-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Webster" <vignes@...>

   From: Coast Writers Syndicate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Corruption of the Judicial System

This report should be read all the way through. The last incident (southern
California) incident didn't seem to make it to the local papers -- certainly
not as reported by Skousen. Judging by our coverage of the trumped-up
persecution of Carol Mardeusz in Sonoma & Marin counties, there is every
reason to believe this account as reported by Skousen.

Coast Writers Syndicate



December 21, 2001
Copyright Joel M. Skousen
Partial Quotations with attribution permitted.
Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief

Of the three branches of the federal government, the most important, in
terms of preserving liberty, is the federal judiciary. It was designed to
be the ULTIMATE BULWARK AGAINST INJUSTICE. The final resolutions of all
controversies in law and government in America, no matter how small, are
eventually determined by judges. Judges are supposed to enforce the
limitations on lawmaking power upon the other two branches as dictated by
the Constitution. They do not have the power to make law, but to strike
down unconstitutional legislation and edicts of the executive branch.

Of the three branches, the judiciary is supposed to be the most impartial
and the least political, since its members are not directly elected by the
JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT ARE NOW DEAD. For decades, until just this year,
Federal judges were nominated, unconstitutionally, by the American Bar
Association (ABA), an organization controlled by a committee of
left-leaning, anti-constitutional attorneys. As of this year, nominations
once again publicly come from the President, but the ABA still maintains
its control through key allies in the Bush Justice Department. Judges are
confirmed by the Senate in a very politicized process as well, also
controlled by the ABA. The result is that, regardless of the party in
power, the vast majority of judges who are confirmed are strongly liberal.
Although a small percentage of judges are conservative, these judges have a
reliable track record of taking orders from higher judges when
necessary-thus, their conservative leanings are easily overridden. Despite
increasing public evidence of judicial misconduct, Congress has refused to
invoke the constitutional remedy of impeachment to remove a judge, at least
for many, many years. State watchdog agencies remove, on average, only 10
judges a year, compared to the approximately 10,000 cases of alleged abuse
reported annually-and most abuse is never even reported.

There are two types of corruption with judges: INDIVIDUAL CORRUPTION and
see evidenced in the media is the individual or "rogue" type of corruption.
The Powers That Be want you to believe that the judicial system is above
reproach, an honored profession, and that only an isolated judge here and
there would be caught taking a personal bribe, or bending the law to
protect crime. The same is true regarding the woefully corrupt police
system: the establishment only admits to the occasional rogue cop, never to
systematic corruption. But strangely, even rogue judges-blight that they
are on the sterling reputation of the courts-usually receive only a token
slap on the hands, and they almost NEVER SERVE JAIL TIME. This is because
the bribe they were caught taking is usually only the tip of the iceberg,
if they are part of a broader conspiracy to protect government illegal
operations. The PTB in the Justice Department work overtime to make sure
the systematic corruption and collusion of these judges is kept hidden so
as not to expose the broader and deeper conspiracy for government
control-of which judges form an integral part. The judges who do get harsh
punishment, sadly, are usually the rare few who obstinately refuse to go
along with the systematic corruption of the judicial system, and these are
set up in some form of sting operation to remove them "for cause."
because these judges know exactly what kinds of penalties and threats they
would face if they did so.

One of the most significant ways in which judges aid and abet the
conspiracy within government is to participate in the "take down" of
federal agents and military personnel who get cold feet about illegal
activities. When the CIA or FBI wants to silence an agent who is
threatening to expose corruption within the dark side of government, they
almost always set him up for prosecution by giving him orders to carry out
a secret operation that, like many before, is illegal and corrupt. Only
this time, instead of ensuring that the operation is protected, the agency
anonymously calls the police and has the agent compromised and arrested. In
the ensuing legal proceeding, presided over by one of "their" judges, they
disavow any relationship with the accused.

The two most COMMON ILLEGAL PRACTICES used by federal judges to assist in
the prosecution (and conviction) of the defector are:

1) Deny as inadmissible the introduction of crucial evidence pointing to
the accused's employment as a government agent, and

2) Give carefully crafted, prejudiced instructions to the jury, dictating a
narrow course of action that can only end in a guilty verdict.

