-Caveat Lector-

This was a post I forwarded earlier(not to this list) and it has since been
removed for some reason from alt.conspiracy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tnohava
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 5:56 PM
> Subject: Fw: United flight shot down - Evidence
> "Edvaldo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > Officials are denying that United Flight 93 was shot down by US
> > military aircraft. But these facts, gathered from the links below,
> > seem to indicate otherwise.
> > FACTS:
> > - the passenger who was locked in the bathroom and called 911 said
> > that he heard some sort of explosion and saw white smoke coming from
> > the plane.
> > - the FBI seized the 911 tape which recorded that call, saying it was
> > for investigation.
> > - witnesses reported hearing one to three explosions before the crash.
> > - Terry Butler said, "It dropped out of the clouds. The plane rose
> > slightly,   trying to gain altitude, then it just went flip to the
> > right and then straight down". Other witnesses saw the plane flip
> > over.
> > - in the morning of the attacks all the media agencies were reporting
> > that the United flight 93 had been shot down; but by the beginning of
> > the afternoon they stopped mentioning any shooting down, not even to
> > say it had been a false report.
> > - the United jet had changed course and seemed to be heading toward
> > D.C.
> > - the jet crashed on an open field.
> > - there was no line of communication with the terrorists; they didn't
> > want to negotiate, they simply wanted to crash the plane into an
> > important building, maybe even the White House.
> >
> > How do you stop a group of suicidal terrorists from crashing a
> > jetliner into the White House? The military had no choice. They had to
> > strike it down. They could not save the people on the plane, but at
> > least they saved the people in the White House and avoided what would
> > have been a coup de grâce to the American pride.
> > The plane was hit above the clouds, so nobody saw the jet fighters,
> > and the hit(s) was directed at the plane steering mechanism; that's
> > why it flipped over and plummeted to the ground, and also such hits
> > would be more difficult to be noticed by witnesses.
> > Why did the FBI seize the 911 tape? To investigate what? They were
> > afraid the sound of the hit(s) to the jetliner could be heard in the
> > recording.
> > And why did reporters suddenly started behaving as if there had never
> > been any mention of an air strike? Censorship.
> > I am sure they did the right thing by taking down that jet, but this
> > censorship is ridiculous. They are treating us like we are idiots.
> >
> > http://www.post-gazette.com/headlines/20010912somerscenenat4p3.asp
> > http://www.sfgate.com/today/plane.shtml
> > http://www.post-gazette.com/headlines/20010912crashnat2p2.asp

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