-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: Otp


I mail to you an excerpt from a mail of mine to a Serb friend - I think it is important that you read it too. 

... In connection with Yugoslavia I am blocked additionally also because of another reason.

It is called OTPOR.

You surely know what the Serb OTPOR did in Georgia last year?

What the Serb OTPOR did in Adjaria through - and with! – the mirror Georgian organization “Kmara” (= OTPOR!) created by the same Serb OTPOR in Georgia around the Georgian Elections in 2003?

You know maybe that the Serb OTPOR is in UKRAINE (!!!) - for almost a year already! - working for the Western candidate together with the Georgian KMARA and the Ukrainian PORA (created meanwhile in Ukraine)!

The OTPOR-KMARA-PORA are in the streets in some of the Ukraine cities and towns since the Elections on Sunday, 31 October 2004, the idea being to attempt a coup before the second tour of Elections on 21 of December 2004!

One couldn’t help remembering the Yugoslavian Elections in September 2000!

One couldn’t help remembering the Georgian Elections in the Autumn of 2003!

I have not heard that anybody in Yugoslavia has tried to do something about the Serb OTPOR of CIA from Langley, Virginia, US.

The CIA thugs might be more than the Serb ones in the so-called OTPOR but all the world knows that it is the Serb OTPOR that is killing our hopes in Georgia and Ukraine! (They also tried to do the same in Belarus!)

OTPOR - the CIA SERB team for coups all over the world!

My personal problem is that OTPOR and its activities blocks me very effectively indeed when I try to write something about Serbia now – or even about Yugoslavia.

If OTPOR is a PR exercise, it is remarkably successful. It has grabbed even people like me - imagine only!

Neither one of their gruesome PR exercises in 1998/1999 – Racak, Srebrenica, Saraevo, etc. – had reached me.

But Their CIA SERB OTPOR has reached to and is sucking at me all right!

It is very important for you, the Serb people and patriots, to start doing something about the Serb OTPOR of CIA. You are losing true friends very quickly - and it is not time for losing friends!

Start writing about OTPOR! Get down the masks of the Serb highly paid mercenaries in it! Prove that it is CIA organized and NED financed! Publish the names of the Serb OTPOR thugs and point down the names of the CIA thugs - “instructors” – working with them. There are Serb patriots all over the world - some of them have access to documentation, and specific Internet sites!

Roll up your sleeves and start unmasking and denouncing OTPOR – you have no time to lose!

Denouncing the Serb OTPOR is much more important NOW than denouncing their PR lies re Srebrenica, Saraevo, Dubrovnik, Racak!

It is high time that all the Serbs and their friends all over the world should understand what a BLACK spot (very mildly said!) is throwing on them the Serb OTPOR of CIA!




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