
    Billary & the Bushes do have many similar ties, as evidenced in areas
such as Mena -- and your speculation on this Alltel thing is to be commended.
Great thinking!

    Alltel - even the name says a lot - WOULD be the PERFECT place for Promis
software to be used. It would also explain how they plan to control
everything else...and by "they" I mean the Committee of 300, or whatever some
prefer to call them.  This NWO thing is very real to me...

Now I'm going to throw a few wild thoughts out here --

    You've got Reno at DOJ pursuing ridiculous "crimes" while ignoring the
TRUE crimes, and working feverishly to cover Billary's butts... and to assist
them with their plans through enforcement or non-enforcement.

    You've got Freeh at the FBI to make it look like he's going after the big
guys (and he may think he really is), but in essence (just my opinion) he is
merely going after the ones who won't play Billary's games by their rules --
or ones they want OUT of the game altogether, and probably as dictated by his
higher-ups.  I still don't believe anyone will go after the top guys because
that would start an all out international war -- but they will take out some
of the soldiers.

    We won't even get into the CIA right now.. but they're in place, too.

    They've set their buddies up in DOD, NSA, and the companies which provide
the military with supplies.

    You've got Alltel in place to control all the communications in this
country and others, as well as the DOD, NSA, CIA, etc... and Echelon... so
all the bases are covered, are they not? That would leave NO way out...for
us, the people, that is. They would have full & complete control of every
aspect of our lives.

    The person who told me in 1979 that Bill Clinton was going to President
of the United States is the same person who told me that George Bush, Jr. was
also going to be president one day. Of course I laughed at those remarks at
the time -- but I'm not laughing anymore.   That person had major ties to
"crime families" across the nation. He resided in Florida, but is now
deceased, or I'd go get more info from him on all of this. At the time he was
managing & setting up motels & hotels for "family members" in the Lakeland,
Winter Haven, Daytona & Orlando areas... my bet is that it was part of a
money laundering scheme, but I won't get into the details of that now.
    The construction was massive, and get this --- the company doing the work
on a lot of the buildings brought in crews of people from Little Rock,
Arkansas.  I'll never forget it because it was the first time I'd ever met
anyone from that area. I only wish I could remember which buildings were
involved, or the company names... but it has been so long now that I don't.

     However, considering that everything this guy told me when we were in
Lakeland has come about -- and everything else that he informed me of which
was unrelated to the political side has also been realized, I still have to
believe that they will stop at nothing to get Bush in the White House.  It
all fits, when you consider his father's history, as well as his own.

    This is another reason I am convinced that they are all somehow in this
together, despite the mini-wars they have between them. Greed will do many
things to people, as will fear, and the desire for control. The power is
where the money is, and they are all after it.  It is a war amongst criminals
-- in the government and outside of it.  Plain and simple. Whoever has the
most money, wins. The government is no better than the crime families are,
they just have the law to hide behind and use as power plays whenever they
feel threatened, or when they want to make a "public" statement.

    Such as with the Hitz report and the impeachment...

    Now you have me wondering if they aren't using YOUR program to filter
even more $$ into their own pockets through HUD as well as other places...
But without a doubt in my mind, THAT is why you had to go... you were going
to cut into their action BIG TIME, and they couldn't allow that, so they had
to get rid of you, and then put your program to use for their illicit

    ...and maybe, just maybe, the reason that there was a "problem" with
Hamilton's computer program developed by AT&T - Lucent --- was because
someone's dirty little hands PURPOSEFULLY caused the error in the program.
    Considering that Alltel is in the communications business as is AT&T -
Lucent -- is it possible in that there was a connection between those
companies, or the persons doing the work for Hamilton at that time that we
are unaware of right now?    It would fit right in with what you have said
happened back then... and with what is transpiring today.

Just my first thoughts -- but I'm done rambling for now...
I've got to stop drinking coffee in the mornings! <smile>

 - Tanina

 Subj:   [CIA-DRUGS] Alltel: Raw Speculation
 Date:  03/05/2000 6:39:51 PM Eastern Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Catherine Austin Fitts)
 To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CIA Drugs list)

 From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 If DOJ covert ops had a large number of mortgage banking money laundering
 operations....or for that matter, anyone, its just that DOJ controls all the
 enforcement, wouldn't they want a properitary software and communications
 network to keep them posted on all the data?

 If Vince Foster and Hillary moved into the White House and Web Hubbell moved
 into DOJ in 1993, and Systematics convienantly got its name changes, would
 not Alltel in Little Rock be perfect to use Promis software to ensure
 centralized management of all the data about how the mortgage money was
 working, hence the rapid growth in Alltel's mortgage banking software and
 information management services?

 The way this makes the most sense is if the mortgage banking network is part
 of the overall organized crime and financial fraud network that are not
 working for Clinton and Bush but for everyone, including them, who report
 through to Brussels and whoever Mark Richards is working for over there.

 Solari Analytics say that Hillary Clinton and the Bushes are working for the
 same faction/mission or certainly share a lot of the same money network.

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