Dear Mr. Bowden:

I am the publisher of a small newsletter read by 13 members and the
intelligence committees of both houses of Congress along with professors at
eleven universities in the US and Canada. I will be lecturing at the USC
School of International Relations on Dec. 8 and for the Latin Studies
department of SDSU on Nov. 28th.  Your story on Pablo Escobar, extremely
well researched, does excellent justice to one aspect of the cartel's fate.

But why have you failed to mention that Carlos Lehder has been out of prison
since 1995 and living the life of Riley in Ecuador, Mexico, the Bahamas and
the United States? I am in possession of USG and other docs verifying not
only his release but his current status as an employee of the USG and I will
be writing on this shortly.

What also about the fact that, as reported by Reuters this summer, Bill
Clinton in planning on releasing Manuel Noriega at 11:59 of his

I also believe that EO 12333 was signed by Ronald Reagan in early 1982, not
by Richard Nixon.

You really did a fine job on the historical events around Escobar's death
but you left out who was masterminding the effort to "tear down the
mountain" from underneath him. That, I believe, is the real story.

Please give my regards to Dave Zucchino.


Michael C. Ruppert
"From The Wilderness"

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