From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think McCain will take the fight to the convention.  Remember Taft led
Eisenhour in delegates going in to the primary and he took it away!!

This is why he will continue.  The governor of New York and Bush conspired to
keep McCain's name off the New York ballot.  A federal judge ruled foul.  In
fact he accused bush of TRYING fix the election.  Now two Texas billionaires
pumped $2.5 million into attack adds on TV against McCain in New York 4 days
out..  They tried to hide their identities.  This is such a text book example of
what McCain has been calling soft money that it is startling that Bush would so

And guess what.  These billionaires used the same PR firm that the governor
Patchy (sp?) uses.  Bush is left denying that he knew about it.  This one is not
going to go away.  It demonstrates the Bush family trait of cheating.  The laws
that govern us do not govern them.

Th biggest issue of all is the fact that the ads were lies.  One issue that was
hit hard was McCain being against clean air.  What a joke.  Texas is the most
polluted oil stained state in the country.  I have had about 5 meeting with
McCain on hydrogen fuel that burns with no pollution.  McCain will burry Bush on
this issue.

I have never seen the mass media push a candidate as strongly as Bush was pushed
last night.  And is it not rude to keep talking about McCain quitting when it is
clear he will not?

It may not seem like it but the billionaires paid a dear price for last night's

Brian Quig

Mike Ruppert wrote:

> From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> OK, Let's Look at the Facts
> The speculation is over. The nominees are a fact. The most powerful drug
> factions with access to the most drug capital won. Surprise, surprise. Bush
> and Gore. In the meantime a battle wages between the Bush and Clinton
> factions inside the CIA for its control and John Deutch issue is but the top
> of the iceberg.
> Just like with Y2K we speculated, we ran around and we conjectured. We
> fantasized and wished. We wasted time. Meanwhile the obvious was too
> horrible an outcome to envision but it proves that the money is ALL that
> matters. I too believed that "W" might stumble and fall. He did not. But,
> last week when I made my ranting rave on this list about McCain being the
> chosen one I was just trying to stop the rampant speculation, the audience
> belief that they could change the play.
> Just like with Y2K I recall now how Genghis Kahn won many of his battles -
> without a fight. He sent riders out ahead who screamed and wailed about how
> vicious and ruthless Kahn's armies were, the atrocities they committed. When
> the barbarians arrived at the gates, the towns, wearied and despondent,
> surrendered without a fight.
> I must be honest and say that if "W" wins in November both Cele Castillo and
> I believe that our lives will end shortly thereafter. I don't have that fear
> with Gore. It will be the truest test of my integrity to tell the truth
> about both sides equally.
> In the meantime I offer a post to me from Catherine Austin Fitts from last
> October.  It is moot now. No need to keep it secret. Looks like the shadow
> Government and the Powers that be know how to manipulate all of us. Just
> like with Y2K, we grow weary of living on the edge. We spend our vital
> resources, energy and spirit in the wrong places. We attack the wrong points
> in the enemy's defenses.
> We must do everything possible to see that the Gore/Bush fight is to the
> death for them - not us. What we must have is open hearings on Volume II and
> the biggest possible demonstrations against the other side of the corporate
> money machine that benefits from all of the drug capital - the WTO.
> Here is what Catherine wrote me last October. Since she has twice posted my
> private messages, I am sure that she will not object. The secret's out
> anyway after tonight.
> Mike Ruppert
> From:   Catherine Austin Fitts [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Monday, October 04, 1999 10:03 PM
> To:     Michael C. Ruppert
> Subject:        Confirmed today
> *** PGP Signature Status: good
> *** Signer: Catherine Austin Fitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *** Signed: 10/4/99 10:01:25 PM
> *** Verified: 10/4/99 10:39:46 PM
> Current shadow government plan is that the candidates will be McCain and
> Bradley. Bush is dead duck. My intution is that our efforts on CIA-Drug
> List, Radio Talk and FTW had more than a little to do with that. We are
> being used as a stalking horse. We need to say nothing to no one though. So
> please do not pass on.
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