-Caveat Lector-
> > FLORIDA MILITARY VOTES BLOCKED > > Reports of Blocked Military Votes Still Coming In > -- and some of them live in Florida > > http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com > > from Angel Shamaya > Director, KeepAndBearArms.com > 9 November 2000 > 12:50, PST > > KeepAndBearArms.com -- We have more confirmed > reports of U.S. servicemen and women being prevented > from voting. Absentee ballots missing or arriving > too late is a larger problem than we'd even have > guessed, and we are still receiving new reports as > the day wears on. Here are the latest reports: > > Okinawa -- another confirmed report of no ballot > having been provided. In her own words: > > "I am living on Okinawa. I was active duty until > Sep 02-00, and I did ask my unit rep to sign me > up to vote -- but heard nothing after that. I > did not receive a ballot at all. Yes, I would > have voted for Gov. Bush." > > We also have our first confirmed report from a resident > of Florida stationed in America whose ballot didn't > arrive until the day before the election. He requested > his absentee ballot in September and placed a second > request in October. According to him: > > "I received my Ballot the day after the election. > My parents requested my ballot in September, but > it was sent to the wrong address. I re-requested > a ballot in late October. I live in Florida, and > I would have voted for Bush." > > He's not the only soldier who resides in Florida and > didn't receive a ballot -- and would have thrown a > vote to Governor Bush. This just came in: > > "I am a state resident of Florida. In my 16 years > in the military I have never NOT received a ballot... > until this year. And yes, I would most definitely > have voted for Bush." > > And so it goes. We have a confirmed report in from a > couple whose home state is Oregon. She received her > ballot, and he didn't. > > Some military personnel did receive their ballots > in time to vote, of course. From our email today: > > "I am from the state of Illinois, and requested > my ballot in September, I received my ballot on > November 6th 2000, the ballot needed to be returned > by 2 pm on the 7th. I did send my ballot in, and > I did vote for BUSH!!" > > and > > "I am a soldier stationed in the US at Carlisle > Barracks in Pennsylvania, away from my voting district. > Everyone at Carlisle Barracks was provided all forms, > etc months in advance. I can tell you that everyone > here was encouraged to vote." > > We are elated to know that some military personnel did > get to vote. But the absence of ballots for others is > not only puzzling, it is an outrage. How those who > received their ballots on the 7th were to accomplish > the stated deadline is a mystery. Who helped orchestrate > this travesty is no mystery at all. > > Related Articles Below are All linked at > http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com > > First Report from Okinawa Showing > Missing Military Absentee Ballots > http://www.keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNewsPlus.a sp?cmd=view&articlei > Help Us Find Lost Military Votes > -- Survey for Soldiers to Take > http://www.keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNewsPlus.a sp?cmd=view&articlei > Military Absentee Ballots Missing > -- U.S. Military on Assignment Won't Get to Vote > http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_dougherty/20001104_ xnjdo_military_m.sht > Thank you to all who've assisted in blowing > this thing wide open. We've had calls from > Senators asking servicemen and women to contact > their Senators and U.S. Representatives directly. > http://www.senate.gov/contacting/index_by_state.cfm > > And we continue our request to all military personnel: > please fill out our survey from the above link -- > especially if you didn't get to vote. Just because you > contact your congresscritters doesn't mean that information > will get to the Governor. We WILL get it there. > > Sign up for our free email reports at > http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com > > We are a member-supported organization. See our home page > for other ways you can support us, as well. >


The purpose of the Bill of Rights being to
limit government, I suggest that it be given
teeth. The Eleventh Amendment to the Bill of
Rights should provide for the preservation of
the Bill of Rights by imposing a non-commutable
death sentence upon any politician, at any level,
who votes for legislation that would limit or
infringe upon the practice of the first ten
Amendments.  ~~ Tom Kozan, Greeley, Colorado,
LP News, June, 1998

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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