-Caveat Lector-

Miami Ballots: Gore Gained Only 49 Votes

Miami Ballots: Gore Gained Only 49 Votes
NewsMax.com Wires
February 26, 2001
MIAMI -- A review of 10,644 uncounted ballots in Miami-Dade County by the
Miami Herald shows that George W. Bush would have won the presidency
outright without weeks of indecision.
The newspaper reported Monday that Al Gore would have netted no more than
votes in Miami-Dade, 140 shy of the total needed to overtake Bush even
combined with Gore gains in the three other counties where the then-vice
president had requested manual recounts.
"President Bush was lawfully elected on Election Day. He won after the
statewide machine recount," said Mark Wallace, a Miami lawyer for the
Republican Party. "He won after the manual recount, and he won at the
conclusion of all the litigation.
"Now, after a ballot review using liberal standards unprecedented under
law, we find President Bush would still win. At some point, the
National Committee needs to accept that, and that time is now," Wallace
the newspaper.
But some Democrats insisted The Herald's review shows that neither side
could have known how the recounts would turn out.
"This underscores how unpredictable the whole recount strategy was, on
sides," said Doug Hattaway, former Gore campaign spokesman. "This shows
bush's tactics of delaying and blocking vote recounts didn't really
The review - which was sponsored by The Herald and its parent company,
Knight Ridder - found that 1,555 Miami-Dade ballots were marked in a way
that might be interpreted as a vote for Gore.
An additional 1,506 bore some kind of marking that might be interpreted
as a
vote for Bush. There were 106 markings for other candidates.
No markings for president were found on 4,892 ballots, and 2,058 ballots
bore markings in spaces that had been assigned to no candidate. An
additional 527 ballots were deemed to have markings for more than one
presidential candidate.
Gore had requested manual recounts in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and
Volusia counties. The four counties used punchcard ballots, which state
lawmakers are considering eliminating in favor of optical scanning
for the 2002 election in all 67 Florida counties.
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Presidential Race 2000
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