-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Former Rangers to begin protest march
Trek to D.C. draws attention to Army's controversial beret decision



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

A pair of former U.S. Army Rangers is set to begin a 750-mile march from Ft.
Benning, Ga., to Washington, D.C., to protest Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric
Shinseki's decision to allow all U.S. troops to wear the Rangers' coveted
black beret.

According to a statement issued yesterday by supporters of the march, former
Ranger Dave Scott, 42, of Montana and David Nielson, 30, of Virginia will
begin their trek today.

The march is in protest of Shinseki's Oct. 14 decision to issue the elite
beret to all soldiers, regardless of level of training. Current and former
Rangers, as well as other members of elite Army units -- such as the Special
Forces, who wear green berets, and airborne troops, who wear maroon berets --
have complained about the decision, but Scott has said one of the march's
goals is to attract the attention of President George W. Bush and Pentagon
officials and hopefully get the ruling reversed.

If the decision is not rescinded, however, Shinseki will make it official
during a commemorative event honoring the Army on its recognized birthday --
June 14.

"Accompanying them on the first mile of the march will be Gold Star Mother
Sandee Rouse and her husband Bill Rouse," the statement said. Dawn Markwell,
the Rouses' daughter, will also join. All three are family "of Ranger medic
James W. Markwell," who was "killed in action during Operation Just Cause in

Operation Just Cause was launched Dec. 20, 1989, by President George Bush to
depose Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega after the National Assembly of Panama
declared war on the U.S.

"When we wear the black beret, it will say that we, the soldiers of the
world's best army, are committed to making ourselves even better," Shinseki
said in a speech to the annual convention of the Association of the United
States Army last fall.

The Army chief also said the beret would be a "symbol of unity," but Scott
and others have said they believe the decision may actually have an effect on
unity and morale opposite to that which Shinseki is attempting to achieve.

Scott said he and Nielson plan to hike 25 to 35 miles per day. They will be
wearing customized boots resoled by a business in Montana, near Scott's home.
Reports say he is planning on spending about $2,000 on the trip, with several
groups -- including the American Legion -- expressing support for the march.

Some have questioned whether Scott and Nielson's march will do much to
persuade Shinseki or the Pentagon to reverse the beret decision.

And, as WND reported Jan. 30, the Pentagon has already placed the order for
the berets to be manufactured.

According to a U.S. News and World Report "Washington Whispers" item
published Dec. 25, the Pentagon has secured contracts worth $24 million to
have the berets manufactured by a host of companies.

Only one company -- the Bancroft Cap Corp. based in Arkansas -- is from the
U.S. The majority of the estimated 3.7 million berets will be manufactured
overseas, including 309,000 by Chinese firms.

Bancroft is manufacturing a third; the rest will come from China, South
Africa, Romania, Sri Lanka, India and Canada.

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