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  ----- Original Message -----
From: Barbara Hartwell
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Thomas, Kenneth
F.;[EMAIL PROTECTED];Rayelan;[EMAIL PROTECTED];Kasten, Kathy;Barbara
Hartwell;Uri Dowbenko;Kurt Billings
Sent: 6/7/01 5:30:34 PM

Dear Friends,

Here is Part 2 of my article, Time to Set the Record Straight.

It is intended for publication on Steamshovel Press and Conspiracy
Planet, as the sequel to my Part 1. (Sorry it took so long. )

Uri, please check for errors and correct if necessary. Thanks.

This report is not intended for distrubution on any e-mail lists, but
may also be posted on a website by anyone  receiving this, at your

I have quoted material from Rayelan Allan and Robert Sterling and the
content re  Kurt Billings is continued from Part 1.

Thanks for your consideration.

P.S. I will be leaving tonight for parts unknown --to get some
desperately-needed R&R.
I'll be back in 2 weeks.


Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense and Research Fund
PO Box 832
Woodstock NY 12498
WEBSITE  http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/


Time to Set the Record Straight, Part 1 is posted on Steamshovel Press
and Conspiracy Planet


I have found it necessary to withdraw from the public arena for several
compelling reasons: Serious concerns about my safety, including threats
to my life.  Financial destitution. Disability/chronic illness. I have
found nobody among my family, friends and associates willing to provide
any serious backup, financially, professionally or otherwise. On the
contrary, I have been abandoned and betrayed by so many people, I've
lost count.  For far too long, I have been up against the most brutal
persecution all alone, with nobody I can rely on for the type of solid
support I need.

A whistleblower is often the lone gun. And what's it like to be the
target of a CIA "neutralization campaign" ? The enemy deploys their
massive artillery with impunity, manned by inexhaustible battalions of

Folks, I am outmanned and outgunned.

I won't back down, nor will I sacrifice my principles. I will not
compromise with my adversaries. And I will not be intimidated by their
threats and other forms of persecution.  This is a strategic retreat
--NOT a surrender. But enough is enough.  I need a break. And come hell
or high water, I am going to take one.


I can no longer afford to spend my time doing research and writing
articles for which I am not paid, while  trying to fend off  the severe
harassment I have been targeted for over the past seven years, which I
can only compare to trench warfare.  I need to do whatever it takes to
reduce the extreme stress, in order to avoid a total collapse. I have
suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder for many years. And in my
case, since the traumatic stress is ongoing --not just a one-time,
past-tense "stressor" from which I am attempting to recover--I have no
choice but to remove myself from all stressors which are under my
control --until I can catch my breath and make a new battle plan.

In lieu of further public activism and publishing articles on the
Internet, I plan to spend the better part of my time  finishing my book,
titled Hardwired: The True Story of a CIA Black Ops Survivor. Those
people who are seriously interested in my research and experiences can
buy the book. At least I won't be working for no compensation. I am
thoroughly exhausted and I am no longer willing to burn myself out nor
allow my resources and energy to be totally drained, meanwhile being
forced to struggle for basic survival.

I've known plenty of people who pay lip service in support of Freedom
and Justice for All. And who complain about outrageous violations of
human and constitutional rights. But for the most part, that's where
their efforts seem to stop. Few are willing to put themselves on the
line to fight for what they say they believe in --not if it threatens
their personal comfort and security. Not if they have to make serious
sacrifices for the cause. As for myself, I've had no comfort, nor
security, for many years. Sacrifices ? I've exhausted my store.

I'm also tired of being an unpaid investigator for those who are too
lazy to do their own research and seem to take for granted that just
because I have "gone public" with my own case as a survivor of CIA mind
control and related black operations, I owe it to them to work overtime
to answer their personal queries or provide them with research data,
much of which they could with a little effort, find for themselves.

I have not made any money by publishing my newsletter, except for the
occasional donations I received from people who wish to support my work.
There are simply not enough of these supporters and the contributions to
my Legal Defense and Research Fund --few and far between-- don't begin
to pay even the work-related expenses I incur. Much less the living
expenses of daily survival. I have had my phones and electricity cut off
several times. Recently, I returned from a trip I made in an attempt to
get some desperately-needed R&R, only to find my Internet service cut
off, since my payments were way behind. I scraped up the money and got
my service restored, but as a result, was unable to afford to buy food
for an entire week. I've had enough of living like Old Mother Hubbard.

