-Caveat Lector-

It seems that a cop is a cop is a cop, no matter what nationality...  At times
this seems as if they just cut text from reports of the Philly jail conditions
and pasted it into this post on Prague.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jennifer Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: (50 Years) URGENT ACTION NEEDED

> Reports are pouring in on the horrific conditions in the Prague jails.  It
> is important to let the authorities in Prague know that we are aware of
> their actions and we are watching.
> This press release from INPEG (below) in Prague, on beatings and human
> rights violations of people arrested in the protests is based on eyewitness
> accounts and is very disturbing.  So is the report from the indymedia site
> (below).
> People should call and fax the following numbers and demand that these
> violations cease, and that all prisoners be given access to water, food,
> medical attention, phone calls, and legal assistance.
> If you can't get through to any of the numbers below (which may happen today
> because it is a national holiday), please call the Czech embassy in
> Washington, DC, as soon as possible:
> 202-274-9100;  press 0 for operator
> Call and fax:
> Office of President Vaclav Havel:
> 011 4202 24310855  phone
> 011 4202 24373196  fax  (it would be better to fax today [Thursday] because
> it is a national holiday and offices are closed)
> e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ministry of the Interior:
> 011 4202 61421115
> 011-4202/6143 3552-3 (fax)
> US Embassy in Czech Republic:
> 011 4202 57530663
> 011 4202 57532059 (fax)
> __________________________________
> Attention News and Assignment
> September 28, 2000
> Contact:
> Chelsea Mozen 420 604 384452 or 02 6272349
> To arrange interviews with witnesses recently released,, contact
> Cyan IMMEDIATELY: 0605 879 504
>                Shocking Human Rights Abuses Faced by Protestors in Jail
> Police Brutality Widespread, most severe for Czechs & Israelis
> PRAGUE - In addition to the mass denial of the legal rights,
> individuals have faced extreme brutality in Czech Jails.  Paul Rosenthal
> from Seattle Washington who was released this morning from the Olsanska jail
> in Prague after forty hours states, "What is happening inside the Czech
> jails is more than frightening.  People have no rights,they are being beaten
> severely, they are disappearing.  Women are being forced to strip in front
> of male guards and perform exercises.  People with serious medical problems
> have been denied help."  The following are accounts confirmed by people that
> have been released from jail:
>                · Women have been strip searched by male officers and have
> been forced to perform physical exercises for their enjoyment
>                · Many individuals are being denied water, food, and sleep;
> some are able to get food only if they pay guards, women and fascists are
> more likely to get water
>                · Many people released have reported that before reaching
> police stations, officers took individuals to isolated areas and beat them
> severely.
>                · Two Norwegians that went to a police station on Trisparni
> Street near Vlatavska to report a stolen mobile phone witnessed behind
> briefly opened doors that a number of people were handcuffed to the wall and
> being beaten severely.  This has also been confirmed by many reports from
> released persons that in the processing rooms groups of 40 to 60 people were
> asked to spread eagle while they were beaten, heads were knocked back, legs
> were kicked in, and numbers of men had their groins twisted or
> punched.  Additionally people handcuffed were tossed down stairs.
>                · There is one report that 22 people were crammed into a 4
> square meter cell.
>                · 30 People were detained at the Olsanska jail in an outdoor
> courtyard overnight with no blankets or food.  They were later moved to
> Balkova near Pilsen.
>                · Two Germans that were detained in Lupacova, Praha 3 on
> Wednesday for approximately eight hours were held with an Israeli, an
> American,a German, and an Italian.  The Israeli had been beaten severely,
> had difficulty walking, a black eye, and likely had a broken rib. He has
> been denied medical attention
>                · People with diabetes were not fed, people that needed
> medication were not given it, the British Embassy had to intervene to get
> medication into the jail.
>                · A Norwegian woman held in jail with 30 other women
> witnessed a German woman with a badly injured leg where medics were
> denied.
>                · Right to legal representation and advice, right to
> interpreters, right to food and water, right to basic medical attention, and
> the right to a phone call have all been ignored on a widespread scale.
>                · Czechs and Israelis are being beaten more drastically and
> are being detained longer
>                · Many internationals are being moved from local stations to
> Balkova near Pilsen which has one of the worst human rights records in the
> Czech Republic.
>                ###
>                --
>                INPEG International Press Agent
>                Office: 4202 2320830
>                Mobile: 420 604 384452
>                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                Press Center: Parizska 9, Praha 1
>                (202) 777-2646 x2570 - US voicemail/fax
>                http://www.inpeg.org
> ________________________________
> from (http://praha.indymedia.org/)
> The OPH legal team is reporting that there are
> more than 859 prisoners being held as a result of
> S26 actions. The police are reporting that of that
> 859 around 200 are not Czech citizens. Only 20
> have been charged. 30 people inside the jails have
> been denied food, water and sleep. We have reports
> of people having limbs broken and teeth knocked
> out. One woman has a broken spine. There is clear
> evidence of tourture by the police.
> ===========================================================
> 50 Years Is Enough Network           http://www.50years.org
> To unsubscribe, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
>     unsubscribe
> in the body of the message. Questions? email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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