-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: FFF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 2:19 PM
To: Peter Sroufe
Subject: op-ed: Do Rights Come from the Constitution? by Jacob G.

Do Rights Come from the Constitution?
by Jacob G. Hornberger

        It is commonly believed that the rights of the American people come
from the Constitution. Nothing could be further from the truth.
        Throughout history, the standard belief was that people were
unconditionally subject to the commands of their government. If the king
ordered a person to leave his family to fight in a war thousands of miles
away, that person would have to obey. The king could control and regulate
both lives and property because he was  sovereign and supreme, and the
citizens, as subjects, were subordinate and inferior. When the king
commanded, people obeyed.
        Gradually, people began questioning the notion of the king's having
unrestricted control over their lives and fortunes. For example, in 1215,
with Magna Carta, the king was forced to admit that his powers over the
citizenry were limited.
        It was in 1776, however, with the publication of the Declaration of
Independence, that the historical concept of sovereignty got turned upside
down. Government wasn't sovereign and supreme, Jefferson declared to the
world. Individuals are. And government officials are subordinate and
inferior to the citizenry.
        The Declaration emphasized that men have been endowed with certain
fundamental and inherent rights that preexist government. In other words,
man's rights don't come from the king or from any other government
official. Rights such as life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of
happiness exist independently of government, not because of government.
        It also emphasized that the reason people call government into
existence is to protect the exercise of these rights. That is, in the
absence of government, antisocial people such as murderers, rapists, and
thieves would make life quite miserable for everyone else. Therefore,
government is needed to arrest, prosecute, and punish these types of
        What happens when government transgresses its rightful duty of
protection and becomes more destructive than what would be the case in the
absence of government? The Declaration tells us that it is the right of the
people to alter or abolish that government and to implement a new
government that is designed to protect, not destroy, the exercise of man's
natural or God-given rights.
        The quandary, of course, that our Founders faced was whether it was
possible to bring a government into existence that would remain limited to
an inferior and subordinate role rather than attempt to assume the more
traditional sovereign and supreme role.
        In 1787, the Founders attempted to solve the problem by writing a
Constitution that called the federal government into existence. The result
was historically significant: The Constitution made it clear that this
government, unlike others in history, would not be one of unlimited powers.
Instead, by the express terms of the Constitution itself, the federal
government would be one of limited powers--limited to those enumerated in
Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution.
        Thus the correct question is not "What rights does the Constitution
give to the American people?" but rather "What powers does the Constitution
grant to the government?" If a certain power is not enumerated, the
government is not permitted to exercise it.
        Not trusting government officials, however--even democratically
elected ones--the American people ensured the passage of the first 10
amendments to the Constitution. These should more appropriately have been
called the "Bill of Prohibitions" than the Bill of Rights. Why? Because a
careful examination reveals that they are express restrictions on
government powers rather than a grant of rights to the citizenry.
        Some people argued that a Bill of Prohibitions was unnecessary
because government's powers were already limited to those enumerated in the
Constitution itself. Since the government has not been given the power to
regulate speech, for example, there was no reason to have an express
prohibition against the regulation of speech.
        Fearful, however, of the propensity of government to move toward
dominance and control, the people felt safer with express restrictions on
the power to interfere with rights that they believed were of the utmost
importance. Playing it safe, they included the Ninth Amendment: "The
enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed
to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
        So the next time someone refers to your "constitutional rights,"
remind him that people's rights don't come from the Constitution. And if
you really want to stimulate thinking, ask him whether he believes that
today the federal government is destructive of the very rights it was
designed to protect.
        Mr. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom
Foundation in Fairfax, Va.

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