[CTRL] Food For Thought

2003-03-03 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

'Holocaust on a plate' angers US Jews

David Teather in New York
Monday March 3, 2003
The Guardian

An animal rights organisation has sparked outrage with a campaign and
exhibition that compares the slaughter of livestock to the Holocaust in the
second world war.

The exhibition, called Holocaust on Your Plate, juxtaposes harrowing
images of people in concentration camps with disturbing pictures of
animals on farms. One photograph showing an emaciated man is next to
another of a starving cow. Another shows a pile of naked human bodies,
next to a shot of a heap of pig carcasses.

The exhibition is on show in San Diego and at the University of California in
Los Angeles. The organisation behind the campaign, People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (Peta), intends to take it on a tour of the US, and
has set up an exhibition website, masskilling.com.

Peta has appealed to the Jewish community for support. In an open letter
published on the organisation's website, it cites the Jewish Nobel laureate
Isaac Bashevis Singer, who wrote of animals: In relation to them, all people
are Nazis.

The campaign's creator, Matt Prescott, said: The very same mindset that
made the Holocaust possible - that we can do anything we want to those
we decide are 'different or inferior' - is what allows us to commit atrocities
against animals every single day.

But the appeal has done little to calm the fury of Jewish groups. Abraham
Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League and a
Holocaust survivor, said the attempt to win approval was outrageous,
offensive and takes chutzpah to new heights.

He said that while the abuse of animals should be opposed, the effort by
Peta to compare the deliberate systematic murder of millions of Jews to
the issue of animal rights is abhorrent.

Rather than deepen our revulsion against what the Nazis did to the Jews,
the project will undermine the struggle to understand the Holocaust and
to find a way to make sure such catastrophes never happen again, he

Mr Prescott is Jewish and lost several relatives in Nazi concentration
camps. The campaign, he added, was funded by a Jewish philanthropist,
who wished to remain anonymous. He said he had expected it to elicit

The fact is, all animals feel pain, fear and loneliness, he said. We're
asking people to recognise that what Jews and others went through in the
Holocaust is what animals go through every day in factory farms.

Other images compare children behind barbed wire with a picture of pigs
looking out from behind bars; crowds of people, with cattle being herded
into transports; and people crammed into bunks, with chickens in a
battery farm.

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[CTRL] Food for thought.... About Guns

2002-01-03 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Food for thought

A YEAR AGO, I had a religious experience.  No, I didn't speak in
tongues.  I didn't see an apparition of Mary.  And even though I'm
Comanche Indian, I didn't commune with my ancestors or hear the eagles

All I did was watch a TV infomercial produced by the National Rifle
Association (NRA).

There I was, sitting in my easy chair, eating chicken soup and watching
television.  Suddenly, I saw an immense pile of guns, thousands of them,
being bulldozed into a metal crusher.

The narrator explained.  These weapons had been confiscated from
law-abiding citizens, and were being destroyed.  The government had
first requ ired the people to register their firearms, and promised that
no confiscation would ever occur.  Then the government broke its

According to the voice-over, this happened in Australia, England, and
Canada.  The United States was next in line.  On the screen appeared
distraught gun owners, one after another.  They said they would never
do this, but they did it!  Don't let this happen to you! they warned

We Comanches don't usually admit to being scared.  But I was terrified.I
had a sense that I was losing America (and, as an Indian, it wouldn't be
the first time).

I guess I'd always known, in the back of my mind, that there were people
out there trying to take our guns.  But those faces on TV drove the
point home like nothing else had.  They were the faces of a people

Long ago, the government took away the Indian's weapons and put him on
reservations.  That is history.  Indians know all about broken promises.

But why would the White Man betray himself?  Why would the U.S.
government take the weapons away from its own good citizens?

They say they're trying to stop crime.  But the more gun laws they pass,
the more crime we get.  A hundred years ago, we didn't have gun laws and
we didn't have much crime either.

In his book, More Guns, Less Crime, Yale Law School economist John Lott
shows that, across the United States, over an 18-year period, states
experiencing the greatest reductions in crime are also the ones with the
fastest growing percentages of gun ownership.

So why does the government keep pushing gun control?

The warrior in me knows.  He who takes my bow is not my friend.  He who
takes away my ability to defend myself is my enemy.

If the government takes our guns, it's not because they are trying to
help us.  It's because they are trying to control us.

Since my religious experience of watching that documentary, I've found
myself wondering why Indians have not played a bigger role in the gun
rights debate.

Weapons are an integral part of our culture.  In Indian country, it's
taken for granted that everyone shoots and hunts.  Perhaps the use of
arms is so fundamental to us that we don't even think of it as a right
that can be lost.

