Re: [CTRL] Experimental Ufology: A New Trail to Blaze

2000-02-07 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-


its great to hear an interest in scientific measurement and testing etc
but analysis of some crop circles already demonstrate non-random and
incredibly sophisticated mathematics.

several theories.

1. branded in the straw by EMF Zap satellites by the human military -
coz if they were put there by 'gods' why all the dead microwaved flies
lying about in the grass  surely any god would not harm a fly ??

2. zapped into the straw by ETs - scary maths and incredible power
in the corn just above the heads of the english underground city/base
- it isn't funny if you were a colonel wondering what might happen if the
same ets wanted to make a crop circle out of the life support and strategic
wiring in these bases.

3. a bit of both -

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[CTRL] Experimental Ufology: A New Trail to Blaze

2000-02-06 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-">
 -Cui Bono?-

#5. Experimental Ufology: A New Trail to Blazeby Andrea Pérez Simondinj

(Excert taken from: INEXPLICATA   © 1999 by Scott
Corrales Editor [EMAIL PROTECTED] , Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Numerous theories have been promoted throughout the world by the most famous
researchers in their efforts to find a conclusive answer to the "UFO
phenomenon". Essays are seldom accompanied of investigative research that
substantiates these theories, and it is for this very reason that UFO
investigators are castigated almost daily by members of the scientific

A group of Argentinean ufologists have begun pursuing a different path,
believing that they have an "important ceiling" as a result of the absence of
technological and financial resources, but basically due to the lack of
knowledge that they must face in every investigation.

Science has the elements and knowledge necessary to generate the conditions
that bring us close to an answer, if not to find conclusive answers about the
nature of the UFO phenomenon. Belief that the phenomenon is real and does
exist, in the words of nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, led a scientific
commission in December 1997 to conclude that there was a indeed a possibility
of studying the phenomenon and moreover, that commissions of the world's air
forces were concerned about finding an explanation to this enigma. Mind you,
at no time are we discussing extraterrestrials, infraterrestrials, or
dimensional phenomena. We are talking about reality.

Argentinean researcher Silvia Pérez Simondini is working earnestly on
technology integration based on experimental ufology. Silvia has designed
equipment able to detect field variations (magnetic, thermal, frequencies,
etc.) in order to produce a topographic survey in one of the areas with the
highest concentration of UFO sightings in the Republic of Argentina:
Victoria, province of Entre Rios. The parameters obtained are analyzed in
detail to create a series of statistics which will ultimately enable us to
make the first conclusions in these fields.

This project was first implemented in the city of Victoria on the 12th and
13th of March, 1999. A number of researchers took part in this symposium:
Pablo Warncroukt, Carlos Iurchuk, the Visión OVNI Group, Nestor Gaioli, Pablo
Pouchet, Christian Pérez Simondini, Raul Benítez and Andrea Pérez Simondini.
Given that this was the initial test, many aspects must still be perfected,
since the basic measurements were not taken into consideration.

It is worth noting that on the night of March 12, the experiment undertaken
on the summit of Cerro La Matanza twice recorded significant alterations of
the magnetic field. On the 13th, experiments took place in a field near
Victoria which brought about constant activations of the equipment.

There is still much to be done. It is imperative to incorporate new equipment
that will establish measurements from other fields so that as this research
is being undertaken, we may annotate the normal conditions of the terrain and
the sites where they are made. These studies shall continue to take place,
and surely followers of the El Dragón Invisible website
(   will find out with due notice in order to
take part in them.

It is also worth noting that we have manage to gain the support of the Paraná
Air Base in the form of technical assistance (radar readings) and computer
services. This enables us to quickly determine the nature of heavenly objects
and artifacts of a terrestrial provenance. We have also enlisted the services
of Prof. Massimo Teodorani, who places his skills at the disposal of this
humble research team.

I will take advantage of this opportunity to encourage all specialists and
technicians who may provide data, information and suggestions regarding this
research work to please contact us at the address which appears at the foot
of this page.

Information on Iridium Satellites

Over the past five years, the development of satellite technology has
unleashed a significant communications war, not only based on the financial
investment involved, but the technological developments involved in providing
better service to the consumer.

The ideal cellular phone is the one that seeks to keep a customer in touch in
and with any part of the world, and without any interference or
interruptions. This seemed like a pipe dream up until only a few years ago,
but it is part of today's reality. Even if the system does not operate as
advertised, it nonetheless exists and has produced improvements in satellite
technology. This is what I would like to elaborate upon. UFO researchers now
find ourselves faced with a new type of satellite --Iridium--which moves
through space with completely different characteristics.

During the month of January [1999] there were sightings in the communities of