-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
t: Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:20 AM
Subject: Fallujah, Russia, World

19.04. 2004

Irina Malenko

For the Sake of Life!

“Battle goes on,

battle sacred and just -

deadly battle

not for glory

but for the sake

of Life

on Earth!”

(A. Tvardovski, “Vasilii Tjorkin”)

The blond TV speaker smiled charmingly from the monitor, demonstrating perfect white teeth: “A group of British doctors are going to Basra to help lessen the number of Iraqi women dying at child-birth. Children death rate in Iraq is among the highest ones in the world. The group includes nine gynecologists who will teach the local doctors methods that will save hundreds of lives.”

If I hadn’t lived here for so long, I would have had shivers from that arrogant cynicism. Not a word was mentioned why the Iraqi children death rate was so high (or about the role of “wonderful, high civilized” Britain in the 13-year cruelest sanctions against that country that had eaten out the life of half a million of the Iraqi children!) Nine British gynecologists - for all the 22 million Iraq whose blood is flowing away now under the imperialist US-UK occupation boots… Besides, they apparently are expecting applause for their courage and generosity. Just as in the good old times they will teach “those savages/aborigines the most simple things”. They will carry “the light of civilization to the ignorant and the backward”. Their ancestors had done just that in the conquered countries during the long colonial years. The majority of the British think so even now: that is what they are being taught at school.

It doesn’t matter that there is not a trace of the WMD promised by Pinocchio Blair. It was worth while to start that war and exterminate and disable thousands of mothers and children just to be able to send to the country of the most ancient civilization a team of 9 British gynecologists and “save the life of hundreds of mothers”. Indeed, it should be “crystal clear” for everybody how lucky these aborigines are! Otherwise they would never learn how to stop a bleeding without operation. At the same time a certain number of still not killed away terrorists dare to resist in some Fallujah! (The TV news reporters only mention Fallujah, and reluctantly at that manipulating us into concluding that what is going there is too insignificant to arrest our attention.)

But I have lived here too long to wonder at that performance. Nobody wonders at the deep gratitude of the Iraqi boy to the British (according to the TV broadcasts), the same boy whose family they have assassinated with their smart bombs, and he himself was left without arms. So great British have taken him to Britain and have sewn him new arms in - quite free of charge… It is not a joke. I just repeat what they kept saying on their TV news. To joke - for what? It is for crying not for joking. No, one should not cry but think how to prevent the offensive of these “civilized” no-men on the rest of the world. (Remember that the situation with the NWO and the human rights at home is not exactly what they wish it should be - besides, the most important: there are heaps of oil in Russia, aren’t there?) Maybe Roman Abramovic, the newly popped up richest man in Britain- the quantity of what he has plundered from our country has left far behind him the members of the! king’s family! - will help them siphon the Russian oil without bombing and other military actions? At least for the fact that the British have included him in their list of the rich men in the country. The recognition of the most civilized representatives of human race - the masters of the world! - is a great achievement indeed for the former servant - he and his likes have looked up to them in admiration since childhood… He is not an exception - it is the same with any plunderer of his people’s riches - as f.i Central African Jean Bedel Boccase (?) who has declared himself an Emperor…

When a nobody like Abramovic bought their best football team “Chelsea”, the British writhed for some time out of decency. But - money does not smell, does it?

Everybody has noticed that now the British look upon that money as theirs - the same 7,5 billions, earned with the labor of our Russian people and siphoned abroad in growing degrees by Abramovic. Do you, Russians, agree with that? Of course, nobody will ask for your opinion on the subject. Still, maybe you, Russians, have at last started to ask yourselves how much truth there is in that widely distributed idiotic myth in Russia even now, namely, that the Western imperial nations as Britain “have created their wealth only by their intelligence and hard work”! And if we press on, as we should, we will live at least as the average Englishman if not like the Prince of Wales!

Abramovic and Berezovskii have found the country most suitable for their mentality: a country built totally out of the cruel bloody pillage of other countries’ riches and their peoples. And proud of that, it has stuck on its blood-dripping mug the mask of a charitable savior of nations’!

