism by ancient Indians
> By JOSEPH B. VERRENGIA, Associated Press
> (September 6, 2000 2:20 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com
><http://www.nandotimes.com> ) - Piles of human bones burned and boiled,
>smashed and scraped. Cooking pots smeared with blood. A few years ago,
>anthropologists in the American Southwest found the grisly remains of what
>appeared to be an ancient cannibal feast, but they lacked the biological
>proof - until now.
> Laboratory tests on some of the artifacts, including a piece of
>human excrement, have revealed traces of a human protein that scientists
>is the first direct evidence of cannibalism among the Anasazi, whose empire
>stretched into present-day Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.
> "This proves they put the meat in their mouths," said Richard
>Marlar, a molecular biologist at the University of Colorado Health Sciences
>Center in Denver who developed the biochemical tests to detect the protein.
>"If you didn't eat human beings, this protein would not show up."
> The excavation site, consisting of three collapsed pit dwellings
>nicknamed Cowboy Wash near Dolores, Colo., was occupied about 1150 A.D. It
>was abandoned after seven people were butchered there.
> The findings were published in Thursday's issue of the journal
> ------------------------------------
> Note how the cannibals are not called Amerindians or Native Indians
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