The street demonstrations against the Shadow Conventions
should be larger that those against the Democratic National Convention and
when the media asks why, then the opening to bring the light of truth to the
public will become available.      David Crocket Williams

With strategy this brilliant I am tempted to come myself to LA and Philly to
help teach the art of street demonstrations.

In Philly the chant should be NO MORE --- SKULL  AND BONES, NO MORE --- SKULL
AND BONES to the old rhythm of HELL NO --- WE WON'T GO.  After all this chant
and rhythm is what drove Nixon insane.

Do you see that SKULL AND BONES John Karry is on the short list for Gore VPs and
Governor Frank Keating is at the top of the VP list for Bush?

Americans will never again have this much to protest.

Someone should start printing immediately JUST SAY NO TO THE SKULL AND BONES
CORONATION bumper stickers.  That should be the one statement of all counter
demonstrations in both La and Philly.

And since the SKULL AND BONES was once the New England opium cartel who happened
to be the ancestors of both George and Barbara Bush the CIA-DRUGS issue goes
with this other one like a horse and a carriage.

Make it simple make it work.  The message to the American people should be THE
SKULL AND BONES rigged this election a long time ago.  We should invalidate the
notion that the selection of Gore and Bush was the result of democratic process
when ever we can.  Gore has a few million.  Bush has hundreds of millions.
There is no contest.  Gore is a straw candidate making it look like the public
is making a choice.

Examples of a more fixed and phony election are rare.  One example that comes to
mind is when father Prescott Bush financed the campaign of George's
congressional opponent as well as his son's campaign.  It is what the Bush
family calls HAVING A FEW IRONS IN THE FIRE.  Al Gore is one of Bush's irons.
It is only necessary to examine Gore and his father's indentured servitude to
Armand Hammer and his oil interests and Bush and his oil interests, and do not
forget about the Rockefellers, and it is clear that Gore is only a minor player
on Bush's team.

Brian Quig

David Crockett Williams wrote:

