-Caveat Lector-

Well, Tony is being linked to a known peedophile-ring.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad had some pictures of
Tony and a few choir boys.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 03:20:58 -0000
From: World-Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [infowars] FW: UK Unions warn of mass revolt if Blair joins war
    without UN resolution

I think the writing is on the wall.

The writing seems to say that Blair must be
being black-mailed.

Blair is having so much opposition from so many
places (probably even his own heart and brain),
and yet he is pursuing war like a mad man.

His arguments for war don't stand up against the
principles being argued back at him; and also
he has a mass of people against him - including
a majority of the British people - therefore Tony
Blair must be being black-mailed.


BIG opposition against Tony Blair
(so, WHY doesn't he back down??!!!!!!!) ...............

-----Original Message-----
From: Bea Bernhausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 March 2003 02:00
Subject: UK Unions warn of mass revolt if Blair joins war without UN

: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:49:12 -0800
Subject: [pr-x] Unions warn of mass Labour revolt


The Guardian  Wednesday March 12, 2003

Unions warn of mass Labour revolt

Patrick Wintour, chief political correspondent

Union leaders yesterday warned Tony Blair that he will be deserted by the
labour movement if he goes ahead with a war in Iraq without a second
security council resolution.

A union delegation, led by the TUC general secretary-elect, Brendan Barber,
distanced themselves - for the moment - from leftwing moves to hold a
special party conference at which Mr Blair's leadership could be challenged.

But a union source said that "all bets are off" if Mr Blair ignores the
demand from the party for a second resolution: "There will be mayhem if he
does this without the UN."

The pressure for a special party conference is coming from the hard left,
especially the Campaign Group of MPs. The unions are reluctant to be
embroiled in any leadership manoeuvre so close to military action.

The Campaign Group last night issued a statement saying: "It is time for the
prime minister to consider his position. We are now placing at risk the
entire fabric of the international community. Blair is not the issue, the
future of the UN is."

The group, claiming the backing of 40 MPs, accused Mr Blair of "signing up
to the reckless ambitions of US militarism". Its uncompromising stance may
help Mr Blair in the short term, but the mood within the labour movement is

Earlier, veteran MP Tam Dalyell, the father of the house, told BBC Radio 4's
Today programme: "As soon as it becomes clear that the UN is disregarded,
yes, certainly a letter will go out to our colleagues asking for a special
conference of the Labour party.

"I don't think it is possible to exaggerate the degree of concern about the
illegality of what is proposed.

"There are many constituency Labour parties who ... will put forward a
resolution that if there is no UN mandate and if there is not a vote in the
Commons before the commitment of British troops, then we ask the prime
minister to consider his position as leader of the party."

Following the TUC's talks at Downing Street, Mr Barber refused to speculate
about whether there would be a leadership challenge to Mr Blair if he went
ahead with an attack without UN backing.

"I want to focus on the efforts that need to be made now to try to resolve
this through the UN and with international agreement," he said. "That is
what the prime minister is concentrating on, that's what we are
concentrating on."

Privately union leaders said they were not impressed by the Downing Street
argument that a military strike would have legitimacy if Mr Blair secured a
numerical majority on the security council, but the resolution was vetoed by
the French or Russians.

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