2000-12-04 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/00 10:14:16 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> "I have letters, and I have no doubt there is a Gore connection,"
>  said Miss Jordan. "I feel it is offensive to think that we would
>  change our minds. This is not about mind changing, this is not a
>  game."

  Yeah, like the Bush people wouldn't set this up.

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2000-12-04 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

December 4, 2000
Ugly tactics put stress on electors

By Steve Miller

 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Carole Jean Jordan, one of 25
Republican Florida presidential electors, got an e-mail so disturbing
she turned it over to Vero Beach police as evidence.
  "It was ugly, threatening," Miss Jordan said. "It was telling me I
would be sorry for this."
 The Florida election battlefield is spreading into the homes of
these Republicans, who are pledged to make official the
presidential election of George W. Bush when the Electoral College
meets Dec. 18.
 Three defections among Republican electors could hand
Democrat Al Gore the presidency. No wonder these hand-picked
party faithful are being beckoned by the other side. Most of the
Bush electors attribute the effort to organized Democrats.
 They have been barraged with letters and phone calls, some
demanding, others more restrained.
 "I have letters, and I have no doubt there is a Gore connection,"
said Miss Jordan. "I feel it is offensive to think that we would
change our minds. This is not about mind changing, this is not a
 Most of Florida's electors are aware that Bob Beckel, who
managed Democrat Walter Mondale's presidential campaign in
1984, has publicly boasted, "I'm trying to kidnap these electors in
states that [Mr. Bush] won that are not legally bound to him that
have a right to vote how they want to."
 Mr. Beckel, who did not return calls from The Washington
Times, has also said that the Gore campaign would be notified if he
contacted any electors.
 The Gore camp has denied any involvement with contacting
Bush electors and points out that Mr. Gore has said he would not
accept their votes.
 Marsha Nippert spat out Mr. Beckel's name like that of an
avowed enemy. The Florida elector endured a vicious election
season as campaign manager for Mr. Bush in Sarasota County,
south of Tampa.
 "I get them all — faxes, phone calls, letters," said Mrs. Nippert,
who said she came home on election night to find her phone lines
cut. "The idea that, as they say, I'm not being patriotic because I'm
not willing to switch — well, I find that very offensive."
 Each state is entitled to a number of electors equal to the
number of members of Congress and senators from the state.
These electors are nominated by the party and take an oath to vote
for the candidate on whose behalf they are nominated.
 It is not clear whether there is any state penalty for turncoat
electors, although those being contacted are told that Florida is a
state with no penalty for such switches.
 No elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as
pledged, which could mean that the only consequence would be a
guilty conscience.
 Democrats must think Bush elector Berta Moralejo is a
potential swing vote. Her phone rings incessantly, she said — up
to 25 calls on some days. Letters beseeching her to consider Mr.
Gore started pouring in a little over two weeks ago.
 "They always try to tell me that they aren't for either candidate
and then tell me that I should vote for the other party," said Miss
Moralejo, a Tampa resident.
 "They don't talk about anything substantial. They say that they
are independent, but they all want me to vote for Al Gore. There's
no way," says Miss Moralejo, a staunch Republican who fled
communist Cuba in 1962 and who worked on Gov. Jeb Bush's 1998
 Florida electors are chosen by the state committee of the
political party. Some, such as Florida House Speaker Tom
Feeney, are elected officials. Others are party faithful who have
worked on campaigns over the years. Nineteen of Florida's 25 Bush
electors gave a combined total of $250,000 to Mr. Bush's campaign.
 The names, addresses and phone numbers of the Florida
electors —and those from several other states — were posted on
the Internet, drawing attention to what one elector called "a very
fleeting 15 minutes" of fame.
 But Charles Kane, a retired attorney in Stuart, said the publicity
has also resulted in a number of unwanted encounters.
 "I received a letter urging me to vote 'with the majority of
Americans,' " Mr. Kane said. "I've also gotten four or five phone
calls urging me to change my vote. I don't think I've received any
calls from the Gore people, at least none that I can identify."
 One of those who sent letters to the electors is Padgett
Coventry Price, a California lawyer who was disbarred for failing to
reveal to clients her conviction and prison sentence for income tax
evasion in 1998.
 Mrs. Price denied any party connection.
 "I sent them letters," she said yesterday. "But I have not talked
to the party, nor have I spoken to the Gore people."
 Mr. Beckel recently denied ever contacting any electors,
despite Republican accusations.
 In a recent e-mail, Republican National Committee Chairman
Jim Nich