[CTRL] Frankfurt School and Political Correctness (fwd)

2001-04-07 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


THE NEW DARK AGE- The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

by Michael J. Minnicino
The Frankfurt School:  Bolshevik Intelligentsi

The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a
Communist thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but
popularly known as the Frankfurt School.

In the heady days immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it
was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out
of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the
only two attempts at workers' government in the West-- in Munich and
Budapest--lasted only months. The Communist International (Comintern)
therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such
was headed by Georg Lukacs, a Hungarian aristocrat, son of one of the
Hapsburg Empire's leading bankers. Trained in Germany and already an
important literary theorist, Lukacs became a Communist during World War I,
writing as he joined the party, "Who will save us from Western

* * *

At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual,
through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in
an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this
reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and
should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should
have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis.
The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief--or even the
hope of the belief--that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the
problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of
hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary
prerequisite for socialist revolution.

The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the
Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" (Aufhebung der
Kultur in Lukacs' German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms
which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new
barbarism." To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School
an incredible assortment of not only Communists, but also non-party
socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at
least a few members of a self-identified "cult of Astarte." The variegated
membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the
Institute for Social Research started with Comintern support, over the next
three decades its sources of funds included various German and American
universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the
American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the
Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour
Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly

* * *

Of the other top Institute figures, the political perambulations of Herbert
Marcuse are typical. He started as a Communist; became a protege of
philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party;
coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic
Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of
Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he
turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he
ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party
in West Germany.

In all this seeming incoherence of shifting positions and contradictory
funding, there is no ideological conflict. The invariant is the desire of
all parties to answer Lukacs' original question: "Who will save us from
Western civilization?"

Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin

Perhaps the most important, if least-known, of the Frankfurt School's
successes was the shaping of the electronic media of radio and television
into the powerful instruments of social control which they represent today.
This grew out of the work originally done by two men who came to the
Institute in the late 1920's, Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin.

* * *

In essence, Adorno and Benjamin's problem was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. At
the beginning of the eighteenth century, Leibniz had once again obliterated
the centuries-old gnostic dualism dividing mind and body, by demonstrating
that matter does not think. A creative act in art or science apprehends the
truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that physical
universe. By self-consciously concentrating the past in the present to
effect the future, the creative act, properly defined, is as immortal as the
soul which envisions the act. This has fatal philosophical implications for
Marxism, which rests entirely on the hypothesis that mental activity is
determined by the social relations excreted 

[CTRL] Frankfurt School and Political Correctness

2001-04-05 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-


THE NEW DARK AGE- The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

by Michael J. Minnicino
The Frankfurt School:  Bolshevik Intelligentsi

The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a
Communist thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but
popularly known as the Frankfurt School.

In the heady days immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it
was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out
of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the
only two attempts at workers' government in the West-- in Munich and
Budapest--lasted only months. The Communist International (Comintern)
therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such
was headed by Georg Lukacs, a Hungarian aristocrat, son of one of the
Hapsburg Empire's leading bankers. Trained in Germany and already an
important literary theorist, Lukacs became a Communist during World War I,
writing as he joined the party, "Who will save us from Western

* * *

At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual,
through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in
an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this
reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and
should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should
have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis.
The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief--or even the
hope of the belief--that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the
problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of
hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary
prerequisite for socialist revolution.

The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the
Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" (Aufhebung der
Kultur in Lukacs' German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms
which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new
barbarism." To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School
an incredible assortment of not only Communists, but also non-party
socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at
least a few members of a self-identified "cult of Astarte." The variegated
membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the
Institute for Social Research started with Comintern support, over the next
three decades its sources of funds included various German and American
universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the
American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the
Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour
Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly

* * *

Of the other top Institute figures, the political perambulations of Herbert
Marcuse are typical. He started as a Communist; became a protege of
philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party;
coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic
Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of
Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he
turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he
ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party
in West Germany.

