[CTRL] From Cradle to Cabal: The Secret Life of Gale Norton

2001-11-10 Thread William Shannon

From Cradle to Cabal: The Secret Life of Gale Norton
A True Blue Republican Party Apparatchik Also Rises 
by Al Martin
Gale Norton, the Bush designate for Secretary of Interior, was Attorney General of Colorado from 1991 to 1999. She was brought in after her predecessor Duane Woodard was forced to resign because of his involvement in illegal political contributions.

Incidentally Woodard through his involvement in a series of partnerships and corporations had borrowed over $70 million from the infamous Silverado Savings, which he never repaid. He was recommended for these loans by then Silverado Director Neil Bush.

At the same time, Robert Gallagher, the Arapahoe County District Attorney, was appointed to investigate MDC Holdings Corp., a publicly traded company on the American Stock Exchange, controlled by the infamous Republican cabalist Leonard Millman. After an SEC investigation, MDC plead guilty in 1991, paid a $1.5 million fine and was under SEC supervision for three years.

Then Judge Richard G. Matsch (of the Oklahoma City Bombing Case fame) was assigned to the MDC Holdings case. Denver US Attorney Mike Norton (no relation to Gale) was the prosecutor. Prior to his US Attorney appointment, Mike Norton ran for the Senate, and his campaign manager was the Chief Executive Officer of MDC Holdings, Larry Mizel. The Assistant US Attorneys in the case were Joseph Mackey and Greg Graff, whose brother, Robert Graff, was also an MDC Holdings Director.

Because of public and media pressure, the US Attorneys office indicted several of the vice presidents of MDC subsidiaries, including Richmond American Homes, one of the nation's largest builders. They plead guilty.

At that point, Judge Matsch made a statement in open court that he was tired of the prosecution bringing in low level vice presidents before him and because of the serious evidence he expected the prosecutors to vigorously prosecute those who were at the top, David Mandarich and Larry Mizel, and that he would vigorously sentence those involved. Within days, his daughter was dead.

The bizarre circumstances involved her "falling" into a volcano on Hawaii during a trip there with her boyfriend. An inside source claims that the boyfriend was planted on her. He supposedly met her in a grocery store, wined and dined her and had been dating her for about a month from the time Judge Matsch was assigned to the case.

Then because of the death of his daughter, the MDC case was reassigned to the Chief Judge of the Tenth Federal Circuit Court, Judge Sherman Finesilver. Finesilver accepted a $1.5 million plea bargain from MDC and acquitted Mandarich while Judge Matsch was in mourning.

At that time, Robert Gallagher was appointed Special Assistant Attorney General by the Governor of Colorado to investigate the alleged political contributions of MDC Holdings. Colorado Attorney General Woodard was named one of the recipients of illegal campaign money and he resigned.

With Woodard gone and Gallagher's investigation completed, Gale Norton, the new Attorney General, took the investigation report and doctored it, eliminating evidence of wrongdoing by MDC Holdings and its officials, especially Larry Mizel.

And how was Gale Norton paid off? She was allowed to hire six new attorneys for her staff to interface with Colorado state officials, congressmen and senators. Eyewitness reports have described only two attorneys on staff in the basement offices and the other four attorneys were never seen. Evidently the notorious M &L Business Machines, a subsidiary of MDC Holdings, had laundered the attorneys payroll checks for Gale Norton's benefit.

In fact, M & L Business Machines president Robert Joseph testified before a US Federal Grand Jury that the payroll checks for Gale Norton's phantom attorneys were indeed laundered through M& L Business Machines. Assistants to Gale Norton were further advised and evidence was turned over to them about their boss's criminal activity and obstruction of justice.

Later when allegations of corruption concerning Silverado Savings and Loan and Denver International Airport appeared on an official report, Gale Norton again rewrote the report omitting any accounts of wrongdoing by her real bosses, Leonard Millman and the Denver Boys.

When Gale Norton left the Attorney General's office, she was rewarded,given a partnership at the infamous Denver-based Brownstein Law Firm.

So here are some of the connections. Norman Brownstein was on the Board of Directors of MDC Holdings, parent company of Silverado S&L and Richmond Homes, as well as MDC's corporate counsel.

Brownstein was also on the Board of Directors of Chubb Securities, the insurance company which paid for Bill Clinton's impeachment defense, the Paula Jones lawsuit damages, and other legal expenses.

