[CTRL] Fibbing It Up at Fox

2003-06-16 Thread M.A. Johnson
-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
Fibbing It Up at Fox
by Dale Steinreich
 Flat out lies should be confronted
 ~ Bill O'Reilly; Fox News Channel; May 22, 2003
Since the Iraq conflict began on March 20, Fox News
has been on a mission to legitimize it.One problem
for Fox's protracted apologia is that despite promises
of evidence of current weapons of mass destruction
(WMDs) by the Bush Administration, the evidence has
been ambiguous at best. Unfortunately for the
network, I've been keeping a scratch diary of their
reports since the war began.
Keep in mind that in the first three weeks of March,
before the bombs started officially dropping, Fox
was spreading all sorts of Pentagon propaganda.
Iraq had drones that it could quickly dispatch to
major U.S. metropolitan areas to spread biological
agents.Saddam was handing out chemical weapons
to the Republican guard to use against coalition
troops in a last-ditch red-zone ring around
Baghdad.Given what we now know about Iraq,
these reports seem to be laughable fantasies, but
they were effective in securing public backing for
the war.The following is a short chronicle of lies,
propagation of lies, exaggerations, distortions, spin,
and conjecture presented as fact. My comments are
in brackets [ ]s.
March 14:On The Fox Report anchor Shepard
Smith reports that Saddam is planning to use flood
water as a weapon by blowing up dams and causing
severe flood damage.
March 19:Fox anchor Shepard Smith reports that
Iraqis are planning to detonate large stores of
napalm buried deep below the earth to scorch
coalition forces. Fox Military Analyst Major Bob
Bevelacqua states that coalition forces will drop a
MOAB on Saddam's bunker [!!] and give him the
Mother of All Sunburns.
[After my last article, one sniveling neocon after
another wrote me to tell me I was unqualified to
assess defense matters because I wasn't a defense
analyst (never mind that the article wasn't on the
war, and the real defense experts made one wrong
prediction after another on this war).It's interesting
how these sniveling Frumsters cheer on the
college-uneducated Hannity and Limbaugh when
they make defense analyses supporting the neocon
view.I do know enough to say that the informed
Bevelacqua's suggestion that a MOAB would be
used on a bunker was puzzling to say the least
(given the reports of less-than-dazzling performance
of daisy cutters outside caves in Tora Bora).
Anyway, later reports confirmed that GBU-28
bunker busters were used during The Decapitation
That Apparently Failed.]
March 23: The network begins 2 days of
unequivocal assertions that a 100-acre facility
discovered by coalition forces at An Najaf is a
chemical weapons plant. Much is made about the
fact that it was booby trapped.A former UN
weapons inspector interviewed on camera over the
phone downplays the WMD allegations and says
that booby-trapping is common.His points are
ignored as unequivocal charges of a chemical
weapons facility are made on Fox for yet another
day (March 24).Only weeks later is it briefly
conceded that the chemicals definitively detected at
the facility were pesticides.
[Jennifer Eccleston has to be the worst reporter
employed by any network.She began one segment
with a Hi there!  in no response to any segue
from the relaying anchor at Fox headquarters in
New York.Her bangs are long and constantly
blowing in her face in the wind.Her head wobbles
from side to side with her nose tracing out a figure
8 all the while arbitrarily syncopating a monotone
voice with overemphasis on the last syllables of
different words (e.g., Bagh-DAD').The old,
white-haired flag-waving yahoos like her not for
her professionalism  she has none  but because of
her innocent Britney Spearsesque beauty; i.e., she's
a typical young piece of meat which dirty old men
with too much time on their hands fantasize about.]
March 24:Oliver North reports that the staff at the
French embassy in Baghdad are destroying
documents.[How could he know this?]
March 24: Fox and Friends. Anchor Juliet Huddy
asks Colonel David hunt why coalition forces don't
blow up Al Jazeera TV. [The context of the
discussion makes it clear that she doesn't know the
difference between Al Jazeera and Iraqi TV
Juliet Huddy is a beautiful woman but not very
March 28:Repeated assertions by Fox News
anchors of a red ring around Baghdad in which
Republican Guard forces were planning to use
chemical weapons on coalition forces.A Fox
Breaking News flash reports that Iraqi soldiers
were seen by coalition forces moving 55-gallon
drums almost certainly containing chemical agents.
April 7:Fox, echoing NPR, reports that U.S. forces
near Baghdad have discovered a weapons cache of
20 medium-range missiles containing sarin and
mustard gas. Initial tests show that the deadly
chemicals are not trace elements.
[In the coming weeks, this embarrassing
non-discovery is quickly stomped down the
Memory Hole.The missiles were never mentioned

[CTRL] Fibbing It Up At Fox

2003-06-16 Thread William Shannon

Fibbing It Up at Fox
by Dale Steinreich

Flat out lies should be confronted

~ Bill O'Reilly; Fox News Channel; May 22, 2003

Since the Iraq conflict began on March 20, Fox News has been on a mission to legitimize it. One problem for Fox's protracted apologia is that despite promises of evidence of current weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) by the Bush Administration, the evidence has been ambiguous at best. Unfortunately for the network, Ive been keeping a scratch diary of their reports since the war began. 

