-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Citizens Committee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.activism
Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 8:30 AM
Subject: Skolnick Sees "Hitler-Style Plan"


(CNNS,  04/09/99)  -- Sherman H. Skolnick, chairman of the public
interest research  group,  Citizens'  Committee  to  Clean Up the
Courts,  reports  that  Serbs  living  in  the  U.S.  (and   even
naturalized  Serb-Americans) who dare to protest U.S. involvement
in Yugoslavia  are  facing  repression  by  the  U.S. immigration
authorities.  (Contact  info:   recorded  message,  773-731-1100;
office phone, 773-375-5741.)

The Hitler-Style Plan
by Sherman H. Skolnick

There are an estimated one  hundred thousand to a quarter million
Serbians living more  or  less  quietly  in  the  U.S.  as  alien
residents.   With  the undeclared war of the U.S. against Serbia,
is there a plan regarding such Serbians?

Not mentioned  in  what  some  call  the  monopoly  press are the
presidential  edicts  to  deal  with   so-called   "emergencies".
Blunt-talking  sorts  call  them  martial  law  provisions.   (To
mislead  the  public,  CBS  has  started a series called "Martial

There is a  growing  clamor  by  Serbs  in  the  U.S. against the
Clinton White House and  Pentagon.   In  efforts  to  stop  this,
Clinton  has  ordered  that  Serbians  with green cards, resident
aliens, be deported  as  silently  as  possible.  Apparently this
original plan has been scrapped in favor of an  alternative  one,
to  send  Serbians  to  certain  detention camps, a replay of the

Plans to counter this,  such  as  by federal court lawsuits might
not even by publicized.  Why?  The monopoly  press  seems  to  be
acting  like under war-time orders.  (For a sinister analogy, see
the book "The Captive Press in the Third Reich" by Oron J. Hale.)

The largest concentration of  Serbs,  both aliens and naturalized
citizens, is in the Chicago-area.  Too many federal judges,  such
as in the Windy City, are both tied to the banking system and are
blackmailable  because  of  ties  to questionable if not criminal
enterprises.  So an appeal to the courts for a remedy may well be

One of  the  most  secret  detention  camps  is  offshore Alaska,
originally designed to house  blacks  because  of  racial  riots.
This writer had this confirmed during a radio talk show he did in
Anchorage.  Is that where the alien Serbs are to be sent?

The Immigration and Naturalization Service  (INS), as well as the
FBI,  have  been  told  they  could  as  well  grab  and   detain
Serbian-Americans,  that  is, citizens, who do not quickly supply
their naturalization papers.

Much of this has been  confirmed  by  sources  in  the  INS,  and

A cynical historian contends the calendar  stating  the  year  as
1999  is a fraud.  It is, he loudly insists, actually 1938 and we
are all in a time-warp.  Stay tuned.

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outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

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