Brownstein was on the Boa

[CTRL] From Cradle to Cabal: The Secret Life of Gale Norton

2001-01-14 Thread William Shannon
by Al Martin

From Cradle to Cabal: The Secret Life of Gale Norton
A True Blue Republican Party Apparatchik Also Rises 

      Gale Norton, the Bush designate for Secretary of Interior, was Attorney 
General of Colorado from 1991 to 1999. She was brought in after her 
predecessor Duane Woodard was forced to resign because of his involvement in 
illegal political contributions.

      Incidentally Woodard through his involvement in a series of 
partnerships and corporations had borrowed over $70 million from the infamous 
Silverado Savings, which he never repaid. He was recommended for these loans 
by then Silverado Director Neil Bush.

      At the same time, Robert Gallagher, the Arapahoe County District 
Attorney, was appointed to investigate MDC Holdings Corp., a publicly traded 
company on the American Stock Exchange, controlled by the infamous Republican 
cabalist Leonard Millman. After an SEC investigation, MDC plead guilty in 
1991, paid a $1.5 million fine and was under SEC supervision for three years.

      Then Judge Richard G. Matsch (of the Oklahoma City Bombing Case fame) 
was assigned to the MDC Holdings case. Denver US Attorney Mike Norton (no 
relation to Gale) was the prosecutor. Prior to his US Attorney appointment, 
Mike Norton ran for the Senate, and his campaign manager was the Chief 
Executive Officer of MDC Holdings, Larry Mizel. The Assistant US Attorneys in 
the case were Joseph Mackey and Greg Graff, whose brother, Robert Graff, was 
also an MDC Holdings Director.

      Because of public and media pressure, the US Attorneys office indicted 
several of the vice presidents of MDC subsidiaries, including Richmond 
American Homes, one of the nation's largest builders. They plead guilty.

      At that point, Judge Matsch made a statement in open court that he was 
tired of the prosecution bringing in low level vice presidents before him and 
because of the serious evidence he expected the prosecutors to vigorously 
prosecute those who were at the top, David Mandarich and Larry Mizel, and 
that he would vigorously sentence those involved. Within days, his daughter 
was dead.

      The bizarre circumstances involved her "falling" into a volcano on 
Hawaii during a trip there with her boyfriend. An inside source claims that 
the boyfriend was planted on her. He supposedly met her in a grocery store, 
wined and dined her and had been dating her for about a month from the time 
Judge Matsch was assigned to the case.

      Then because of the death of his daughter, the MDC case was reassigned 
to the Chief Judge of the Tenth Federal Circuit Court, Judge Sherman 
Finesilver. Finesilver accepted a $1.5 million plea bargain from MDC and 
acquitted Mandarich while Judge Matsch was in mourning.

      At that time, Robert Gallagher was appointed Special Assistant Attorney 
General by the Governor of Colorado to investigate the alleged political 
contributions of MDC Holdings. Colorado Attorney General Woodard was named 
one of the recipients of illegal campaign money and he resigned.

      With Woodard gone and Gallagher's investigation completed, Gale Norton, 
the new Attorney General, took the investigation report and doctored it, 
eliminating evidence of wrongdoing by MDC Holdings and its officials, 
especially Larry Mizel.

      And how was Gale Norton paid off? She was allowed to hire six new 
attorneys for her staff to interface with Colorado state officials, 
congressmen and senators. Eyewitness reports have described only two 
attorneys on staff in the basement offices and the other four attorneys were 
never seen. Evidently the notorious M &L Business Machines, a subsidiary of 
MDC Holdings, had laundered the attorneys payroll checks for Gale Norton's 

      In fact, M & L Business Machines president Robert Joseph testified 
before a US Federal Grand Jury that the payroll checks for Gale Norton's 
phantom attorneys were indeed laundered through M& L Business Machines. 
Assistants to Gale Norton were further advised and evidence was turned over 
to them about their boss's criminal activity and obstruction of justice.

      Later when allegations of corruption concerning Silverado Savings and 
Loan and Denver International Airport appeared on an official report, Gale 
Norton again rewrote the report omitting any accounts of wrongdoing by her 
real bosses, Leonard Millman and the Denver Boys.

      When Gale Norton left the Attorney General's office, she was 
rewarded,given a partnership at the infamous Denver-based Brownstein Law Firm.

      So here are some of the connections. Norman Brownstein was on the Board 
of Directors of MDC Holdings, parent company of Silverado S&L and Richmond 
Homes, as well as MDC's corporate counsel.

      Brownstein was also on the Board of Directors of Chubb Securities, the 
insurance company which paid for Bill Clinton's impeachment defense, the 
Paula Jones lawsuit damages, and other legal expenses.