At least one defector from the high ranks of the CIA has detailed the
system of payoffs the government makes to judges through gambling casinos
and foreign banks. Such details, plus many more specific stories of federal
criminal activity, are found in RODNEY STICH'S BLOCKBUSTER BOOK, DEFRAUDING
AMERICA (1-800-247-7389). I have mentioned this book numerous times before
in my briefs because it is perhaps the most complete catalog of government
crimes and cover-ups presented in a single volume. It obviates the need to
read a dozen other books. This is one that should be in every library. Many
of you complain about how hard it is to convince your friends that a
conspiracy really exists. Hand them this book, and if they have even half
an honest heart, they will come away shaken. If they don't believe Stich's
documentation, they won't believe until the thugs are at their door.
Stich's exposé not perfect, but at least he has done independent
verification of the stories that no other author has done.


Most of my readers have never experienced corruption similar to the dark
stories detailed by Stich and his cadre of courageous government defectors.
So you feel detached, maybe even safe. "Why would I ever be a target?" you
say. I'll tell you why: the inevitable result of corruption at the top is
that systematic growth of corruption at the state and local level
follows-simply because emerging criminal minds find out that there is a
massive protection racket above them which will guarantee them immunity, if
they play long. There is nothing like the promise of immunity to foster
criminal growth. In better times, it was always the threat of federal
prosecution that kept state and local rings from growing into national
syndicates. Now that the feds are the biggest national syndicate in drugs,
prostitution, money laundering, and war, the little bad guys have every
incentive to join the big boys-for bigger profits and less risk.

I want to concentrate on local and state collusion with federal criminal
acts because this type of corruption is becoming a very real threat to each
of us personally-even if you don't stick your neck out for conservative
causes. I'm going to detail two stories for you. There are hundreds like
them and the list is growing daily. They are tragic, hopeless stories of
innocent people suddenly caught up in the jaws of the dark side of
government, where there is no escape. In each case the victim or his
survivors seek redress through the courts, and in each and every case,
justice is denied-not once, but tens of times as appeals are made from the
bottom to the top of our supposed constitutional system. What is startling
about these particular stories is that they name names. And the names of
those who reveal themselves to be on the side of government collusion are
often people who pretend to be conservatives politicians, or judges. It
shakes your faith in the system.

People have faith in the legal system today because these corrupt judges
are smart enough to play the part of noble judge most of the time. They
know that if they rule according to law most of the time, they can cover up
the exceptions-with a little help from their friends up the ladder. These
cover-ups can take many forms. One of the prominent ways to conceal
flagrant violations of law is for a judge to seal the court records so the
public is denied access to the facts. Colluding appeals courts often rule
on a sensitive case without recording a written justification (which should
never be allowed in our constitutional republic). Sometimes judges write an
opinion and then have it depublished or declared ineligible as future court
precedent. There is also an unwritten incestuous relationship between
judges and attorneys. Young attorneys quickly learn that judges and big law
firms control the turf and if you go against what the local legal power
players want, you can get blackballed for life-and never win another case.
In my first example, from the book A Case of Injustice (published by
Palatine Press), you will see this attorney control system at its worst.


This is a dramatic and powerful account of one feisty Texas businesswoman
who wouldn't quit. I don't know why she is alive today, except by the grace
of God. The powers arrayed against her were and still are ruthless. This
real live story is set in south Texas, an area of the US which in the 1980s
became an alternate source of drug importation for the CIA and other
competing drug lords-after south Florida became too hot, politically.

Anne Morrow had married into one of the first families of Dallas-the
Parrino family. She had political connections and money. Life was good.
After the death of her husband, she ran a successful gift shop and, in
1984, decided to expand her business down into Corpus Christi. Like any
normal unsuspecting business person, she entered into a standard lease for
space at a new shopping center owned by one A. C. Gilmore-a seedy, unkempt
king of the florist trade in south Texas (her first mistake). Readers of
the book will note that as her account unfolds, Anne makes a series of
little errors in judgment, each compounding her involvement in future bad
situations, and each error accompanied by those subtle nervous feelings of
conscience that forewarn of trouble. She doesn't heed the little warning
signs, being positive and upbeat. This mistake is made by most people
basking in the illusions of "good times." For Anne, it wouldn't take long
for her experiences to shatter these illusions, a hard lesson in learning
to listen better to these small warning signs.