Having said my piece about that, and vented some of my frustration, I do
feel the need to finish what I started in Part 1 of this report. It
would not be fair to the readers or to myself to leave these issues
hanging, and as the title clearly proclaims,  to Set the Record Straight
is very important to me.


A Response to Barbara Hartwell: Ted L. Gunderson Analysis of the Barbara
Hartwell Article Entitled Time To Set the Record Straight,  was
published on March 26, 2001 on a website called Educate Yourself.

Ken Adachi, the website's editor, supplied a preface in the form of an
"Editor's Note" presumably to "educate" the readers about a few of the
various persons featured in Ted's article. But before I address the
article itself, I have a few comments directed to Mr. Adachi.

I think it would have behooved Mr. Adachi to  "educate" HIMSELF prior to
writing his preface. His editor's note is chock-full of misinformation,
not only about myself, but apparently, also in regard to others, namely
Kurt Billings, Stu Webb, Virginia McCullough and Kate Dixon.  I'm sure
these others are each very capable of addressing any such misinformation
about themselves. Virginia McCullough and Kate Dixon have already done
so. See: Bay Area Observer Demands Retraction From Ted Gunderson, and
Ted L. Gunderson, In Your Case, Even Bad Publicity Is Good Publicity.

In the same link you'll find my article, More on the MKULTRA
Controversy, as well as my brief letter to Mr. Adachi, in which I have
pointed out the ignorance and lack of professionalism which is
apparently characteristic of Adachi's peculiar brand of yellow

It is clear --to me anyway-- that Adachi's main source for his "Editor's
Note" was none other than Ted L. Gunderson himself. And so, in his
"educational" preface, Adachi offers profiles of various individuals --a
sort of rogues' gallery-- and echoes what are clearly the opinions of
Ted Gunderson & Co., stating these opinions as if they were facts.

It is also clear that despite my request, Adachi found it convenient NOT
to publish my letter to the editor on his own site. Which tells me that
objectivity, fairness and journalistic integrity are sadly lacking in
Mr. Adachi's repertoire. But enough of Mr. Adachi, except to say that
for those who wish to "educate" themselves, let's hope they find a more
reliable source of information than the personal biases, outright lies
and slanted viewpoints --toadying to the various persons he chooses to
feature in his editorial commentaries-- which comprise Mr. Adachi's
website . Perhaps a more fitting name for the site would be "
Indoctrinate Yourself ".

The so-called "response" which Ted Gunderson wrote to Barbara Hartwell
has me somewhat baffled. That's because most of Ted's "analysis"
addresses people who were never mentioned in my article, some of whom I
don't even know, such as Robert Ghostwolf, Debbie Nathan, Art Bell et
al. He actually "responded" to very little of my own testimony and
avoided most of the issues I brought up, rather than addressing them.

I think I understand that Ted was trying to make a point: He believes he
is being targeted in a larger conspiracy to discredit him, and says he
believes that I was influenced by some of the alleged conspirators and
(as Mr. Adachi phrases it ) "joined in with others striving to discredit
him". As far as my alleged part in this conspiracy, nothing could be
further from the truth.  The various people with whom I discussed my
dealings with Ted Gunderson and to whom I repeatedly confided that I
wanted to believe nothing but the best about Ted, should know. I told
everyone that I was willing to continue to give Ted the benefit of the
doubt, no matter what negative opinions certain others may have held.
And I had flatly refused to "join in" as part of a campaign with any
others who may have had their own reasons to try to discredit Ted.

First of all, I don't make it my business to try to discredit anyone.
The way I see it, those persons who become "discredited" usually manage
(sooner or later ) to discredit themselves by their own words and
actions. They don't need any help from me. (By their fruits shall you
know them.)

Secondly, the only issues I have ever publicly addressed are those which
related directly to MY OWN dealings with Ted. I have no desire to hurt
anyone, nor to speak ill of anyone; only to speak up in my own defense
or on behalf of others whom I believe have been misrepresented or
wronged; and to air my disagreements and grievances, whether they can be
resolved or not. Sometimes my differences with others are quite simply,
irreconcilable, as they seem to have been with Ted.

