Re: [CTRL] FOX: O'REILLY: Was Osama Bin Laden Involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing?

2001-03-22 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

> -Caveat Lector-
> March 20, 2001, Tuesday
> Transcript # 032002cb.256
> HEADLINE: Was Osama Bin Laden Involved in the
> Oklahoma City  Bombing?

And what we discovered, an intelligence
> source at one of  the highest levels in the federal
government later confirmed, was
> a Middle Eastern terrorist cell living and operating
> in the heart of Oklahoma City just a few miles from
the Alfred P. Murrah Building. And through the course
of our investigation, we located
> several witnesses that we deemed very credible at
> the station and they testified and told us that they
identified an Iraqi  national, a former member of
Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard
> through his own admission later, as being in the
> company with Timothy McVeigh the day of the bombing,
prior to the  bombing in Oklahoma City.

Nakano Comments:
Tim McVeigh was recruited into a secret undercover
operation by a "black-ops" agency of the U.S.
government while he was still on active duty
in the Army.  McVeigh wanted to be in the Army
Special Forces.  He volunteered and reported for
a "try out".  It was reported that he failed the
try out and that his application was rejected.
It is probable, that McVeigh didn't fail, but was
recruited into the black-ops agency. He was
hand-picked for a special assignment, because the
BATF had a "look-alike" agent who was a dead ringer
for McVeigh. This facilitated certain parts of
the plan.  It was the McVeigh double who was
actually arrested north of Oklahoma City after
the blast at the Murrah Federal Building.
McVeigh's mission was to leave the Army and appear to
return to civilian life. In reality, his assigned
mission was to make contact with a group of
former Iraqi soldiers (Republican Guards) who had
been given asylum in the U.S. by Bill Clinton.
McVeigh infiltrated the group (terrorist cell) which
had settled in Oklahoma City. He reported on this
group's plans and movements.

Yes...McVeigh was "in it up to his eyeballs".
He thought he was carrying out an important
undercover mission for his country.
What he didn't understand, was that he was
the "fall guy" in case the government "sting"
operation went sour. (Perhaps it was intended
to fail all along).

It is highly probable that McVeigh is a victim
of "mind control" such as the type that was
developed by the CIA's MKULTRA and similar
secret programs.  Throughout all of his trial,
and since McVeigh exhibited the telltale
characteristics. The strange robotic detachment and
lack of any remorse or emotion. The lack of any effort
to defend himself.  The insistence on waiving all
procedures of appeal.  He probably still does not
comprehend that his country used him...
then abandoned him
and now it is going to kill him.


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[CTRL] FOX: O'REILLY: Was Osama Bin Laden Involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing?

2001-03-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

March 20, 2001, Tuesday
Transcript # 032002cb.256

HEADLINE: Was Osama Bin Laden Involved in the Oklahoma City


O'REILLY: Tonight, shocking testimony at the pretrial hearing of
Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols, who has been convicted in a
federal court and now is facing state proceedings.

Investigative reporter Jayna Davis, who worked for the NBC
affiliate in Oklahoma City, uncovered evidence that Nichols had
ties to the terrorist Osama bin Laden before the bombing that
killed 168 people. Timothy McVeigh has also been convicted in the
case and will be put to death on May 16th. And Ms. Davis says
there were other people involved beside him and Nichols. But when
she took her information to the FBI, she says, well, here's what
she told me.


O'REILLY: Jayna, it seems the Department of Justice all along
wanted to make the Oklahoma City bombing and investigation simply
a domestic terrorist incident. But your information is different.
Tell us about it.

spring of 1995, I was working for the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma
City and I was assigned to look into people responsible for the
bombing. And what we discovered, an intelligence source at one of
the highest levels in the federal government later confirmed, was
a Middle Eastern terrorist cell living and operating in the heart
of Oklahoma City just a few miles from the Alfred P. Murrah
Building. And through the course of our investigation, we located
several witnesses that we deemed very credible at the station and
they testified and told us that they identified an Iraqi
national, a former member of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard
through his own admission later, as being in the company with
Timothy McVeigh the day of the bombing, prior to the bombing in
Oklahoma City, in the Ryder truck, in the passenger seat of the
Ryder truck, stepping out of the truck in front of the Murrah
Building just moments before the blast and speeding away from
downtown in a brown Chevrolet pickup that was identified by the
FBI as a possible getaway vehicle and an official all points
bulletin that was identified the day of the bombing.

O'REILLY: All right, let me stop you then. But the Justice
Department has never caught anybody there, never brought anybody
in or told the press that there was this man, correct?

DAVIS: Yes, that is correct. From what has been publicly stated,
they said that they did not believe that there was a foreign
connection to the bombing.

O'REILLY: Right, now, you do believe there is?

DAVIS: Yes, I do.

O'REILLY: Do you have any other evidence?

DAVIS: Yes. We have 24 sworn witness affidavits that ties seven
to eight Arab men to various stages of the bombing plot from the
beginning all the way to the day in which the plot was executed.
I have several police records, court records, public court
documents that I've amassed, hundreds of documents. I've spoken
to law enforcement officials. I've spoken to intelligence
experts, terrorism experts, all who confirm various aspects, the
most crucial aspects of the witness testimonies.

O'REILLY: Who is behind, then, the bombing, in your opinion? Not
McVeigh and Nichols?

DAVIS: Yes. The evidence that we have gathered definitely
incriminates McVeigh and Nichols. Let me make that clear. They
were in it up to their eyeballs, according to the evidence we
were able to look into. However, it really is a foreign
conspiracy masterminded and funded by Osama bin Laden, according
to my intelligence sources.

O'REILLY: Do you have any other information other than, you know,
anonymous sources to back up that bin Laden was behind McVeigh
and Nichols doing this?

DAVIS: I have what has been published on the court record the
writ of mandamus that was filed just prior to McVeigh's trial by
his defense team, that a witness in the Philippines, a member of
Abu Sayyef (ph), a terrorist group that has been identified as
being funded by Osama bin Laden, identified Terry Nichols in the
presence of Ramzi Yousef, the convicted mastermind of the World
Trade Center bombing, and several of his coconspirators in that
bombing, and that they were discussing bombing activities prior
to the Oklahoma City bombing. That is on the court record.

O'REILLY: Do we know that Terry Nichols was, indeed, in the

DAVIS: Yes, he was. He had a mail-order bride. And I did an
undercover hidden camera interview with his ex-wife, Lana Padia
(ph), in which she admitted to me ver openly that she felt as if
his travels to and from the Philippines, his cover story was
having a mail-order bride. But he would go down there by himself
on many occasions without his bride.

O'REILLY: So now let me recap. You found out that there was a
Republican Guard from Iraq accompanying Nichols and McVeigh on
the day of the bombing. You