      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

1540 - Beheading of Thomas Cromwell. He was a bit hacked off...
1620 - Wee Hours?: RNI, Brooklyn pirate radio station, begins
broadcasting at 1620 AM. ( . . . )

1637 - Stool Pigeon?: Jenny Geddes throws a stool at the Dean of
St. Giles Church in Edinburgh, in protest against the new Prayer-
book of King Charles I.

1846 - Protesting slavery & U.S. involvement in the Mexican War,
Henry David Thoreau refuses to pay his $1 poll tax & is put in
jail ( . . . )

1881 - London socialist life is enlivened by the International
Revolutionary Congress. Many advanced parties & groups formed
outside of the Marxist-dominated International & felt the need to
meet & discuss ideas & action. Long reports may be found in the
"Revolte" ( . . . )

1888 - Detective writer Raymond Chandler lives (1888-1959),
Chicago. Fine writer of class-conscious detective fiction.

Kenneth Rexroth on Chandler & Hammett:

"The secret of this kind of writing is that it isn't buying
anything & it isn't selling anything.”

1892 - Alexander Berkman attempts to assassinate the despised
Henry Clay Frick ( . . . )

1927 - The anarchosyndikalistische "Gegenkultur" forms a network
of the most diffuse currents & unions ( . . . ) FAUD ( . . . )

1934 - US: Sacramento, California cops arrest 22 farmworkers.

1940 - John Nichols, lives. Author ( . . . ) The Milagro Beanfield War.

1944 - Max Nettlau (1865-1944) dies of stomach cancer in
Amsterdam ( . . . )

1967 - Start of  Detroit upheavals, seven days of social unrest,
fighting with cops, anti-business & anti-government actions ( . . . )

1968 - Police kill seven in standoff with black nationalists in
Cleveland, Ohio ( . . . )

1968 - Student demonstrations for university & political reforms.
They continue for the next three days, & on July 26 (anniversary
of the Castro takeover in Cuba) demonstrate in support of the
Castro regime, in Mexico City. ( . . . )

1973 - International Court grants injunction against French
nuclear testing after petition by Australia & New Zealand.

1980 - Terrorist?: Billy Carter, brother of Beloved & Respected
Comrade Leader Peanut Farmer Jimmy Carter, admits to being paid
by Libya.

1980 - Mollie Steimer (1897-1980) dies, at her home in
Cuernavaca, Mexico. Russian-American-Jewish-Mexican anarchist &
labor agitator ( . . . )

1983 - Poland: Martial law lifted. "Anarchy will not return,"
says the communist Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader dictator.

1983 - Canada: Mass protest of U.S. cruise missile tests in
Canadian subarctic, Cold Lake, Alberta.

1987 - John Poindexter is reported to have used the phrase "I
can't recall," or some variation thereof, 184 times during his
five days of testimony.

1990 - Joe Turner jazz pianist, dies at 82 of arrest.

1998 - Korea: Following government repression & massive job
dismissals, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)
launches a general strike ( . . . )

"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you
put in."

                    ---Tom Lehrer, mathematician/philosopher

anti-copyright 1999
Dave Brown
Entries excerpted / abbreviated from today's Daily Bleed...
("History Granny forgot to tell you!").

Unexpurgated version: http://www.eskimo.com/~recall/bleed/0723.htm

Updated & emailed daily; archived / accessible for everyday
of the year: http://www.eskimo.com/~recall/bleed/calmast.htm
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"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech & press, I may
tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

       ---Alexander Berkman

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