Keep in mind that in the first three weeks of March, before the bombs started officially dropping, Fox was spreading all sorts of Pentagon propaganda. Iraq had "drones" that it could quickly dispatch to major U.S. metropolitan areas to spread biological agents. Saddam was handing out chemical weapons to the Republican guard to use against coalition troops in a last-ditch red-zone ring around Baghdad. Given what we now know about Iraq, these reports seem to be laughable fantasies, but they were effective in securing public backing for the war. The following is a short chronicle of lies, propagation of lies, exaggerations, distortions, spin, and conjecture presented as fact. My comments are in brackets [ ]s. 

March 14: On The Fox Report anchor Shepard Smith reports that Saddam is planning to use flood water as a weapon by blowing up dams and causing severe flood damage. 

March 19: Fox anchor Shepard Smith reports that Iraqis are planning to detonate large stores of napalm buried deep below the earth to scorch coalition forces.  Fox Military Analyst Major Bob Bevelacqua states that coalition forces will drop a MOAB on Saddam's bunker [!!] and give him the "Mother of All Sunburns." 

[After my last article, one sniveling neocon after another wrote me to tell me I was unqualified to assess defense matters because I wasn't a "defense analyst" (never mind that the article wasn't on the war, and the "real" defense experts made one wrong prediction after another on this war). It's interesting how these sniveling Frumsters cheer on the college-uneducated Hannity and Limbaugh when they make defense analyses supporting the neocon view. I do know enough to say that the informed Bevelacqua's suggestion that a MOAB would be used on a bunker was puzzling to say the least (given the reports of less-than-dazzling performance of daisy cutters outside caves in Tora Bora). Anyway, later reports confirmed that GBU-28 bunker busters were used during The Decapitation That Apparently Failed.]  

March 23: The network begins 2 days of unequivocal assertions that a 100-acre facility discovered by coalition forces at An Najaf is a chemical weapons plant.  Much is made about the fact that it was booby trapped. A former UN weapons inspector interviewed on camera over the phone downplays the WMD allegations and says that booby-trapping is common. His points are ignored as unequivocal charges of a chemical weapons facility are made on Fox for yet another day (March 24). Only weeks later is it briefly conceded that the chemicals definitively detected at the facility were pesticides. 

[Jennifer Eccleston has to be the worst reporter employed by any network. She began one segment with a "Hi there!"  in no response to any segue from the relaying anchor at Fox headquarters in New York. Her bangs are long and constantly blowing in her face in the wind. Her head wobbles from side to side with her nose tracing out a figure 8 all the while arbitrarily syncopating a monotone voice with overemphasis on the last syllables of different words (e.g., Bagh-DAD). The old, white-haired flag-waving yahoos like her not for her professionalism  she has none  but because of her innocent Britney Spearsesque beauty; i.e., she's a typical young piece of meat which dirty old men with too much time on their hands fantasize about.]

March 24: Oliver North reports that the staff at the French embassy in Baghdad are destroying documents. [How could he know this?]

March 24: Fox and Friends. Anchor Juliet Huddy asks Colonel David hunt why coalition forces don't "blow up" Al Jazeera TV. [The context of the discussion makes it clear that she doesn't know the difference between Al Jazeera and Iraqi TV Juliet Huddy is a beautiful woman but not very bright.] 

March 28: Repeated assertions by Fox News anchors of a red ring around Baghdad in which Republican Guard forces were planning to use chemical weapons on coalition forces. A Fox "Breaking News" flash reports that Iraqi soldiers were seen by coalition forces moving 55-gallon drums almost certainly containing chemical agents.

April 7: Fox, echoing NPR, reports that U.S. forces near Baghdad have discovered a weapons cache of 20 medium-range missiles containing sarin and mustard gas.  Initial tests show that the deadly chemicals are not "trace elements."

[In the coming weeks, this embarrassing non-discovery is quickly stomped down the Memory Hole. The