[CTRL] FW: New Steamshovel Press

2000-03-06 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:15 PM
FW: New Steamshovel

Steamshovel Press Electronic Newsletter, March 2000


   Media, Manipulation and the Cult of Consumerism
   An Interview with media critic/author Douglas Rushkoff

   Divide & Conquer: The Jesuit Way
   A Book Review of Rulers of Evil by Tupper Saussy

   "Boiler Room" -- Reach Out & Scam Someone

   "Execute Me. Please."
   An Open Letter from Wayne Henderson

   Mass Control Redux
   by Katherine Sullivan

Steamshovel Press.
All Conspiracy. No Theory.

   Below find two responses to media reports about Richard Metzger's Disinfo
Convention in New York City on February 19 (see http://www.disinfo.com),
where Steamshovel's Kenn Thomas moderated a panel that included Greg Bishop,
Rob Sterling, Jonathan Vankin and ALiens In America author Jodi Dean.

To New York Times:

Dear Editor,

   Jon Pareles misquoted me in his report on the Disinfo convention recently
held in New York. "Weird and Fun, Anything Goes When It's Cyberpalooza, 2/21
edition of the New York Times.) I moderated a panel on conspiracy theories
at the event and Mr. Pareles has me saying "The idea that there's an
absolute answer to anything is patently wrong." I actually said
"everything", not "anything", an important distinction considering how flaky
the newspapers often like to make conspiracy theorists look. In fact, I was
quoting Jonathan Vankin, author of The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
and a member of the panel. Mr. Vankin had made the point previously on a TV
news program, that absolute proof is not even a legal standard. The courts
only require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It is precisely this
acceptance of uncertainty that fuels conspiracy "theories" and leads to
important discoveries and new facts. Pareles' misquote drops the discussion
into a cauldron of relativity that I did not intend.

Kenn Thomas
Steamshovel Press

To Suck (Wired Magazine)

Dear Editor:

   What a petulant little article on the recent Disinfo Con in NYC!  ("White
Men in Hammerstein Ballroom," Suck, 2/28/00
Not enough women and blacks?!? Do observations come more phony and facile?
Richard Metzger had a lot of weird shit happening at Disnfo Con but least it
got beyond idea number two. That's more than can be said about the writer of
this article, who apparently was looking for the Democratic convention or
something similar to hold hands, sing "Kumbaya" and hope for a better
America. Kudos to Metzger for defying the false dialogue of the PC
psuedo-left and presenting some straightforward chaos.

Kenn Thomas
Steamshovel Press
POB 23715
St. Louis, MO 63121

The Steamshovel books will be available at the table belonging to The Book
Tree at the Internationl UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, March 5-11. Book
Tree published the Cyberculture Counterconspiracy volumes, so look for those
in abundance. Contact http://www.ufocongress.com for more information.

Kenn Thomas will appear at the Fortean Times UnConvention in London,
April 29-30. Contact http://www.forteantimes.com for more information.
lectures on Maury Island and the Forteans also promise to have a flea circus
at the event.

   YES, the new hard-copy Steamshovel is out now! Just in time, too. One
anxious subscriber contacted the Attorney General's office to complain about
the lateness of its arrival. It's the "Table Tapping" issue, with previously
unpublished interviews with Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary and William S.
Burroughs, plus Acharya S on Rajneesh and much else. Available at bookstores
and magazine stands around the country, or for $6 from Steamshovel, POB
23715, St. Louis, MO 63121. Subscriptions: 4 issues, $23.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its ma

[CTRL] Fw: New Steamshovel Press Newsletter

2000-02-06 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi all,

If any documentary makers are interested in making a video about Jim Keith,
please can you contact Chris Everard at Enigma TV. Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: uri dowbenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 7 February 2000 10:11
Subject: New Steamshovel Press Newsletter

Steamshovel Press Electronic NewsletterFebruary 2k

* Steamshovel Press editor Kenn Thomas' new book, Maury Island UFO: The
Conspiracy, just won one of the Anomalist Book Awards for 1999.
   Big smack on the lips to Patrick Huyghe, who decides these things at
   Even if his glowing assessment of the book as "weird", does not incline
you to purchase, click on through to the amazon.com page about the book
   There you will find more favorable assessment from Gary Leslie, a
long time ufologist who at one time corresponed with main character examined
by the book, Fred Crisman.

   * The new issue of Steamshovel Press is at the printer! $6 for
Press #17, the Table Tapping Into The New Millennium issue. It features
before published interviews with William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg and
Timothy Leary, plus Tom Christopher on Neal Cassady and Adam Gorightly
dissecting Jack Kerouac's only science fiction story.

Other articles include Acharya S on Rajneesh; an examination of
conspiracy in the comic book industry; more mysterious adventures of Dan
Griffith; Wayne Henderson's
stunning and speculative tribute to Jim Keith; letters from X. Sharks DeSPot
and G. J. Krupey--and a lot more! POB 23715, St. Louis, MO 63121. (Checks
payable to "Kenn Thomas"; sorry, no credit cards. Four issue subscription:

   * Jim Martin's long awaited book, Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, has
finally arrived. A more comprehensive and relevant look at Reich, not to
mention the whole sad social fabric of 1950s America he toiled in, has not
been written. Steamshovel editor Thomas, who contributed some research,
still maintains that this book reports upon the smoking gun document that
proves the existence of the infamous secret UFO group MJ-12. That's almost
only a footnote, however, to this detailed study of Reich's world of spy
intrigue, incestuous familial relations, world power politics, law gone
wrong and science gone bad. For more info, go to

   In the letters section of the January 13 issue of USA Today, Chicago
resident Kate Phair argues eloquently that "the First Amendment has not been
violated, as freedom of speech is still alive, in theory. However, the
information we receive is controlled and manipulated so much that our
opinions are biased and unoriginal." Ms. Phair was referring to the AOL/Time
Warner merger and the general trend of more and more media being owned by
fewer and fewer megacorporations. She concluded with a good question: "Have
we come so far in a century, or are we digressing in a circular pattern of
corporate control?"
   A story in the Entertainment issue of that same issue of USA Today
suggests an answer. It reported that CBS digitally altered images in its New
Year's Eve news coverage, replacing an NBC logo evident at Times Square with
its own. A circular pattern of corporate control, indeed.
   The story noted the controversy surrounding the previous alteration of
background in a Cokie Roberts report. (Roberts' father, Hale Boggs, was a
Warren Commission dissenter who died in a mysterious plane crash.) It failed
to mention Dan Rather's advance taping of a "news" report on a US bombing of
Iraq that never happened once the bogus report was intercepted on someone's
satellite dish in Maine. (Never mentioned, in fact, Rather's years of
manipulative reporting on the Kennedy assassination.)

NEW on the Steamshovel Press Website:

   * Feature Article: One of the last interviews with the late Malachi
an alleged operative of the Vatican intelligence network in the US

   "Spritual Wickedness in High Places:
Malachi Martin on the End of Religion (As We Know It)"
by Uri Dowbenko

   * From the Editor: The late conspiracy writer Jim Keith is still stirring
up controversy

   "The Spectre of Jim Keith"
by Kenn Thomas


   Please forward this e-newsletter to all your friends. Thanks.

MailCity. Secure Email Anywhere, Anytime!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its ma