-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:18 PM
Subject: [anti-imperialiste] Need Your Urgent Action

Dear Comrades,
On the behalf of “All Pakistan Trade union Federation ” we would like to inform you with our deep concern and anxiety that yesterday on 17th of September 2003, under the umbrella of Pakistan workers Confederation Punjab, workers organized Protest rally in Lahore against anti workers policy, price hike, unemployment, privatization, down sizing, banned on trade union activities, discrimination and violence against women. Fascism and Aggression, thousands of workers belongs to nine-national trade union federations participated in this rally. When demonstration reached at Lukshmi Chock. Lahore, heavy-armed police contingent stopped the procession and put barriers in the way of demonstrators. But demonstrators strongly agitated and refused to stop their march. In spite of police hurdles demonstrators continued their march towards Parliament house.
Workers use their basic right of agitation but police register Criminal case against Mr. Gulzar Ahmed Chaudhary, President Pakistan Workers Confederation Punjab, General secretary of All Pakistan Trade Union Federation, Mr. Khrshid Ahmed, General secretary of Pakistan Workers Confederation, and 6 other trade union leaders, on the basis of holding procession without the permission of district administration and critics Government policies and chanting slogan against the government. Violation of section 144, stoppage of Traffic etc.
All these cassis are baseless and unfounded and register due to trade union activities. We strongly condemn and protest this anti-workers practices and urge take immediate action for fulfillment of workers following demands.
Ř      Drop the charges against the all trade union leaders accused of taken out the procession without the permission of district administration and critics Government policies and chanting slogan against the government.
Ř      Stop workplace threats and harassment of union leaders.
Ř      Negotiate with the union leaders in good faith.
Here we would like to request you that kindly write Protest letter to President of Pakistan, Prim Minster of Pakistan, chief minister of Punjab, Minster of labour, I.G Punjab their address is below.
We assure all the peace loving and democareting workers and people of the world that our struggle will continue till the emancipation of the working class.        
We do hope you would take urgent action for protection of workers representatives of Pakistan
Nasir Chaudhary
Press & Publication Secretary
All Pakistan Trade Union Federation
14 N, Gulberg Industrial Area, Gulberg II,
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: 92- 42-5755078 - 5755079
Honorable Mr. General Pervaiz Musharaf
President of pakistan
Chief Executive House
Islamabad. Pakistan
Honorable Mr. Zafrullah Khan Jamali
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Prime Minister House
Islamabad, Pakistan
Honorable Ch Pervaiz Elahi
Chief Minister of Punjab
Chief Minister House
Punjab, Pakistan
Honorable Governor Punjab
Governor House
Lahore. pakistan
Fax: 92-42-9200077
Mr. Abdus Sattar Lalika
Federal Minister of labour
UBL building, 9th Floor
Jinnah Avenue Branch
Islamabad, Pakistan
Fax: 92 – 51- 9228490
I.G Punjab
Civil Secretariat
Fax: 92-42-9210026
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