From: daniel hopsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Press Release

February 27, 2000--Los Angeles,Ca.

"In Search of the American Drug Lords"

MadCowProductions announces the release on video of a new TV documentary
that could affect voter's decisions in the Presidential contest of the
year 2000...answering questions that  the Whitewater probe ducked that
have been dogging America since the Mena drug scandal broke.

Could Barry Seal really have been involved with everyone from Republican
Attorney General Ed Meese... to Democratic National Chairman Charles
Manatt... to Al Gore's current campaign chairman, Tony Coelho?

What is the suspicious link between Barry Seal and the Boss' Son, George
W. Bush?

"In Search if the American Drug Lords," is filled with eyewitness
testimony and startling revelations from a 3-year long investigation
into the life and times of Barry Seal, at one and the same time the most
successful drug smuggler in American history as well as one of the most
famous CIA agents who ever lived.

Through delving into the beginnings of Seal's lifelong career in
American 'clandestine services' in New Orleans during the intrigue
surrounding the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy Assassination, we have been
able to get answers to some of the persistent question abroad in America

Could the assassinations and scandals of the 60's and 70's be somehow
related to cocaine epidemic that devastated America in the 1980's,
fueled in no small part by the billions of dollars' worth of cocaine
brought into this country by the most successful drug smuggler in
American history, Barry Seal?

Was Barry Seal--called by the Wall Street Journal "the ghost haunting
the Whitewater probe"--just an extraordinarily-zealous entrepeneur
operating all by himself?

Did the big-time "players" in the small backward state of Arkansas
--Bill Clinton, Vince Foster, Jackson Stephens, Jim Blair, Don
Tyson--stand idly by while Seal made billions importing tons of cocaine
through Mena?

Or... might the "goings-on in Mena, Arkansas" of Barry and 'the boys'
have been just the continuation of 'business as usual?'

Shot on location in Louisiana, where Barry Seal lived and worked, "In
Search of the American Drug Lords" offers an extraordinary kind of oral
history from almost a dozen members of the tight-knit pilot's fraternity
of Louisiana who knew and worked with Barry Seal.

The story of Barry Seal is the story of what happens when guys we pay to
protect us--CIA guys--go into business with guys we're paying them to
protect us against. "Made" guys. Mobsters...Organized Crime.

Commenting on the CIA's affair with the Mafia, L.B.J.'s press secretary,
Bill Moyers said,  "Once we decide that anything goes, anything can come
home to haunt us."

After you see "In Search of the American Drug Lords," you'll understand
what he meant.

Pre-release price: $19.95 + 4.50 shipping and handling.
Order now by calling MadCowProductions. 941.416.3734

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