2000-08-30 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The more likely explanation for the Chinese "invasion" of Africa is the one
Stratfor put forward last week: this is a ploy by the Beijing oligarchs to
divert the attention and energy of the PLA to activities outside of China
proper, to make either a coup d'etat or further bureaucratic imperialism by the
essentially autonomous separate elements of the PLA less likely in the near
term.  How much of this is tied in with increased Chinese trade with the U.S.,
and whether there's any connection to Clinton's Africa trip, God only knows...

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 1:42 PM

> As always, . . .
> Om
> K
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2000-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

As always, . . .

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Note from Rayelan:

The Source who gave me the original version of this story stated that I did
not "get it right" -- here is the new "authorized" version of this story.

Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum


Posted By: Rayelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2000, 12:06 p.m.

>From Rumor Mill News:

What if there is another reason behind the 700,000 Chinese being in the

(The factory in the Sudan was an aspirin factory as far as I know)

+ What if all the people in the African war zone that are missing and
assumed to have been kidnapped by slave traders acutally end up as body
for wealthy
elite who need body parts or are forced into prostitution and slavery?

+ And what if the DNA from the local body parts supply wasn't good enough???

A Rumor Mill News Source has supplied us with an alternative version as to
why the 700,000 Chinese are in the Sudan. The following article was pieced
together from a dozen or more emails that were exchanged over the weekend.
It is not always easy to get in contact with RMNews Sources to ask them to
clarify or explain things.

Possibly if this is posted on the Forum, our Source will be able to correct
any mistakes that may have inadvertantly been put there.

RMNews Source:

Do you want to know the real reason the 700,000 Chinese are in the Sudan?

Yes, the Chinese are taking the oil fields.

But moving 700,000 people is difficult to keep secret. Especially if they
military personel. What if some of them are medical personel? China makes a
great deal of money from pharmaceuticals and bio-engineered medicines and
even OTC meds. Most of the Chinese have been there for a while .

The Chinese are 98% genetically homogenous. Their organs and biological
products are the most usable because they genetically a known quantity.
are 1.8 Billion Chinese not 1.3 Billion according to sources inside China.

But what if drug companies need products from diseases not found in large
populations is China? These would be conditions such as sickle cell,
AIDS. The Chinese concerns would have to go somewhere outside of China.

Sources in Africa and China say that Africa has Chinese camps in the Sudan,
Rwanda, Burundi, Zaire, for human harvesting and experimentation.The camps
have been in operation for at least 6 years. US and European companies have
experimented on Africans far longer.

You all remember the "Truth and Concilliation" trials in South Africa that
spoke of human experimentation? The market for human guinea pigs and human
tissue did not end with those admissions. Pharmaceutical companies and
military complexes still needed the products and the experiments. Where do
you think they went that would be outside the eyes of the press?

China is in the forefront of bio engineering. It is not illegal in China to
experiment on humans if the people are prisoners, or better yet, it is done
outside of China.

Who are the clients of these products? The US and Europe. China has no
to keep people alive. By and large it is not Chinese who need these
medicines. But China makes them. Check out Ribavirin sometimes. Who makes
it? China from "volunteers"? Who are the "volunteers"? Falun Gong? Africans?

It takes thousands of fertilized ovums to make one transgene
forcancer therapy BTW.

Also there are uses for human bio products in some kinds of chip burning.

RMNews posted a story about child prostitution on the forum. What it does
not state is that
the primary clearing house for children used as drug mules is in Cambodia on
the Thai-Cambodian border and in Siem Reap. That was the camp Diana was at.
You all saw her with the mine sweeper.Hillary Clinton was there too. You
never heard about it again except in Diana's landmine crusade. The camp is
surrounded by land mines.

Once children cannot be used as prostitutes for whatever reason they can be
shipped by traders to labs. (Rule of 16 is a usual reason- after the age of
16 some kids are all used up and no one wants to buy them)

I will also send a story about troop vehicles. There are factions in China
attempting to get children out of the slave camps. The Company investigated
was GDNT. It is possible a drug lord named "Changing Man" is importing troop
vehicles to evacuate the kids. What was seized was meant to be seized.

In other words, these 700,000 people are no more than cattle being sent to a
slaughter house.

RMNews Source:
The Chinese and Africans do it for money. The US and European
pharmaceuticals demand it. The IMF makes $60 Billion dollars in profit from
LEGAL sales. Black market sales are what a 3rd w