If the British really had wanted to save hundreds of lives in Iraq, they would have rushed to Downing (?) Street to put their mad Prime Minister into a straitjacket that is just what he deserves! Where is that crowd of more than a million of demonstrators that filled the London streets in 2003? It is easy to walk along the streets under the nice autumn sun when nothing threatens you - the useful exercise will reward you with good nice sleep. “Their doings there does not concern me anymore - it is not in my name - I have declared openly my opinion…” Bla-bla-bla… Couldn’t they exert themselves at least to the heroic step not to reelect that notorious liar and war-loving imperial maniac for the next 7-year term? But why to burden themselves so very much? The unemployment in Britain is the lowest for the last 20 years. The unemployed are so protected that they soon will turn into walking stomachs. The latest news is that they are just promised free of charge fru! it and vegetables: governmental care for their diet.

These same free of charge fruit and vegetables are washed in the blood of the Iraqi people - but who of the unemployed reflects on that?

They talk very reluctantly about the Iraqi Uprising in the TV news broadcasts. They are reeling on much more willingly a TV documentary about how very much the occupational armies surpass the Iraqi one technically even when the last starts a war. You watch that film - with the bitter knowledge of what is going on in Fallujah and the other Iraqi towns - and think: “What of it? Have your Mothers of Bombs helped you?” Have the hired mercenaries from the other countries as Ukraine helped you? (Do you remember that Ukrainian make-believe soldier who, at the beginning of the war, boasted to the Izvestia’s reporter how much he was paid and what kind of rubbish he could buy from the US army shops for his women and daughters? Look at them, the “carriers of civilization to the dark and backward savages” that - oh, horror! - in difference to them sell away neither themselves nor their Motherland! Or Poland. Here one cannot help quoting Taras Bulba: “What, son, have you! r Poles helped you…?”

The heaps of critiques on the part of the Western imperialism are very suitable for steaming off the weak anger. They dare to put at one level the oppressed and threatened with annihilation - and the full bellies who are trying to calm down their uneasy conscience like Arrundati Roy (spelling?). She has dared most arrogantly to compare the Iraqi Freedom Fighters from the courageous Iraqi Resistance with the protestors from the Western city streets! For her these totally different actions regarding the level of the needed courage and the risk they involve are the same! The Iraqi guerrillas are fired at with real, not with rubber rounds! They are being bombed. They are being imprisoned and horrifically tortured… While nobody touches the walking along the London streets with their conveyor-made slogans. Besides the circus called “elections”, these demonstrations are another manifestation of the play at democracy: let the local intellectuals go periodically to t! he streets to steam out, calm down their sensitive conscience - and forget. Well, sometimes somebody might receive a blow or two, but it is an exception. If they have to risk their life for their beliefs and convictions, we will not see in the street 99 % of those “soldiers in armchairs”. Some of them even receive Noble prizes - from those they “criticize”!

The ex-guerrilla fighter Danny Morrison from North Ireland, the author of the popular slogan “With a ballot paper in one hand and a Kalashnik in the other” writes in the local newspaper extensive essays about the “horrors of the Mao camps in China during the Cultural Revolution”. And he does that in the same days when the blood of Iraqi people has been flowing in the streets of Fallujah. Morrison does not see it - he is blind for the fresh blood, the blood of our days!

It is understandable: if he starts paying attention to it - if he starts supporting the suppressed nations round the world - he may lose his covenient position of an intellectual from a half-suppressed nation. Its representatives are allowed to receive the crumbs fallen from the Master’s imperial dinning-table: crumbs in the form of unemployment grants or the author’s payment for toothless books. How will he live without all these meat-dishes? Then a second-rate writer as Morrison, who has created a name for himself among the English speaking pseudo left (for whom he, in fact, writes) on the basis only of his revolutionary past, would not be able to “walk slowly under the morning Monday sun” along the streets of his home-town of Belfast, deep in thoughts about the sense of Life. What if he is forced to really work in order to live - as it is done by ľ of the people on that Planet of ours in whose talents nobody is interested?

