-Caveat Lector-

Lawyer Asks Boies to Explain Misrepresentation

Monday, Nov. 27, 2000

John B. Thompson, Attorney
1172 South Dixie Highway, Suite 111
Coral Gables, Florida 33146-2750
Phone: 305-666-4366
Fax: 305-666-7275

November 27, 2000

David Boies, Attorney
Boies, Schiller, and Flexner
5301 Wisconsin Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. VIA FAX to 202-237-6131

Re: False Representation to Florida Supreme Court about
Illinois "Dimpled Chad" Case

Dear Mr. Boies:

It has come to my attention, and I am sure it has come to yours
as well, that you falsely characterized the court's ruling in the
Illinois "dimpled chad" case.

You told the Florida Supreme Court last week that that case
allowed the hand recounting of dimpled chads. Our state's high
court seemed impressed with that fact.

One problem, though. A big problem. The Illinois court ruled just the
opposite way, disallowing the counting of dimpled chads. The
you relied upon is false, and you now know that it is false.

You have a clear and mandatory duty immediately to inform the
Florida Supreme Court of your misrepresentation to the seven
Justices in this critical regard.

Any failure on your part is clearly subject to review and discipline
by the appropriate authorities because such a failure would
constitute an ethical breach on your part which compromises
justice and is prejudicial to the opposing parties.

You have until five o'clock p.m., Tuesday, November 28, 2000, to
inform me by fax at the above number that you have alerted the
Florida Supreme Court of your misrepresentation.

Best, John B. Thompson

Copy: Florida Supreme Court, Media


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