Recently, I visited Indian friends of the Salish-Kootenay Reservation in
Montana.  It was a few days before a funeral.  Extra food was needed for
the mourners.  I've got to go get a deer, my friend Terry said, as
simply as most Americans would say I've got to go to the store.

Among Indians, the weapon is a symbol of honor.  In Comanche tradition,
the young man grew up with the bow.  Its mastery was a test of manhood.
The relationship of man and weapon was intimate and lifelong.

Every Comanche learned to fight and hunt.  If you weren't waging war,
you were preparing for war.  It was the duty of every member of the
tribe to be ready, just in case.

In modern America, women seem to have turned against their own men over
the gun issue, judging by the polls and the Million Mom March.

Indian women have a different mindset.  It was the women who taught
Comanche boys how to use their weapons.  Long before anyone ever heard
of Xena the Warrior Princess, a woman called the adiva, or governess
ran the Comanche training camps.

Americans nowadays seem to be forgetting what it means to be a warrior.
They don't value preparedness.  They think the government will always be
there to defend them from enemies and criminals.

But that's not the Indian way.  That's not the way of a man.

I'm glad the NRA is out there spreading this message.  It has earned
this Indian's blessing for helping to keep the warrior spirit alive.

Dr.  David A.  Yeagley teaches humanities and psychology at Oklahoma
State University, Oklahoma City.  His opinions are independent.  He
holds degrees from Yale, Emory, Oberlin, University of Arizona and
University of Hartford.  He is a member of the Comanche Tribe, Lawton,
OK.  For more information on Dr.  Yeagley's initiative to teach
patriotism in the schools, click here.  E-mail him at

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use

[CTRL] Food for Thought

2000-05-30 Thread ATB XX



True Nature of Government
 I think it is very important that we teach our
 children about
 the true nature of government. Now, at last, there
 is a way to
 give your children a basic civics course right in
 your own home!

 In my own experience as a father, I have discovered
 simple devices that can illustrate to a child's mind
 the prin-
 ciples on which the modern state deals with its

 You may find them helpful too.

 For example, I used to play the simple card game WAR
 with my
 son. After a while, when he thoroughly understood
 that the
 higher ranking cards beat the lower ranking ones, I
 created a
 new game I called GOVERNMENT. In this game, I was
 and I won every trick, regardless of who had the
 better card.
 My boy soon lost interest in my new game, but I like
 to think
 it taught him a valuable lesson for later in life.

 When your child is a little older, you can teach him
 about our
 tax system in a way that is easy to grasp and will
 allow him to
 understand the benefits. Offer him, say, $10 to mow
 the lawn.
 When he has mowed it and asks to be paid, withhold
 $5 and explain
 that this is income tax. Give $1 of this to his
 younger brother,
 who has done nothing to deserve it, and tell him
 that this is
 "fair" because the younger brother 'needs money
 too'. Also, ex-
 plain that you need the other $4 yourself to cover
 the administ-
 rative costs of dividing the money and for various
 other things
 you need.

 Make him place his $5 in a savings account over
 which you have
 authority. Explain that if he is ever naughty, you
 will remove
 the money from the account without asking him. Also
 explain how
 you will be taking most of the interest he earns on
 that money,
 without his permission. Mention that if he tries to
 hide the
 money, this, in itself, will be evidence of
 wrongdoing and will
 result in you automatically taking the money from

 Conduct random searches of his room in the small
 hours of the
 morning. Burst in unannounced. Go through all of his
 drawers and
 pockets. If he questions this, tell him you are
 acting on a tip-
 off from a mate of his who casually mentioned that
 you had both
 earned a bit of spare cash last week. If you find
 it, confiscate
 all of that money and also take his stereo and
 television. Tell
 him you are selling these and keeping the money to
 you for having to make the raid. Also lock him in
 his room for
 a month as further punishment.

 When he cries at the injustice of this, tell him he
 is being
 "selfish" and "greedy" and only interested in
 looking after his
 own happiness. Explain that he should learn to
 sacrifice his own
 happiness for other people and that since he cannot
 be relied
 upon or trusted to do this voluntarily, you will use
 force to
 ensure he complies. Later in life he will thank you.