… Years back, in the 30-ties of the last century young people from all round the world started flowing into revolutionary Spain to fight fascism as part of the international brigades there. Where are the young people NOW? Why are they not in Iraq? Why the so-called “alive shields” have run away from Iraq - just as Chukovski’s* bugs and cockroaches!- at the deafening sound of the very first bombs firing up Baghdad’s skies? Now we see them there only as hostages - because they went there either as direct hirelings of the imperialism (“reconstructing bombed power stations/roads/sewage”), or as humanitarian aids, whose stay there is totally useless**. Why do you cry when taken as hostages? What have you expected? The key from the room where the money is?

The “living shields” thought apparently that their government would not dare to bomb Baghdad just because they were there. The explanation of that childish presumption lies in what they have been taught since early childhood, namely, that the Western life of the “civilized white man” (Japanese included) is more “precious” than the life of hundreds, and even thousands of “aborigines”. The Iraqi fighters behaved illogically too: first, they threatened the hostages - then they let them go away unhurt. That kind of behavior only strengthens the Western people’s (and the Japanese’s) confidence in their inviolability/sanctity/immunity - it reinforces the confidence that nothing can ever happen to them simply because they are “civilized whites”. That strange act on the part of the guerrilla fighters is a sign not for humanness but for weakness: at least that is the message the governments of the released hostages have received.! (The same governments that have demonstrated such a callous readiness to spit at the hostages’ lives. They would never trouble to move till great quantities of their citizens are not concerned.)

The weak enemy could not be a real enemy - he is not accepted seriously. At such a humane gesture the Western governments will never respond correspondingly - on the contrary, they will act with even greater barbarism. (Maybe the Iraqi have been manipulated by that still deeply rooted belief that they are dealing with “civilized nations” - the same sham belief so strong in Russians till that day. Our ancestors writhed in the same way in the first days of the Hitler’s German occupation of the Soviet land. Indeed, is the same nightmare’s repetition necessary for the Iraqi to open their eyes at last for the real nature of their occupiers?)

Everything should be taken into account and weighed out before starting threatening the hostages. (Or even better - before taking them…)

The Russians of today are concentrated on the mere survival - they live as in a hen-house just after the popular joke: everybody strives to sit higher, to peck the neighbors on both sides, and to shit on the ones below. The Western “civilizers” and their supporters in our own country (the same ones we have let out of control to such a disastrous degree!) have instilled into us the conviction that it is just what civilization is about - that it is civilization in its highest form! Who of us think - who of us understand - that the young Iraqi are giving away their lives today not only for their Motherland but also for the whole Mankind? They are dying there also for you and for me - for all of us!… Their blood is splashing on the Iraqi streets and squares and deserts for our country too!…

Meanwhile we and the Serbs, and our other Slav brothers continue behaving as if we can only complain of life and cry over our cruel destiny. We keep listening, sick of nostalgia, to the songs of our carefree socialistic childhood - which then seemed to us so boring… (It is, of course, much more “fascinating” to breathe glue in the cellars or wash somebody else’s car in the streets, aiming the passers-by with cigarette butts. All this starts when the children are 8-10 years of age! Isn’t it romantic?) While we are behaving in that way instead of making the earth burn under the feet of the Western imperialistic occupiers-“civilizers”, there will be no future for us. If we want to really save it for our children - our lives have been already trampled away by the “civilizers”, and nothing can be done for them - if we really want it, today we should learn from the young Iraqi from Fallujah and whole Iraq. Learn from the heroic Iraqi Freedom Fighters, not from ! the sputtering “white” Western moralizers only because we look the same! Turn your back to those who condemn today Cuba for “violating human rights”, when that country are fighting for its survival practically quite by itself.

Cuba has reminded me of Stanislav Govoruhin’s* film from the times of Gorbachov. Its title was “One should not live in that way”. It paraded the waste of our society then: degenerates and killers, most of them Russians. The author puts the blame for their psychic condition on those stinkers, the communists. The demonstrated degenerates are such because they have grown up “on the background of the locked Orthodox churches, turned into warehouses”. I have grown up at the same background and still I have turned neither into a sadist nor into a fratricide or a cannibal from the lack of “spiritual guidance”. The same can be said about millions of our people, the great majority of the population.)

