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Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 3:50 AM
Subject: "Most Dangerous Woman" --- Hilda Clark

PRESS RELEASE -  "Most Dangerous Woman"  feted in Toronto

 > >Contact - Tim & Jan Bolen - JuriMed - (949) 728-0838,
 > >
 > >“Most Dangerous Woman in America” feted in Toronto...
 > >Opinion by Tim Bolen
 > >
 > >Chemotherapy and radiation industry CEOs can’t sleep at night worrying
about the research of Doctor Hulda
 > >Regher Clark, Phd, N.D..  North American Oncologists
 > >hesitate to buy that new yacht.  Cancer hospital
 > >administrators are counting the number of cars in the
 > >parking lot, and wondering if they’re going to be able
 > >to make the lease payments on the Mercedes, next
 > >month... Their so-called “conventional medicine” has
 > >lost the War on Cancer, and the American public is
 > >turning away from them in droves.  That public is
 > >going where they get results, and they don’t give a
 > >damn about industry protective “scientific study”
 > >procedures, that take eleven years to get a new
 > >protocol through the pharmaceutical industry
 > >controlled U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
 > >
 > >Frankly, It’s over for the conventional, and blatantly
 > >ineffectual, mega-billion dollar, 55 year old cancer
 > >industry - and industry critics say that one of the
 > >big reasons is 71 year old medical researcher Hulda
 > >Clark, the author of four blockbuster books, The “Cure
 > >For All Cancers,” The Cure For HIV/AIDS,” The Cure For
 > >All Diseases,” and “The Cure For Advanced Cancer.”
 > >
 > >Hulda Clark, “The Most Dangerous Woman in America - to
 > >the medical establishment,” is the featured speaker at
 > > “Total Health 2000" at the Metro Toronto Convention
 > >Centre, North Building Upper Level, Saturday and
 > >Sunday, March 18th, and 19th, 2000.  Clark’s speech
 > >will begin at 3:00pm on Saturday.   She will conduct a
 > >seminar on Sunday.  Forty-one other top North American
 > >health humanitarians join her there.
 > >
 > >Don’t miss this event.
 > >
 > >Clark’s basic theories embrace the simple common sense
 > >idea that the human body heals itself if it is kept in
 > >good condition.  She believes, and proves in her
 > >books, that virtually all diseases rampant in our
 > >society today can be beaten one-on-one, and prevented,
 > >by removing viruses, bacteria, toxins and parasites
 > >from our bodies - and keeping them out.  Thousands of
 > >supporters, and success stories, world-wide, bear out
 > >her theories.
 > >
 > >Clark has been a researcher for over fifty years, most
 > >in the United States University system.  She retired
 > >seven years ago from the University of Indiana, and
 > >began her own research projects.   She now operates a
 > >research facility in Tijuana, Mexico directly across
 > >the border from San Diego, CA.  Her books are best
 > >sellers in the health world - in the top 3% of books
 > >sold on amazon.com.
 > >
 > >Clark’s  worldwide popularity  accelerated since she
 > >was arrested September 20, 1999 in San Diego, CA by
 > >the FBI on a fugitive warrant from Brown County,
 > >Indiana.  The arrest has become an amusing scandal in
 > >Indiana after it was discovered that the prosecutor,
 > >James Oliver, who issued the 1999 warrant, had
 > >recently married the woman who investigated the case
 > >seven years earlier, - and had failed to get earlier
 > >elected prosecutors to pursue Clark.  Oliver has since
 > >been removed from the case - and the judge has
 > >resigned.  The investigator, Amy Hoffman Oliver, has
 > >not yet been disciplined.
 > >
 > >A dubious self-proclaimed consumer organization,
 > >billing itself as The National Council Against Health
 > >Fraud (NCAHF), and egotistically nick-naming  itself
 > >“The Quackbusters,” is believed to have a major
 > >influence in the harassment of health humanitarian
 > >Clark, and others.  The NCAHF, current operation seems
 > >to be run by one Stephan Barrett, a de-licensed M.D.,
 > >out of his basement in Allentown, PA. The
 > >“quackbusters” have long positioned itself as an
 > >authority, without substantiation, on “health fraud.”
 > >They are known to accuse, virtually, every well known
 > >non-drug leading-edge health practitioner in America,
 > >including two-time Nobel prize winning Linus Pauling,
 > >of “quackery.”
 > >
 > >Although leading-edge health professionals scoff at
 > >the opinions of the NCAHF, Barrett, and his minions,
 > >falsely give the impression to law-enforcement
 > >agencies that they have some standing in the medical
 > >community.  They neglect to mention, for instance,
 > >that they, as an organization, were evicted from Loma
 > >Linda University in California, and ordered to no
 > >longer use Loma Linda’s name connected with their
 > >bizarre operation.   Critics, who helped get the NCAHF
 > >removed from the campus, say that the quackbusters
 > >used the address to give themselves an unwarranted
 > >academic credibility.
 > >
 > >The NCAHF, and its companion organizations, are
 > >exposed in Doctor James Carter, MD, Dr Ph,’s
 > >exciting, well-written, and informative book,
 > >“Racketeering in Medicine.”  The only thing Carter
 > >didn’t tell us is “who’s funding these people?”
 > >Personally, I think its going to take a series of
 > >search warrants, and a grand jury investigation to
 > >find out.
 > >
 > >If you can’t catch Hulda Clark in Toronto, don’t fret.
 > > Her Team1 coordinators are booking her everywhere in
 > >North America.  They, as well as Clark, are determined
 > >that the woman who has found a cure for cancer, not be
 > >blocked, and that North America goes into the new
 > >millenium without cancer...
 > >
 > >Clark Team1 is also looking for other cases where the
 > >NCAHF,  its minions and fellow travelers, may have
 > >attacked, or discouraged other non-drug protocols -
 > >particularly where it can be shown that the NCAHF’s
 > >activities caused the suffering and deaths of
 > >Americans.

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