 Make as many rules as possible. Leave the reasons
 for them
 obscure. Enforce them arbitrarily. Accuse your child
 of breaking
 rules you have never told him about and carefully
 explain that
 ignorance of your rules is not an excuse for
 breaking them. Keep
 him anxious that he may be violating commands you
 haven't yet
 issued. Instill in him the feeling that rules are
 utterly irr-
 ational. This will prepare him for living under a

 He is too young to understand the benefits of
 democracy, so
 explain this wonderful system as follows:

 You, your wife and his brother get together and vote
 that your
 son should have all privileges removed, be caned,
 and confined
 to his room for a week. If he protests that you are
 his rights, patiently explain his error and tell him
 that the
 majority have voted for this punishment and nothing
 except the will of the majority. When your child has
 sufficiently to understand how the judicial system
 works, set
 a bedtime for him of, say, 10 p.m. and then send him
 to bed at
 9 p.m. When he tearfully accuses you of breaking the
 explain that you made the rules and you can
 interpret them in
 any way that seems appropriate to you, according to

 Promise often to take him to the movies or the zoo,
 and then,
 at the appointed hour, recline in an easy chair with
 a newspaper
 and tell him you have changed your plans. When he
 screams, "but
 you promised!", explain to him that it was a
 campaign promise
 and hence meaningless. Every now and then, without
 warning, slap
 your child. Then explain that this is self-defence.
 Tell him
 that you must be vigilant at all times to stop any
 enemy before he gets big enough to hurt you. This,
 too, your
 child will appreciate, not 

[CTRL] Food for Thought

1999-01-07 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-


The Hidden Face Behind Advertising
By Chris McLean

Is it only me, or have others become aware of new techniques being employed
in advertising? Advertising in essence isn't wrong - it's a way in which we
are informed of new products. But, and this is a big but, more and more
advertising is infiltrating our everyday lives, we cannot open our eyes in
the morning without some form of advertising staring back at us.

By definition, advertising is: (The Maquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary)
"advertise -v t 3. to offer (an article) for sale or (a vacancy) to
applicants, etc., by placing an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine,
etc. " (This being the most relevant definition, p.13, if you are wanting
to check the other definitions) Another definition, given by The
Educational Resources Informational Center (ERIC), in an article titled
'Educating The Consumer About Advertising' (author Stephen S. Gottlieb) is:
"Advertising can be defined as communication which promotes the purchase of
products and services, and advertisements are pervasive in the American
culture." No longer do these definitions of passive advertising hold true.
Increasingly, if we apathetically allow the advertisements to wash over our
TV dulled minds, we are not given a choice if we want to buy or not, and at
some point the ad we just watched will force us to buy the product it
promotes. That is, if we are not conscious of the intricate workings behind
the glossy fantasy worlds they portray. That is the point of this article,
to open the eyes of a few more people, and to make these people aware of
the new techniques being employed.

"If this text makes only one person think, then it has served it's
- Zarkon, The Zarkon Principal


Once, a long time ago, it was possible to draw a line between advertising
and entertainment. Not anymore. In the apparent evolved entertainment
society of today, the advertising is the entertainment.

Product Placement, or Advertising Through Association With An Icon
Next time you are watching that favourite TV show, wide eyed, open mouthed
and in an induced state of stupor, drag your eyes off of the action, and
focus on the foreground, and on the backgrounds. Notice the way that
certain products are placed? The way the piece of walking talking silicon
picks up that can of soft drink, selectively holding the label to the
camera. In the peripheral of the main focus of movies is also another great
place to see the wonders of product placement in action. This form of
advertising is a passive one, but it does have its very own insidious
quality. The way that product placement works, is by taking the advertising
out of its own domain, and placing it in situations where it is seen to be
a part of everyday life. A character on the television casually walks to
the fridge, while reciting lines, casually saying "Do you want a drink?" to
another character. Whilst grabbing the article from the fridge, the
character makes sure the product's label is visible. The viewer doesn't see
this to be advertising, but just something that is done.

The companies take the advertising out of a noticeably familiar advertising
situation, where the consumer knows that the company is pushing their
product, and creatively place it into the script, where it seems to become
just part of every day life. Couple this with the association of a
prominent famous figure actually liking the product (they probably don't
though, and remember, the people on the TV aren't really real), and we have
a potent purchase stimulus... "Well if Kramer likes it, then damn it, it
must have something going for it. I'll just try it once to see what it's
like". The advertising has worked its wicked way, a sale has been made that
was directly influenced by the advertising. The other form of product
placement is the way in which company logos weasel their way into the
backdrops of shots on the TV and in movies. It seems to the impressionable
mind of the viewer that it is only a part of the backdrop, hell, it happens
so much, we can be excused for not noticing it.

It isn't just the one instance of the logo appearing that works, it is the
repetition of the same logo over and over causing it to lodge in our minds
and induce sales. The products that stand out and say "BUY ME", are ones
that carry a logo that has been repeated to us time and time before. This
sort of advertising just doesn't randomly occur. Big corporate dollars are
spent to ensure that certain products appear in specific places and scenes
in movies and on TV. Who is writing the scripts - the writers or the money?

The New Soap-Opera Ads
I'm sure that we have all seen these new breed of ads which have started to
insult our intelligence. It is an obvious form of product and service
advertising. However, turning an ad into a soap opera turns the attention
away from the