In the same film Govoruhin mentions Cuba. According to him, a part of our young people of the 80-ties turned into callous profiteers, killers, thieves, and so on, because the Soviet Union had, “according to CIA data” financed Cuba “with $22 billions per year”. Not because they were inspired by the daily examples of the pseudo-communists of the type of those under both Breznev’s and Gorbachov’s rule who demonstrated such a repulsive lack of any connection between words and deeds, and who had a strong hold on our country then.

Today the money of the people is not spent on damned Cuba. (There it was invested into that country’s economy: in power stations and electricity distribution nets, in the development of the Cuba industry and agriculture, in medicine - it is still accessible for all the citizens of that country!)

Today the money of the Russian people is siphoned away by our new “very respectable people” into “civilized” countries of the type of Britain and US (where it fills up their private bank accounts). Mr. Govoruhin should be very, very pleased with the end results of his personal fight for the spiritual health of our people. One can live in that way, is that so, Mr Govoruhin?

Yeah, one can live in that way - in the way you live in that “civilized” world of yours. The same “civilized” world in which a prominent person can coldly declare that the Western occupation and the bombing of Iraq will do a lot of good to the Iraqi people - firmly convinced in that statement! Elena Bohner (spelling?) Saharova, the widow of the notorious “fighter for human rights” whose name thundered all over their “civilized” world, herself a doctor of medicine by profession who had even worked for some time in Iraq - made that statement in an interview of Russian “Izvestija”. What about the rights of the Iraqi people? Does she want that the children and grandchildren of those she had treated in Iraq to perish under the “civilized” bombs of the “civilized” world both she and Govoruhin admire so very much? Wonderful, that Hippocratic oath…

People of such a dire Man-hating nature as her - and as Valerija Novodvorskaja, the author of “I Hate That Country” - have thought and continue to accept the West as a measure of the degree of “civilization”. They have prayed to it all their destructive life - destructive, because they do not create but only keep annihilating what other people have already created! Having in mind all that, isn’t it high time to stop kneeling in front of them - isn’t it time to jump and demonstratively turn our backs to all the so-called “Soviet dissidents” we have been forced to accept as the “conscience of the nation” in the last 15 years?…

We should look up not at the West but at the South and the East where people like us live. It does not matter how different we are at first glance - both these people and we are suppressed and humiliated by the Western fat asses living at our expense - the same ones who are striving nowadays to straddle up the whole Planet with their second imperialistic attempt to enslave Iraq totally.

Because the future of our Planet is forged not in Kosovo, writhing and moaning, suffocated in its bloody tragedy where no guerrilla movement for liberating that ancient Serb land from NATO’s occupation materialized. And definitely it will not be borne in the streets of the ex-socialist countries’ capitals that have hurried to sell themselves to the first imperialist who have reached for them.

The future of our Planet - our only hope for worthy, free, and spiritual life -is coming into life in the South!

We, whose grandfathers and grand-grandfathers set the World free from the fascism, should writhe in bitter shame now while staying behind our street or market stands or bar plots - or while wasting our time, looking wise, in totally useless discussions with the “civilized” Western left discussing if a new world is possible or not.

The New World is getting into life in FALUJAH, and the satiated, well-fed representatives of all those Western funds and NGOs will never understand it.

Today, as it was in the time of Vassilii Tjorkin:

“Battle goes on,

battle sacred and just -

deadly battle

not for glory

but for the sake

of Life

on Earth!”

The only difference is that Vassilii now is called Ali or Luis. And the duty of our Vassilii is to find in himself the courage to open his eyes to the reality of what is going on, forgeting about the color of his skin - with which he is now as obsessed as Marshak’s* Mr. Twister!

Otherwise we will be lowered to the shameful level of that Ukrainian from “Izvestia”, that admired US cheap shiny trinkets in the US Army shops, and who went to kill away the people of a foreign country for the British-American imperialism that is dragging our Planet into an abyss!…



Translation from Russian:

Blagovesta Doncheva

Sofia, the Balkans


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