After the absentee landlord failed to fulfill certain verbal agreements
dealing with the critical issue of signage, Anne tried to sue for breach of
contract. During her initial investigation she found out the seedy landlord
had altered the lease document in order to justify his breach-an obvious
and outright act of criminal fraud. Gotcha!--or so she thought. Little did
she know, the seedy, overweight A.C. Gilmore was protected by a corrupt
local judicial system, intrinsically linked with local law firms. Gilmore
was in fact involved in the drug trade, and was using his investments in
shopping centers and other legitimate businesses to launder the profits.
How many of us do business with companies every day (sometimes national
chains) who appear legitimate but which may be fronts for money laundering
operations or secret government operations? You may never know, but it's a
much bigger problem than you think. Even major airlines and banks are

The truth about a company's linkage with organized government crime may
only surface if you have a significant legal problem with them and find
out, in your quest for a resolution, that this particular business is
beyond the law. Most front businesses are smart enough to not make a major
issue of small legal matters-they settle quickly to keep their profile low.
But A.C. Gilmore was a slob-he didn't care how he handled the situation
because he knew he was working for people bigger than even the state of
Texas. He also had local judges in his pocket and was confident they would
cover for whatever he did. He was right.

This slowly started to dawn on Anne as she engaged one attorney after
another in Corpus Christi. In each case, they turned from friendly one day
to sour and distant the next and started giving her the run around about
why they couldn't represent her, or why she didn't have a case. Somebody
was turning these lawyers against her. She couldn't believe a louse like
Gilmore could have this much power. Could he be buying them off? She had a
near air-tight case and no attorney would take it. Convinced that Gilmore
couldnn't control all 650 LAWYERS IN TOWN, she kept trying. A private
investigator stepped forward one day and offered to help-suspiciously,
without charge. He and other connected politicians steered her towards an
attorney who did agree to take her case-and then proceeded to sabotage it
in a major way. He was talking to all her adversaries and acting on their
behalf-a clear violation of attorney responsibility. When she threatened to
charge him for misconduct to the Texas Bar Association, he just laughed. He
was protected.

One of the keys to this story is her DOCUMENTATION OF DEALINGS WITH THESE
ATTORNEYS. For those who distrust attorneys, this book will justify your
every suspicion. It wasn't that everyone was involved personally with A.C.
Gilmore. He wasn't paying them off. Most of these attorneys didn't even
recognize the name of Gilmore when she initially presented her case to
them. But then the following day, someone would get to these attorneys and
their demeanor would change. None had the principles to blow the whistle on
those applying pressure. They all folded and turned on her-every one,
without exception. This means that THERE IS AN INFORMAL CONTROL SYSTEM THAT
SHADOWS THE LEGAL PROFESSION-even in small communities. Individual lawyers
never see it or know it exists until they start to handle a case that
threatens some higher power. Then the phone calls come; subtle threats or
warnings are uttered. Names are dropped. Potential consequences are hinted
at. Lawyers are ladder-climbers in the profession. Most value their
position in the legal pecking order more than their sense of justice. This
is telling...and chilling.

But the good ol' boys underestimated Anne Morrow's determination. She
finally went to the local elected officials with her case. Friendly at
first, they too turned on her, or actively attempted to steer her into the
arms of other vultures. She then went to the county prosecutor to request
that he file criminal charges. He refused to even see her-ever! He had
already been alerted. She bypassed him and got the same treatment from
deputy prosecutors. She then went to the grand jury direct but the foreman
informed her they could do nothing without the prosecutor's approval (not
true). She went to the county commission-same story. When she proceeded to
the Sheriff's office, she initially did get an admission from them that the
area is full of corruption. They welcomed her case, and promised to pursue
it in order to clean up the county. However, within a month the
investigation was shut down and they treated her like dirt.

Anne then turned to the State of Texas and charged the county prosecutor
with prosecutorial misconduct. A major investigation by the Texas state
Prosecutorial Council began. At first the investigators were on her side.
But once again, after all the incriminating evidence was gathered and
presented to the State Legislature, orders came down from "above the State"
to kill it. The Council was disbanded for good. Over the course of the next
10 years or so, she took her story to the FBI (in many different states),
to Congressmen, Senators, and others, pulling every political string she
had. Same story-everyone protected the surly A.C. Gilmore. Anne's
description of the hostility she received at the hands of the FBI, even as
she went from one state to another, tells volumes about how completely the
dark side controls this once-sterling agency of justice.