> This past week more progress has been made in meaningful places within the
> "warring factions" of the anti-drugwar movement activists than at least all
> the rest of this year, and probably the last several years combined.
> For the first time on the net a heated honest debate is taking place between
> leaders of the "anti-prohibition faction" those who feel that the drug war
> and its fraudulent prohibition policies like those against relegalization of
> medical marijuana is a just a result of "failed government policies" (ie,
> the "demand side" issues of the drugwar) and those who feel that the drugwar
> is a result of such massive scale corruption that these prohibition laws are
> actually still in place by design and intent implemented by covert actions
> supported by US government intelligence and drug enforcement agencies to
> maintain the profitability of illegal drug smuggling whose laundered profits
> are the biggest source of fundraising for Wall Street low-cost laundered
> offshore capital propping up the stock market as well as huge amounts of
> funding for ALMOST ALL of the major political campaigns of both major
> parties who as corporate lackeys create the same prohibition laws to
> maintain the status quo.
> This internal struggle for the "right message" to bring to the public to end
> the drug war is coming to a showdown around the socalled Shadow Conventions,
> particularly in Los Angeles during the Democratic National Convention
> beginning in about four weeks from now.  The truth will prevail, have no
> doubts about that.
> I have received heated responses from some of the major activists among the
> anti-prohibition "camp" and though tempted to create a looong composite
> response addressing each point in each post, to save the readers this
> drudgery I will address here what seems to be the crux of the situation
> based on my own experience and evaluations and try to address briefly the
> essence.
> I encourage all who are involved in planning The Shadow Conventions to
> continue their efforts because this venue will help bring the truth to light
> since it will get some mainstream national media attention.  I ask only that
> the issue of CORRUPTION as it intertwines the three major areas of this
> convention's focus be carefully examined as the common thread between the
> drug war, poverty problems, and campaign finance reform which are the three
> catagories on the agenda.
> Also keep in mind that the Shadow Conventions were initiated by the darling
> of the Republican Party, Arianna Huffington, who if you ask her will tell
> you that she supports George W. Bush for US  President.  Keep in mind that
> this is the underlying reason for her initiation of these conventions.
> Since the expected attendance at these two conventions and the related RNC
> and DNC street protests (R2D2K) are quite different, with the scale of the
> Los Angeles DNC protests expected to rival the 1968 DNC protests in Chicago
> and to be many times the size of the Philly protests due to various factors
> related to easy of travel for much larger west coast population base of
> activists and general frustration with the whole Republican-Democrat
> political monopoly one-party-disguised-as-two.   What do you think the
> corporate controlled media is going to do in their "spin" about the
> disparity in size of such demonstrations?  Don't you think by design this
> will help the son of Sir George Bush (Knighted by Queen of England -- our
> founding fathers must be turning over in their graves about that) beat Al
> Gore, not that either one of them will change the status quo as president.
> Although the CIA is clearly implicated as the lead agency behind protecting
> the current levels estimated at $200-250billion/year illegal drug trade into
> the US (80-90% of the illegal drugs coming into the US) [ref
>] , the CIA is linked by ample evidence to a 50year
> and STILL ONGOING complicity in this drug trade including the smuggling of
> heroin from Vietnam into the US inside the body cavities of dead American
> GI's (the failed Vietnam war to access Vietnam's unexploited vast oil
> reserves) as well as the KLA/CIA heroin trade funding the Islamic (Albanian)
> insurgency that became the war in Kosovo to clear the way for the oil
> pipeline from the Middle East to Europe to replace the smaller
> disintegrating one in Russia) to the upcoming American ground war in Central
> America to access Colombia's oil on a larger scale than the present
> Gore/Occidental Petroleum genocide of the indigenous U'Wa people, and
> although a prominently listed key figure in both the Shadow Conventions and
> the R2D2K protests (Scott Harshbarger -- Common Cause)
> is now unequivocably "outed" by Mike Ruppert for protecting
> the fallout in courts of the CIA/DEA PROTECTED drug trade, THE CIA IS NOT
> THE PROBLEM, it is only the leading edge/agency of the manifestation of the
> real problem which is the widespread institutionalized CORRUPTION of natural
> human baseline ethics of truth, love, peace, duty, and nonviolence, into a
> societal "ethic" distorted to the extremes where personal financial gain is
> considered the reason for living and to accomplish such gain "making a
> killing" is considered a good thing to do.
> Everyone agrees that corruption exists but because of personal mental
> "filters" most are blind to its scope and scale.  If activists really
> recognize that what I have said above is true in fact, then the anti-drugwar
> movement would succeed this year before the elections.  Find out for
> yourself or face the consequences of increased sufferings like never before
> imagined if we fail to alert the general public in the coming weeks and
> months to effect the true reforms needed to fulfill the "American Dream" of
> "Equal Justice for All" (the motto chiseled in stone over the Supreme Court
> building).
> The figures I quoted about the CIA drug smuggling issue are not fantasy and
> the CIA complicity in drug smuggling was not an isolated incident attributed
> to the Iran-Contra affair.  It is part and parcel of its 50year history
> utilizing unnacountable funding for covert operations to destabilize
> global populations wherever in the world energy and human resources are
> needed for corporate exploitation.   Wake up people!  Check the facts now,
> starting with the website referenced above, or be prepared to get squashed
> after the Bush/Gore presidency takes office.
> During the many years that the Christic Institute was pursuing its failed
> RICO lawsuit against some of the principles of the illegal CIA protected
> drug trade over one particular incident during the war in Nicaragua, the
> phrase "Shadow Government" became popularized to describe this
> corporate-sponsored-government-secret-cabal "octopus" described above.
> Don't believe it?  Check the facts for yourself before denial turns to
> rigormortis. See website above and
> It seems to me no accident that Huff'n'puffington's effort is crafted
> Madison Avenue style to turn the public focus into the shadows.
> I ask, not conclude, is the Shadow Convention to further the Shadow
> Government?
> Don't we need more light on the subject, not more shadows?
> My suggestion?   The street demonstrations against the Shadow Conventions
> should be larger that those against the Democratic National Convention and
> when the media asks why, then the opening to bring the light of truth to the
> public will become available.
> At the same time the most informed and intelligent activists should do their
> utmost to make the most of the Shadow Convention
> by participating and bringing the truth to
> light in that venue, as well as at the August 10-13 LA grassroots Peoples
> Convention where Mike Ruppert of
> will be making his presentation on the ciadrugs issue as
> well as all that week on LA public radio.
> The only way the truth can be ignored is to pretend that it is error.
> Remember the real nature of truth and live it in the best possible way to
> foster the natural innate human values of peace, love, duty (accepting
> righteous personal responsibility), and nonviolence.  All human beings are
> alike, all have made mistakes.  People are not the enemy, error in thinking
> is the enemy and the problem we must each solve in our own lives.  Those
> people now creating the problems will be the same people who will solve the
> problems -- starting as soon as they realize the error in their thinking and
> previously mistaken perception of the nature of truth itself.
> -dcw
> David Crockett Williams, C.L.U.
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