-Caveat Lector-


Rich Keeps Offices All Over U.S.

Tuesday, February 27, 2001
By Roger Friedman

NEW YORK — Despite his former status as one of the country's most
wanted white-collar fugitives, Marc Rich controlled a company
with a New York-area head office and at least 17 branch offices
that has done millions of dollars of business with the federal

The company continues to operate today. Novarco Ltd. — which has
been registered since 1996 with the U.S. Department of
Agriculture — handles the export of commodities like aluminum and
oil, among other things, to nations around the world. The
company's international headquarters is listed as Zug,
Switzerland, Rich's home since he fled the United States in 1983.

Novarco also has offices in New York, Connecticut, Texas,
Kentucky, the District of Columbia, Missouri, Louisiana, and
Pennsylvania. United Corporate Services of White Plains, N.Y.,
handled Novarco's incorporation and acts as their caretaker for
legal matters in various cities.

The U.S. executives named in Novarco's incorporation papers
include W. David Long, Mike Hopkovitz, Mary Ellen Yacura and
Clyde Meltzer. The latter is the same Rich lieutenant who was
indicted in 1983 along with Rich for participating in illegal oil
sales and creating "daisy chains" — endless corporate shells
which kept changing names in order to conduct illegal commodity
trading and sales of oil and metal.

Meltzer was eventually given a three-year suspended sentence,
placed on a five-year probation and given community service,
according to the book Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10 Billion
Dollar Scam, by A. Craig Copetas.

Hopkovitz — when contacted at his Staten Island, N.Y., home to
discuss Novarco's U.S. operations — said: "No comment, no
comment, no comment. I have to hang up on you."

Meltzer and Yacura, who live respectively in New Jersey and
Connecticut, did not return calls. Long is listed at a separate
address about a mile from Novarco, also in an anonymous
industrial park.

Novarco's U.S. headquarters are in White Plains, N.Y., on the
fifth floor of an impressive modern building high on a hill. On
Monday, three women who work for Novarco refused to comment on
the Rich pardon or the company's business.

One woman said, "Call the lawyers if you have questions."

"Marc Rich's lawyers?" she was asked. "Yes," she replied.

Novarco is not Rich's first U.S. company to flourish since he
renounced his citizenship and fled the country in 1982. For many
years in the 1980s he operated under the guise of Clarendon Ltd.,
which dealt mostly in aluminum trading and oil refining.

Clarendon was placed on the Defense Logistics Agency's debarment
list for three years from 1984-87, after Rich began his exile.

Clarendon, however, was removed from the debarment list in
January 1988 and six months later it submitted a low bid on
solicitation by the U.S. Mint. Clarendon subsequently won 19
other contracts for copper, zinc and nickel.

During 1988-92, Clarendon made $45 million from doing business
with the U.S. government by selling copper, zinc, and nickel to
the U.S. Mint for making nickels. That was until then-Rep. Bob
Wise, D-W.Va. — now governor of West Virginia — got wise and
helped put a stop to the practice.

Rich was subsequently listed on the General Service
Administration's procurement black list.

Beginning in November 1990 — seven years into Rich's fugitive
status — Clarendon was involved in a high-profile labor dispute
at the Ravenswood Aluminum plant in West Virginia. A total of
1,700 steelworkers were locked out of their jobs in a nasty
long-running fight in which it was proven Rich had bought
Ravenswood from Kaiser Aluminum in 1989 under the Clarendon name.

Rich also operated an international company called Richco Grain,
which was caught exporting American grain in the early 1990s by
the Department of Agriculture. Rich surreptitiously received $65
million in subsidies from the department's Export Enhancement
Program. This prompted then-Rep. Dan Glickman, D-Kan.,
subcommittee chairman (and Agriculture Department chairman under
Bill Clinton) to say during congressional hearings, "You have yet
to tell us how the largest tax evader in the history of the
United States of America, one of them, was able to participate in
the EEP."

Richco Grain was suspended from doing business by the U.S.
government. But in 1997, Rich tried to make a comeback in
commodities. He purchased a small existing company and renamed it
Novarco Agriculture. After two years, the firm shut its doors.
But its goal, according to one former staffer, "was the
procurement of U.S. grain for international sales." This, despite
the Richco suspension some years earlier.

"It was an open secret," said a former Novarco Agriculture
staffer. "We were told to be up front about who we were." The
company did business with 30 or so grain wholesalers.

No one declined the opportunity to work with Marc Rich. "Some had
simply forgotten the whole thing by then," the source said.

There was secrecy, though, so much of it that the Washington
office of Novarco AG had almost nothing to do with the White
Plains office of Novarco Ltd. "They were involved in other kinds
of business," explained the source. "So why should they know each

Adding Novarco to his American plan was typical of Marc Rich, who
had begun changing the names of his companies again. Clarendon
Ltd. was dropped for Glencore Ltd. in the early 90s. In 1994,
after a series of public mishaps left him more visible than he
liked, Rich sold off Glencore Ltd. (previously knows as Clarendon
Ltd.) to longtime associate Willy Strothotte, and swore he was
shutting down his operations.

Glencore continues to flourish under Strothotte from its
Pennsylvania hub, doing much the same business as it did under
Rich, with many former Rich employees.

But by 1994, he started Marc Rich AG in Europe, as well as
Novarco. Rich became well known for inventing new companies with
new names, then pulling the plug on those companies and starting
new ones that are essentially the same as the old ones. He is
currently rumored to be thinking of selling Marc Rich AG to a
Russian company called Crown that, like some of his other
companies, operates out of Zug.

In addition to his massive and Byzantine dealings in the United
Kingdom, Europe and Asia, Rich has kept his hand in the American
oil business. He owned at least one Texas oil company called
Channel Refining, which bought up refineries from Charter Oil in
the early 1990s and then strangely vanished. Rich had also been
in business with former 20th Century Fox owner and international
oil billionaire Marvin Davis.

Marc Rich's worldwide interests in oil, gas, metals, and grain
are extensive — and complicated as well. For example, Syria — a
country that would be thought of as an enemy of Rich's beloved
Israel — lists Marc Rich AG as one of the companies with which it
has term contracts to process, refine and sell its oil. His peers
include such multinational conglomerates as Chevron, Conoco,
Shell, and Total.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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