It was obvious to me, after reading halfway through her story, that A.C.
Gilmore had more power than a simple south Texas drug lord. He had risen
from a nobody to a multi-millionaire in less than 3 years. You can do that
as a local drug lord, but you don't get the protection of the state of
Texas, the FBI, and members of Congress unless you are working for the
feds. In this case I presume A.C. Gilmore was working for the CIA drug

Certainly, not all of the players who stonewalled Anne's case were guilty
of direct conspiracy, or even had knowledge of the underlying conspiracy.
But one thing was certainly happening: people with federal power at a very
high level were calling down to the State level and telling them to shut
down Anne Morrow's case-probably in the name of "national security," that
ubiquitous cover that stops anyone from asking further questions. Everyone
stupidly snaps-to and salutes, "Yes, sir!" Anne was also surveilled
throughout this ordeal-and not by mafia thugs. She was shadowed and watched
by clean cut federal agent types, and still is today to a lesser degree.
That takes a lot of expensive resources, even for the dark side of

Anne Morrow still fights on. She wants closure, but she will never get
it-not, at least, in terms of ultimate justice. I have tried to console her
with the thought that she has done us all a great service simply by putting
up the valiant fight, and having the courage to name names and document the
extent of collusion and criminal behavior of the entire justice system. Her
book can do much to wake up sleeping America. But the media isn't about to
help. The 4th estate, which should have been sympathetic to this case of
extreme prejudice toward a woman businessperson, has scorned and betrayed
her. We can only make her sacrifice meaningful if we buy the book, read her
story and pass it on. Order A Case of Injustice online at
www.palatinepress.com. It's available as a hardcopy, or half price as an
E-book download to your computer. It's a must read.

What good will it do? Plenty. All of us, even conservatives, need to have
our illusions of honesty and goodness on the part of local government
shattered. It is true that not every town is as bad as Corpus Christi,
Houston, Denver, Chicago, SF, NY, or LA, but every city is being worked on
and is under pressure, and every city is slipping ever closer into the
federal grasp. Read on for another sobering example.


The following is by John Morgan Duty. In his youth he documented some
incidents of rogue police officers who beat up on some of youth. Over the
years he started to see a pattern of systematic abuse, that can only happen
when the judicial system tolerates abuse and covers for it. He documents a
train of increasing abuse in the essay, LEST WE FORGET MICHEAL ARNOLD
[www.jail4judges.org] , which I have excerpted with comments below.

"Come with me and travel a road 30 years long. Arrive in the POLICE STATE
you thought couldn't happen...(When) I met Constance Flaum [mother of the
victim, Michael Arnold] my entire standard of comparison was about to be
changed in a most profound way. What little respect I had left for the
police was to evaporate. On March 27th, 1998, 22 officers of the Lennox
Sheriffs' office [LA county, California] and Highway Patrol committed the
singularly most heinous crime, of which I am aware.

"In the wee hours of that fateful morning, about 3:05am, 22 ...armored,
sheriffs and highway patrolmen opened fire with 9mm pistols, shotguns, and
at least one AR-15 assault riffle, loosing 250 rounds of ammunition in a
sleeping community. Rounds of ammo found their way into several homes in
the community, one coming to rest in the pillow that was under the head of
a sleeping child... When the siege was over, 150 bullets had screamed
through the neighborhood, 165 bullets had taken down one unarmed man, 62
bullets grazed him, 106 projectiles penetrated Mike's body and 55 were
'kill shots.'

"When the military style assault was over, the police went door to door
demanding the citizens tell them what they had seen and heard. They
instructed the citizenry to stay in the house, away from the windows and
remain there until the scene was secured. [Citizens should never comply
with these kinds of demands.] Then the police searched the dead man's new
white Lincoln Towncar to find out who they had just killed, only to
discover they had made one of their famous mistakes. It seems they had just
massacred a young, highly successful, local businessman known for his
genteel nature and philanthropy. Mike Arnold was so kindhearted he was
known as that guy who carried around his blind pooch in his arms and
collected stuffed animals. He never owned a gun in his life.

