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February 9, 2001

Dear Colleagues,

We thank the Drug Reform Coordination Network, DRCNet,
for its continued coverage of our work.

We are particularly touched and impressed because
it is special kind of solidarity when an organization
like DRCNet, itself dependent on member and reader
contributions, has shared our defense fund appeal
with its 19,000 subscribers.

With this kind of unity and support, no one will
ever stop our cause or silence our truth.

DRCNet posts its full "The Week On-Line" newsletter,
available by free subscription, along with other
important information at its web site:


On to victory!

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

enc: from DRCNet's The Week On-Line...

NarcoNews on Key Moves in Venezuela, Legal Fundraising Appeal

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a former paratroop colonel who
swept the country's corrupt and tottering old regime from power in a
1999 landslide election, is increasingly viewed by Washington's drug
warriors and hidebound Cold Warriors as a threat to US policy aims in
northern South America and beyond.

They have good reason to be concerned. Since he assumed the
presidency two years ago, Chavez has both challenged Washington's
neoliberal economic orthodoxy and asserted a vision of a Latin
America unified to confront the colossus of the north. He has also
used Venezuela's huge oil reserves to push OPEC in a more aggressive
direction, and has gone out of his way to thumb his nose at the
United States by visiting such US-denominated villains as Iraq's
Saddam Hussein and Libya's Moammar Ghadafy. Also worrying the Bush
administration is Chavez's nomination of Ali Rodriguez, his former
oil minister, as secretary-general of the oil producers' organization
in Vienna.

But Chavez' role in his own neighborhood is causing as much concern
on Wall Street and in Foggy Bottom. Chavez has embraced Cuban leader
Fidel Castro (they even played baseball together) and Venezuela is
now supplying Cuba with desperately needed oil. And to the great
irritation of US drug warriors, he has refused permission for US anti-
drug planes based in the Dutch Antilles to over-fly Venezuelan
territory. He is also a bitter and eloquent foe of Plan Colombia,
which has brought violence and increasing refugee flows across the
border into Venezuela.

All of the above prompted the Guardian Weekly (Great Britain) to
report last week that "rumours are circulating that hawks in
Washington are seeking allies in the Venezuelan military for a coup
against Mr. Chavez."

Now, in a move certain to further tempt any possible coup-mongers,
Chavez has appointed the well-known leftist journalist Jose Vincent
Rangel as the country's first civilian defense minister. According to
a detailed report in Al Giordano's Narco News Bulletin
(http://www.narconews.com/rangel1.html), Rangel's first task will be
to prevent the formation of paramilitary death squads by Venezuelan
landowners near the Colombian border. The Venezuelan press reported
last week that landowners were considering such measures "to combat
the Colombian guerrilla." As Giordano emphasizes, paramilitaries
thrive only where they have the support of national militaries, and
Rangel's appointment will serve to check elements of the Venezuelan
officer corps who may be inclined to provide cover for such armed

One indication of growing US focus on Chavez comes from Strategic
Forecasting, Inc., an Austin-based private intelligence-gathering
group (http://www.stratfor.com/home/giu/archive/020501/). Normally
staid and reliable, albeit clearly realpolitik in its perspective,
Stratfor greeted Rangel's ascension with hysteria, hyperbole, and
name-calling. Calling Rangel "a lifelong anti-American Marxist who
admires Fidel Castro and is despised widely within the Venezuelan
armed forces," the spies-for-hire complained that Venezuela
was "adopting a hard line with the Colombian government on halting
refugee displacements and cross-border incursions by Colombian army
and paramilitary units."

Stratfor's analysis was blasted in a sizzling response the same day
from Vheadlines.com, an English-language Venezuelan news provider
(http://www.vheadline.com/0102/9938.htm). Vheadlines editorial writer
Roy Carson debunked Stratfor's analysis in detail before concluding
that Stratfor "should take off its myopic North American blinkers and
view President Hugo Chavez Frias' achievements through the past two
years in the light of the stark reality that faces Venezuela after
more than 40 years of American-backed political and economic

"In this respect," wrote Carson, "Stratfor has been totally
misguiding its readers even if, in its reporting on other events in
Latin America, it has calls before they were in the mainstream North
American media."

In other Narco News Bulletin news, publisher Al Giordano has issued
an appeal for contributions to the crusading online publication's
legal defense fund. As DRCNet reported last December
(http://www.drcnet.org/wol/165.html#akingump), Narconews and Mexican
newspaper publisher Mario Menendez Rodriguez have been sued for libel
by well-connected Mexican banker Roberto Hernandez Ramirez, owner of
Banamex. After losing three times in Mexican courts, a desperate
Hernandez enlisted the help of Washington lobbying and law firm Akin
Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, which has now sued Giordano and Menendez
in New York City.

Giordano writes:

"They are abusing the laws and the judicial system of the United
States to try and spend us out of existence... This case will have a
profound impact on freedom of speech and of the press especially on
the Internet... The difference between victory and defeat will be
whether we can raise sufficient funds to mount a strong defense
against this attack. In a United States civil lawsuit, transcripts of
depositions cost $500 each. If they must be translated officially
from Spanish, the cost doubles. Court translators cost $300 a day.
And so much of the evidence that proves the truth of our reports is
in Spanish. Their gamble is that we won't be able to pay those costs.
They know we can't do it alone."

Those interested in donating to the Narco News legal defense fund can
send checks made payable to "Drug War On Trial," and send them to:
Drug War On Trial, c/o Attorney Thomas Lesser, Lesser, Newman,
Souweine & Nasser, 39 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060. If you
would like to receive confirmation of your donation, send an e-mail
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the amount pledged and your e-
mail address. When your contribution arrives, Narco News promises to
send a thank you note confirming its receipt.

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