Secondly, I am not and have never been a "team player". I don't join
groups; I refuse to toe anybody's party-line, and I don't  jump on the
bandwagon just because others want to recruit me for their own agendas.
For this reason alone, the very idea that I would "join in" with anyone
as part of a campaign to discredit Ted is ludicrous and laughable, as
anyone who really knows me well could attest. As it happens, Mr. Adachi
knows nothing whatsoever about me, and I'm beginning to wonder how well
Ted Gunderson knows me, since he has put forth some very inaccurate
ideas regarding me as well as the general scenario in which the events
he describes unfolded.

Although I don't doubt that Ted, like many of us who have been involved
in public presentations of conspiracy-related research, may have been
targeted by various people or collectives whose interests it would serve
to discredit him, I have no reason to believe that some of the people he
mentions --at least the ones I know of, such as Kurt and Lee Ann
Billings, Mike Ruppert, Virginia McCullough, Kate Dixon and Stu
Webb--had any such conspiratorial agenda in mind. As far as I know most
--if not all-- of these people had each, at one time or another, in all
fairness, given Ted Gunderson the benefit of the doubt, before they
individually decided -- each for his/her own reasons-- that he no longer
deserved it.  Mike Ruppert's commentary on Ted Gunderson is also
published on NewsMakingNews, as part of what was posted as a front page
story: The Players, The Power, The Plays, The MKULTRA Controversy. (
NewsMakingNews link above. )

But it is not my place to speak for others, nor to presume to discern
their various motives. So speaking strictly for myself, I repeat: I
never at any time "joined in" with anyone who was part of a campaign to
"discredit" Ted Gunderson. Anyone who has ever spoken with me about Ted
knows that the only thing I was interested in was finding out the truth.

In order to satisfy my own standards about the truth of any issue, I
need facts, solid evidence and the testimony of witnesses I deem
credible. Only armed with these etiological tools --along with my own
spirit-filled intuition-- can I hope to establish what I believe to be
the truth.

Now, by this point, there may be some people who take me for a fool for
having continued to give Ted the benefit of the doubt. There may be
others who believe just the opposite, thinking me a fool for breaking
off an association with someone whom I have repeatedly publicly stated
--including in Part 1 of this article-- was instrumental in helping me.

I don't particularly care what anyone thinks of me and I do not give in
to pressure from others simply because they want me to side with them.
But whether or not I have been a fool, for one reason or another, I will
stand up in my own defense; especially when I find misinformation being
published about me, such as that which Ted has written in his analysis.


Let me start with the most salient piece of misinformation, which runs
as a thread throughout Ted's report and which seems to serve as the
basis for his "analysis" of me and my situation.

According to Ted Gunderson:

"It appeared to me that Barbara was being reprogrammed and/or influenced
by the Billings.

For a period of time, she showed signs of breaking out of the grasp of
the CIA. So what did the CIA do ? They planted Kurt Billings, a CIA mind
control victim/programmer, in her lap. "

Ted also states: "... for a time after this Barbara was part of the
campaign against me. She has stopped this and apologized to me."

I don't know the sources from which Ted derived his idea --which I have
done my best to refute-- that I was part of this "campaign". I do know
that I have not spoken to Ted Gunderson since January of 2000.

The only communication from that time to the present between Ted and
myself was through an intermediary, a mutual friend and professional
colleague. On several occasions I had discussed with " Bill " (a
pseudonym) the conflict I was having re Ted. In one such conversation,
in the winter of 2001, I told Bill that I felt badly that things had
turned out the way they had between me and Ted. I had asked our mutual
friend (who spoke to Ted on a regular basis) to tell Ted that I was
sorry that the disagreement between us had caused a rift in our
friendship and that I had no hard feelings about Ted. That I still cared
about Ted and hoped that someday our differences might be reconciled.

But I never "apologized" to Ted for having any (non-existent) part in a
campaign to discredit him, nor did I ever resolve my differences with
Ted. Perhaps Bill, in his efforts to be a peacemaker, relayed a
different message than the one I asked him to deliver. Being a supporter
of both Ted and myself, he may have felt divided loyalties which finally
weighed in for his greater support of Ted.