"He did, however, keep an air pistol or two because he managed property and
occasionally had to scare away a rodent or snake. Realizing what they had
just done, the adrenaline pumped cops huddled and came up with a quick but
feeble plan. One of the cops got into the car and moved it down the street
nearly to the corner and a couple of the other cops retrieved a
high-pressure hose from the meat packing company across the street.

"They rinsed the torn flesh and blood down into the gutter. They then moved
the car back to its original position, placing it between the dead man's
body and the street. They opened the trunk and upon finding the air pistol,
they placed it in the mutilated hand of the victim in an attempt to make
the man look as if he were armed when they shot him. Interestingly, the
hand in which they placed the gun had been shot three times.

"Two shots went completely through the hand and the third severed the
tendons, making it impossible for the victim to have held anything. The
other interesting point of consideration was that the gun had not one
scratch on it so how did the bullet pass through the hand and not the
handle of the pistol? At this point I am asking myself what kind of
explanation did the police try to offer to cover up their crime? It went
something like this according to the story in the newspaper. 'Unidentified
suicidal freeway sniper killed in shootout with police.'

"Apparently the news reporter didn't bother to investigate or interview
anyone on the scene or he would have found out that when the police stopped
Mike, they ordered him out of the car. With hands in the air as commanded,
they told him to keep his hands up and to step backwards toward them. He
was in complete compliance with the police especially since everybody knows
how deadly the California Highway Patrol can be. His fatal mistake was to
turn ever so slightly to the left to get a look at who was barking orders,
at which point one of the psychopaths ripped off a shot that tore Mike's
face off. Statements the police spokesman made on TV alleged that, 'Michael
Arnold had been armed with two handguns from which he fired multiple rounds
at the police, endangering the community.'


1) ONLY one gun was produced into evidence-a BB-Gun

2) The make and model of BB gun placed in Michael's hand was not capable of
firing 'multiple rounds' nor was it possible for an air pistol to leave the
gunpowder residue found on Michael's hands. This proves that the shooters
moved him.

3) The very first shot blew Michael's brains out thus rendering him
incapable of holding anything.

4) Three bullets passed completely through his hand shattering his arm and
shoulder bones, and severed tendons required for gripping.

5) Though bloody, the BB pistol didn't have a single scratch on it
according to the coroner.

6) Trajectory experts concluded the 'kill zone' was in the middle of the
street and not on the sidewalk where the coroner examined the body some 7
hours after the murder took place.

7) All 165 bullets entered Michael's body front to back and left to right
putting the car directly between them. Though an excess of 250 rounds were
fired, only one bullet hit the car. Unlikely or impossible?

8) When the car was moved to the corner of the street to allow the police
to rinse down the scene they backed over the gutter drain. As the blood and
flesh was hosed down the drain, DNA and blood was splattered into the wheel
wells and undercarriage of the car. Undeniable proof of evidence tampering.

9) Experts, eyewitnesses, and incontestable forensic evidence corroborated
all offering of facts. All of the facts and evidence was either refused or
ignored by: 1) The LA County Sheriff 2) LA County Board of Supervisors 3)
The California State Attorney 4) Governor Gray Davis 5) EVERY Senator and
Congressperson from the state of California 6) The United States Senate and
House of Reps 7) The FBI 8) The US Attorney General 9) The US Dept. of
Justice 10) President of the United States." [End of JMD quote]

The list of official government accomplices to the cover-up matches what
Anne Morrow found. Morrow's experience is not unique. The problem is

Sadly, the lesson from these two examples is that THE CONSTITUTION IS ONLY
A PAPER DOCUMENT NOW, enforced selectively as a suitable cover to make evil
government officials look benign while they engage in gross violations of
law that are kept hidden. Believe me, judges are violating people's
fundamental rights in every state of the union, though some states are much
worse than others. Judges would never dare do this, with court reporters
recording their words, if they were not confident their illegal actions
would be covered for by higher judicial authority at the federal level.
This is my message. Our liberties are in grave danger because our ultimate
recourse to the courts is now effectively blocked by corrupt judges in
collusion with the evil powers that control this nation. It isn't absolute
control, and all judges are not involved directly, but too many judges and
attorneys assent by their silence, and that is how liberty dies.

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