-Caveat Lector-

      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E


Update of jail situation (english)
by Sky 11:09am Sat Sep 30 '00

Updated 30 September 2000 - 1800hours
The following information is from 88 surveys received from people released
from jail on Thursday and Friday (also early saturday morning)...

82.5 % of the information in this survey came from men

96% surveyed were not read their rights in prision

62% surveyed were beaten
of those beaten, 69 % were beaten in the prision

77% surveyed were restrained

70% surveyed were interrogated

45% surveyed were strip searched

96% surveyed were not allowed phone calls

51% surveyed were not allowed translation

21% surveyed were not allowed any water

43% surveyed were not allowed food
of those not allowed food, some paid gaurds for food

69% surveyed were not allowed sleep

Many prisoners where denied use of toilets, to a telephone call or a
Two seventeen year old girls where denied phone calls to their parents and
another kept isolated.
Prisoners were left without jackets or blankets all night, some outside,
others handcuffed to the bars for falling asleep. Reports of being kept
awake for 30 hours.
Epileptics denied medical attention, one woman given pills that made her
Very severe beatings, reports of having faces repeatedly bashed against
walls, being punched in face and stomach, kicked and beaten while
handcuffed on the floor , others beaten with truncheons and metal poles.
Some beatings continued for more than half an hour at a time and other
prisoners were forced to watch or listen.
Hands cuffed behind back for periods up to twelve hours, some so tight that
prisoners wrists bled.
Many reports of broken bones; arms, fingers, noses and ribs, mostly ignored
and medical attention denied in many cases.
Police beating handcuffed prisoners randomly in bus.
One prisoner who had been badly beaten was transported in the boot of the
Prisoners forced to crawl on their hands and knees.
Report of being stripped, severely beaten, taken to an outside yard where
their where people lying unconscious, and then told to dance to music.
iSkinheadsi were brought into cells and allowed to beat the prisoners.


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