In all this seeming incoherence of shifting positions and contradictory
funding, there is no ideological conflict. The invariant is the desire of
all parties to answer Lukacs' original question: "Who will save us from
Western civilization?"

Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin

Perhaps the most important, if least-known, of the Frankfurt School's
successes was the shaping of the electronic media of radio and television
into the powerful instruments of social control which they represent today.
This grew out of the work originally done by two men who came to the
Institute in the late 1920's, Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin.

* * *

In essence, Adorno and Benjamin's problem was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. At
the beginning of the eighteenth century, Leibniz had once again obliterated
the centuries-old gnostic dualism dividing mind and body, by demonstrating
that matter does not think. A creative act in art or science apprehends the
truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that physical
universe. By self-consciously concentrating the past in the present to
effect the future, the creative act, properly defined, is as immortal as the
soul which envisions the act. This has fatal philosophical implications for
Marxism, which rests entirely on the hypothesis that mental activity is
determined by the social relations excreted 

Re: [CTRL] Frankfurt School and Political Correctness

2001-04-05 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


Linda Minor wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 THE NEW DARK AGE- The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

 by Michael J. Minnicino
 The Frankfurt School:  Bolshevik Intelligentsi

 The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a
 Communist thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but
 popularly known as the Frankfurt School.

 In the heady days immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it
 was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out
 of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the
 only two attempts at workers' government in the West-- in Munich and
 Budapest--lasted only months. The Communist International (Comintern)
 therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such
 was headed by Georg Lukacs, a Hungarian aristocrat, son of one of the
 Hapsburg Empire's leading bankers. Trained in Germany and already an
 important literary theorist, Lukacs became a Communist during World War I,
 writing as he joined the party, "Who will save us from Western

 * * *

 At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual,
 through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in
 an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this
 reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and
 should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should
 have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis.
 The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief--or even the
 hope of the belief--that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the
 problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of
 hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary
 prerequisite for socialist revolution.

 The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the
 Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" (Aufhebung der
 Kultur in Lukacs' German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms
 which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new
 barbarism." To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School
 an incredible assortment of not only Communists, but also non-party
 socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at
 least a few members of a self-identified "cult of Astarte." The variegated
 membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the
 Institute for Social Research started with Comintern support, over the next
 three decades its sources of funds included various German and American
 universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the
 American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the
 Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour
 Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly

 * * *

 Of the other top Institute figures, the political perambulations of Herbert
 Marcuse are typical. He started as a Communist; became a protege of
 philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party;
 coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic
 Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of
 Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he
 turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he
 ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party
 in West Germany.

 In all this seeming incoherence of shifting positions and contradictory
 funding, there is no ideological conflict. The invariant is the desire of
 all parties to answer Lukacs' original question: "Who will save us from
 Western civilization?"

 Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin

 Perhaps the most important, if least-known, of the Frankfurt School's
 successes was the shaping of the electronic media of radio and television
 into the powerful instruments of social control which they represent today.
 This grew out of the work originally done by two men who came to the
 Institute in the late 1920's, Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin.

 * * *

 In essence, Adorno and Benjamin's problem was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. At
 the beginning of the eighteenth century, Leibniz had once again obliterated
 the centuries-old gnostic dualism dividing mind and body, by demonstrating
 that matter does not think. A creative act in art or science apprehends the
 truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that physical
 universe. By self-consciously concentrating the past in the present to
 effect the future, the creative act, properly defined, is as immortal as the
 soul which envisions the act. This has fatal philosophical implications 

Re: [CTRL] Frankfurt School and Political Correctness

2001-04-05 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

Adorno would have hated PC. Stop reading that LaRoucheite junk. Or the
"Cultural Communism" stuff on the Frankfurters via Paul Weyrich or Willis
Carto or the Birchers...
Read the accts. by Martin Jay_The Dialectical Imagination, Little Brown
or Rolf Wiggershaus_The Frankfurt School_ from M.I.T. Press.
Or the Douglas Kellner material, you'll find via the URL's above.
Michael Pugliese

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