-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Soren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 6:17 AM
Subject: (50 Years) PRAGUE DECLARATION - 28 Sep 2000

> 28 September 2000
> We, the members of non-governmental and community-based organizations from
> different parts of the world, gathered in Prague and signing this statement,
> note the unprecedented early suspension of the 2000 annual general meeting
> of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Given the
> number of scheduled sessions, including meetings with non-governmental
> organizations, that will evidently be canceled, the claim that they have
> simply finished their business rings hollow.
> We believe that the cancellation of the final day of meetings reflects the
> institutions' recognition of their own lack of credibility.  Confronted with
> vigorous protests from organizations like ours and a refusal to accept the
> empty rhetoric of "poverty reduction" and "debt relief" offered in response
> to assertions of their responsibility for decades of economic malfeasance,
> they have, at last, wisely chosen silence over more lies.
> Our challenge to the right of these institutions and those who control them
> to dictate economic policy, largely through the leverage gained through
> illegitimate debts, has gone unanswered.  Our call for a wholly new global
> economic structure, one which mandates not a single model but many choices
> for the many peoples of the world, is one that these institutions cannot
> accept, or even comprehend.
> We gathered in Prague for an exceptionally broad, inclusive, international
> protest against the discriminatory and unjust policies of the IMF and the
> World Bank.  We oppose the undemocratic and elitist character of both the
> institutions and the meetings they hold.
> Our numbers include a great many young activists as well as people from
> Central and Eastern Europe who have now inaugurated the movement against
> corporate globalization in this region.  Our numbers also include protesters
> in over 30 other countries, including Bangladesh, South Africa, Argentina,
> the United States, France, and India, who staged solidarity actions this
> week.
> We came to Prague to act in solidarity with the millions who could not be in
> Prague: the impoverished women farmers of Africa, the workers laid off in
> Asia, the Pacific and Caribbean islanders denied credit for their
> livelihoods, the young women working in Latin American sweatshops.
> We have spent our time in Prague not only protesting, but also discussing
> positive, people-centered alternatives to the debt crisis, structural
> adjustment programs, corrupt and environmentally devastating infrastructure
> projects, and the economic philosophy of development through exploitation of
> both the ecology and large majorities of the people in the South and in the
> East.
> At the same time we denounce the psychological terror and physical
> repression executed by the Czech police forces before and during the
> conference of the IMF and World Bank.  Their actions, notwithstanding
> instances of provocative behavior by a few protesters, have injured dozens
> of innocent people and resulted in hundreds of unjustified arrests during
> and after the essentially peaceful demonstrations.  We express our
> solidarity with the hundreds who remain imprisoned, and call for humane
> treatment and speedy release of all those detained.  We particularly express
> our grave concern over reports of brutalization of those held in Czech
> prisons.
> We note that the World Bank itself has acknowledged this month that its
> policies are failing.  Its World Development Report, although subjected to
> censorship within the institution, offers a revealing critique of the
> growth-centered development philosophy that has long been the Bank's adamant
> answer to every question.  And its report on the transition economies of the
> former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has revealed a tenfold increase in
> poverty, from 2% to 21%, a clear indication that the neo-liberal recipe
> peddled by the IMF and World Bank has failed yet another entire region of
> the globe.
> Given the evidence supplied by the World Bank itself, we would suggest that
> it and the IMF, and the commentators who continue to support them, consider
> that their calls for more of the same medicine, more of the same
> conditionalities, are inadequate.  A revolution in economics is called for,
> one that returns control of economies to the people who live in them.  The
> time has come to put economics at the service of the people, rather than
> entire societies at the service of economic models that have failed for over
> 20 years.
> Our protests in Prague, following those in Melbourne, Okinawa, Geneva,
> Chiang Mai, Washington, Seattle, and countless other cities, have again
> exposed to the world the contradictions and inadequacies of corporate
> globalization, and of the IMF and World Bank.  Our protests also echo the
> struggles going on today in Bolivia, one of the many places where people
> from many sectors have risen up against the local manifestations of the
> globalized economy.  So long as that model continues to be imposed by the
> rich and the powerful, organizations like ours shall continue to protest and
> to do everything in our power to expose the plain failures of the system.
> Wherever those who have taken upon themselves the power to make decisions
> for the global economy will gather, we will be there to witness, to expose,
> and to protest.
> Signed*:
> Focus on the Global South - Thailand (Nicola Bullard)
> Initiative Against Economic Globalization (INPEG) - Czech Republic (Alice
> Dvorska)
> 50 Years Is Enough Network - USA (Soren Ambrose)
> EuroMarches Against Unemployment - Austria (Leo Gabriel)
> ATTAC France (Christophe Aguiton)
> Jubilee 2000 South Africa/Jubilee South - South Africa (Dennis Brutus)
> Center for Economic & Policy Research - USA (Mark Weisbrot)
> Rights Action - USA (Annie Bird)
> National Free Union of Students - Germany (Stefan Bienefeld)
> Zashita Trade Union / Alternativy Association - Russia (Boris Kagarlitsky)
> *Because of the pressures of time and distance, not all organizations listed
> could complete their approval process before issuance of this statement.
> Although final approval is expected, the individual(s) present in Prague and
> taking part in drafting the statement are listed as provisional signatories.
> This statement has been issued rapidly because of its importance and will
> remain open to additional endorsements for several days.
> ===========================================================
> 50 Years Is Enough Network           http://www.50years.org
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>     unsubscribe
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