My last conversation with Bill was disturbing. He relayed back to me a
message from Ted: That Ted wanted me to know he was still "on my side"
no matter what. I was happy to hear this....until Bill segued into
trying to persuade me that what I REALLY needed was to be
"deprogrammed". This, he thought, would solve the worst of my problems
(Yeah, right. )  I can only surmise that this piece of unsolicited
advice was a result of Bill discussing my "problems" with Ted --and
probably Sue Ford, the self-styled mind control "expert" who had
repeatedly admonished me about the dangers of not being formally

Anyway, after hearing the latest from the newest recruit for the
Committee To Deprogram Barbara Hartwell, I quickly got off the phone
saying Thanks, but no thanks and God bless you, Bill. And saying to
myself: Another one bites the dust !

In any case, Ted has made it abundantly clear that he believes I am
still operating under programmed control.  Ted says the CIA "planted"
Kurt Billings for the purpose of "reprogramming" me. Otherwise, why
would I have been "critical" of Ted or Sue Ford aka Brice Taylor when
according to Ted, I had never been critical of either of them before ?

But hold it right there, Ted.

I certainly HAD been critical of Sue Ford in the past, even confiding
some of my problems with Sue to Ted himself, long before I ever met Kurt
Billings and long before I publicly addressed these issues, and with
good reasons. Those reasons are outlined in Part 1 of this report. I
certainly did not need to be "influenced " or "reprogrammed" by Kurt
Billings to be "critical" of Sue Ford.  It just so happened that when
Kurt and I compared notes we realized that we had each independently
made similar observations. Our experiences in our respective dealings
with Sue were also very much alike. Namely that Sue had behaved in a
manipulative, exploitive and self-serving manner.

But our common assessment of Sue Ford did not end there. Both of us saw
clear indications that Sue was still being routinely handled and that
she had not in fact broken mind control programming, despite her
vociferous claims to the contrary. Kurt and I both have the training to
offer a considered professional opinion on such matters. That's not to
say our opinions are gospel. They are only opinions. However,
considering that Sue Ford has publicly slandered both of us by offering
her own such opinions of each of us, we are certainly entitled to
reciprocate in order to clear our names.

As for being publicly critical of Ted, for the purpose of "discrediting"
him, that was certainly not my intention. I was simply telling the truth
about my disagreement with Ted's allegation that Kurt was a " CIA plant
" and my unwillingness to continue a professional association with Sue
Ford, whom Ted continues to unconditionally endorse. But in good
conscience, I have no longer been able to endorse the activities, the
viewpoints or the credibility of Sue Ford for quite some time. And
considering his latest public statements about me, I have finally
reached the point where in order to clear my own name and defend my
reputation, I have no choice but to adopt the same position regarding
Ted Gunderson.


I quote from Ted's article:

"The next time I heard about the Billings, they were involved with
Barbara Hartwell and the result was that Barbara began publicly
criticizing Brice Taylor [aka Sue Ford] and myself"

For the sake of argument, let's examine Ted's ideas regarding the
purported disinfo/slander campaign against him as a hypothetical

The CIA "plants" Kurt Billings for the purpose of "reprogramming"
Barbara Hartwell. The agenda of the CIA in this operation ?  To make BH
a part of the campaign to discredit Ted Gunderson. As a result, BH joins
in with other conspirators (Also working for the CIA?  Also under mind
control ? ) and having been successfully "reprogrammed", back in the
"grasp of the CIA", she is activated in a mind-controlled mission.
Objective: To discredit Ted Gunderson.  (And let's not forget the
redoubtable Brice Taylor).

But let's be realistic. Why would the CIA think I have the political
clout to make a significant contribution to discrediting one of their
presumably most high-profile targets, namely retired Senior
Special-Agent-in-Charge, 27 year veteran of the FBI, Ted L. Gunderson ?
Why not use someone with "official" status, with unquestionable
government-sanctioned bona fides ? Or maybe a bogus whistleblower or
slick disinfo agent having access to a large and formidable public
forum. Someone with the resources and backing to mount an effective
assualt on Ted's credibility.

Now, in fact, this is a fair approximation of what Ted suggests to be
the case about Art Bell. Art Bell is regarded as a celebrity. His radio
show has one of the largest audiences in the world. He has tremendous
influence in shaping public opinion.  But even assuming Ted's hypothesis
were true, why would someone like Art Bell ( described by Ted as "the
American hero" ) need any help from the likes of me ?

