-Caveat Lector-

Hello Bill,
As stated,  my opinion is strictly my opinion, and I do not require that
anyone believes as I do,  nor do I want to convince anyone to believe or not
believe as I do.  I merely state the facts as I see them,  from my own
personal research and education.  I'm already pretty settled with what I
believe and have been for over half my life now.  So to tell me that what I
believe is out the window...
all I can say is that is pretty narrow minded to restrict someone else's
system of beliefs,  and attempt to replace your theories with in their
but ...  believe whatever you will.  Just don't insist that I believe as you

You can call the Bible and it's truths mumbo jumbo with absolutely no facts
or proof that it is...  again,  evolution is another one of those cases
where most people who believe religion is a hoax,  seem to also believe
about their own scientific ideas...  "Even though I don't have a clue how it
all really fits together;  but I believe it because it's logical'.  This is
also how many religions operate.  Keeping their congregations in so deep,
that they cannot or dare not step outside the boundaries of their religious
order for fear that they might find out that it's not true.  So,  fear keeps
it motivated and sacred.  THAT is pure mumbo jumbo.  So we not only have the
normal religious fanatics out there,  but we have the scientists who play
pranks on people's minds with their so called truths that are clearly
theory.  What then is the difference between religion and science?
Operationally,  none,  absolutely none.

Bill wrote:
>>it [evolution?]  blows all the preconceptions and religious hooh-hah mumbo
jumbo Right Out The Window...you no longer have to deal with
all that false and erroneous emotional data<<

If you want to believe that the creation as accounted in the Bible is
'false' and a bunch of 'hooh-hah mumbo jumbo' ...  then by all means please
do so.  Hey,  it's your choice.

However,  my input is that I could not disagree with you more regarding
evolution,  nor that the Biblical account of creation is mumbo jumbo.  As a
matter of fact,  I find more truth in the Bible from cover to cover than any
college professor,  pragmaticist or scientist has ever offered in theory or
fact,  without any emotional drain or distraction.  It simply outweighs
man's thoughts on the whole thing called evolution.  I've seen both sides of
the coin,  I've weighed the facts of both,  and I choose the creation facts.
This is exactly why I refuse to use my biological / life sciences teaching
degree...  I will not fill young people's minds with a lot of illogical
evilution that has no foundation,  other than it sounds good, and it looks
good on paper,  and on the charts.  There is no evidence whatsoever to
rebuild the wonders of life through evolution's portals,  and as stated,  I
absolutely refuse to repeat THAT false mumbo jumbo to young minds who are
confused enough in this society without that garbage.  For I stand
accountable in the end,  and take that responsibility very seriously.

But,  as I've pointed before,  my opinion is just that,  an opinion,  and it
seems that everybody has one.  I do not expect or even care if anyone
believes as I do,  or as I don't.  It does not matter whatsoever to me to
convince someone that they are wrong or right.  All I can do is set the
information out there,  and if you choose to incorporate it,  that's then
your affair,  and if you don't,  it's still of no mind to me,  one way or

As long as freedom rings on the internet and in this country,  it is of my
belief,  that I give you your space to believe whatsoever you choose,  and I
only ask the same in return.   :-)

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [SC] Re: Kansas Board of Education vote

> -Caveat Lector-
> You know this is a very astute comment on the arbitrariness
> of reality...cool...yeah it all is very ethereal and we are
> sooooo vain and it hasn't gotten better since electronic
> video media either...worse in fact....but the order of the
> matter in the universe is discernible, and that is
> enough...to know that fungus spores carry 90% of the DNA
> required for life forms such as ourselves to come about is
> like knowing that there really are pieces of intergalactic
> artifacts being studied or otherwise revered on Earth...it
> blows all the preconceptions and religious hooh-hah mumbo
> jumbo Right Out The Window...you no longer have to deal with
> all that false and erroneous emotional data....its very
> liberating actually....this milieu is not just a creation,
> it is Art.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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