-Caveat Lector-

These are trying times for all of us irrespective of national origins, faiths, or lack of any, political adherence, ideologies, ages, sexes – as all of us belong to the same race, the HUMAN RACE, with all of  its  virtues , faults, promises, disappointments, victories, contradictions and asymmetries, lies and searches  for truths, for kindness and consideration meeting with  respect and disrespect, with contradictions and inabilities to comprehend or  even perceive  them.


As an old man, who has gone beyond A.Murphy’s hell and back (“kroz sito i reseto” in Serb language) and  along  with the 20th Century , recently-departed, Saint Simon, The Hunter of WWII Criminals, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN COLLECTIVE GUILT. Thus, I refuse to hate the Croatian People because their Ustashe butchered the Serbs “d’une facon artisanalle” in the early 1940’s and because their  neo –Ustashe did much the  same  half a century later; I refuse to hate  the German People because of their  sadistic Nazi legacy, especially but not exclusively for the  Jews  and Slavs; I refuse to hate the Arabs and Muslims because their deviants have hi-jacked Islam which, like ALL RELIGIONS, rests on five categories to which no one can claim monopoly –to wit, 1). what  must be done;   2).  what   should  be done; 3. what   must  not be done. What should not be done and a progressively more elastic “neutral” ground where much of material progress can pass and rest without challenging “Islamic Correctness.”


Despite all of the 12 years of anti-Serb racism, I refuse to accept racism generated by another self-serving bunch of vipers; despite the long record of Kosovo Albanians in their long-lasting and persistent drive to have a “pure” “Kosova,” by removing, in any way possible, all of the other minorities, I cannot bring myself  to detest  the Albanians as a people; as an AMERICAN, I have fought for a long time the egregious  amoralities of the Clintonian regime which destroyed the Democratic Party and ushered a new era of anti-Americanism, with alley-cat expediency and pure evil wrapped in  utterly bogus  “humanism,” as well as  –today- the naked application of “ Might is Right,” by the current Administration and across the globe, tab to be yet picked up by the American People, the sheep, lead by their  own wolves in sheep-skins, especially but not exclusively within a Pentagon that gobbles -up  zillions  of dollars as if these were pennies of yore.

In short, it is high time to wake-up and spot the hate mongers –some subtle and some obvious—refuse to honor theit hate-mongering jollies and save  all the  peoples of planet earth from self-destruction, from suicide not brought about by a gigantic meteor falling on the globe but by hate.

WE must learn to love not to hate before it is really  too late. 


                                                                                           Raymond K. Kent



History Department,

University of California,

Berkeley, CA 94720

(telephone  510/642-1971)

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