As for myself, it is ironic that not only have I been blacklisted from
mainstream media due to my whistleblower status; but reliable sources
--as well as my own common sense and personal experience-- tell me I've
even been blacklisted by certain promoters/producers of alternative
media.   I've also been set up by certain talk-show hosts who invited me
on their programs for the purpose of ridiculing or discrediting me.
(Clay Douglas, of The Free American, a crony of the infamous Mark
Phillips, comes to mind, but that's another story.... )

Let's face it: I certainly haven't won any popularity contests --among
ANY faction or collective of influential persons, no matter what their
agenda or their politics. Most of these groups don't like me because I
insist on remaining autonomous and refuse to join up and be a mouthpiece
for whatever it is they're promoting.  I haven't yet published any
books. And the talent scouts are not beating a path to my door to invite
me for speaking engagements. Having nothing to sell, I have nothing to

So I repeat: Why me ? Why would the CIA consider it imperative that I be
involved in the campaign against Ted Gunderson ?

Does the scenario that Ted Gunderson presents make any sense ? Not to
me, but then maybe I'm a little dense. Or maybe I should just  find
myself a good deprogrammer. Maybe then I'll finally see the light.

But let's get real:  Although I am aware that the CIA would like nothing
better than to have me back in their grasp, and have in fact made many
such efforts to that end, including for the purpose of "reprogramming"
me, any such attempts have failed. Always have, always will.

Ted, Sue and their entourage may believe what they choose. But, as God
is my witness, I'm outta there ! I have shown my adversaries that I'm
willing to lay my life down fighting for my freedom, if that's what it
takes. And they know I mean business. Bottom line: They'll never take me

But even so, I can't imagine the CIA's reason for wanting me back under
their control would be so that I could become just another cog --and a
low visibility one at that-- in a disinfo machine against Ted Gunderson.
No, I'm sorry to say that the CIA has far more weighty issues with me,
and they have nothing to do with Ted Gunderson. Sorry Ted, it doesn't
compute. I only wish my life were that easy.


Ted states: " I suggest that  Brice Taylor has been targeted due to the
books she has written about her mind control victimization and the
public stance she has taken over the years to expose mind control and
ritual abuse."

But I disagree with Ted yet again. I don't believe for a minute that the
"stance" that Sue Ford has taken would make her a REAL target of the CIA
perpetrators of mind control. On the contrary, her public presentations
and books promote exactly the sort of  sex-scandal-and-satanism
sensationalism which would appeal to the lowest instincts and echelon of
the general public; while also serving to create a smokescreen which
provides a distraction from the REAL black operations which the CIA and
their minions are so desperate to keep under cover. Bread and circus,
that's the ticket.

Investigative journalist Rayelan Allan, editor of Rumor Mill News,
agrees. Though she doesn't cite Sue Ford as a particular example, her
assessment of the CIA's basic disinformation strategy is strikingly
similar to my own.

Here, a few excerpts from her article, Barbara Hartwell --CIA
Mindcontrol Survivor:

" I have steered clear of most of the mind control victims who have
'gone public' and written books about their experiences. Gunther [CIA
agent Gunther Russbacher, Raye's ex-husband ] told me that the 'famous
ones' were created as 'cover stories', designed to sidetrack researchers
and the public, rather than expose mind control. This was done in a
sensational way in order to discredit ALL serious research into mind

Needless to say, the type of mind control the CIA and NSA created is NOT
about making sex slaves for high-ranking NWO government and corporate

....the CIA and NSA have a lot more important things on their agenda
than creating sex slaves for satanic rituals and satisfying old men's

Gunther told me that if Congress ever got the 'balls' to conduct a
hearing into mind control, that the Monarch women would be 'trotted' out
to discredit the entire hearing and make researchers and actual victims
of mind control [ Manchurian Candidates] look like fools."

(To read entire article:
http://www.rumormillnews.net/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=8208 )

Thank you, Rayelan.

Now let's hear from investigative journalist Robert Sterling, editor of
The Konformist.

An excerpt from Robert's article, Lurid Sex Tales of the New World

"Speaking of dubious tales, the ones that both Cathy O'Brien and Brice
Taylor present are, frankly, implausible and ludicrous. To take them as
absolute truth shows the undeniable sign of having a faulty bullshit
detector, and endorsement of such tales stigmatizes the endorsers as an
unreliable source. The end results of these stories is the same as
disinformation. Perhaps it is all unwitting and unintentional, but if it
is, it certainly is fortunate for those in the military-intelligence
establishment, as the CIA couldn't have planned for it to come out any
better if they tried. "

(To read entire article:
http://www.steamshovelpress.com/latestword4.html )

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