Excellent review of the OKC bombing event. I too have always felt that the
Murrah bombing was America's Reichstag, and Tim McVeigh was nothing but a
government patsy.



There is good evidence that the explosion that destroyed the federal
in Oklahoma could not have been done from the outside by a truck loaded with
According to Brigadier General Ben Partin, a demolition expert, and senior
FBI agent Gunderson, the blast that killed so many people, including many
innocent children, occurred on the inside of the building. The signature of
the explosive was that of a barometric bomb that was timed to go off in at
least three separate areas, one of which failed to explode. In addition,
there had to be shaped charges at the bases of several [4-5] inside
supporting pillars that allowed it to collapse and fall outward so that the
front of the building was blown out into the street. This bomb is not
available to the public and requires an expert to handle it, but the federal
government has it. One of these failed to detonate and was found still
attached to one of the inside pillars.

The geology department at the University of Oklahoma recorded the blast on
their seismographs. They reported to Agent Gunderson that two explosions
occurred exactly 10 seconds apart.  Now, one might wonder how all this could
have been accomplished by Timothy McVeigh? Using a truck parked in front of
the building and loaded with ammonium nitrate? Not likely! What is apparent
is that the concussion of the truck bomb set off the barometric bombs inside
the building. The major part of the damage occurred when the building was
blown outward from an explosion within. There was not even a crater caused
the truck explosion.

 So, who could have done it, and why? The federal government has the means,
an no one else does, unless the bombs were stolen. It may be significant
that, by a strange coincidence, all of the offices, including all the files
of the FBI, the ATF, the EPA, and the IRS were moved out the night before as
testified by members of the maintenance crew who assisted in the move.
Regrettably, one secret service man wasn't told, and he was killed in the
blast. But, why would federal agents do such a terrible thing?  Did these
people want to be able to put the blame on radical militia members? Did they
want to discredit the "radical right" and create the impression that there
was some sort of terrorism going on, perpetrated by people who were opposed
to the government? Do they want more power over the citizenry? Why do the
media continue to lie about the tragedy? Is it because the powerful Insiders
wanted the antiterrorism bill passed in Congress? If the BATF is innocent,
why did they immediately bury the debris from the building so that most of
the clues would be unavailable?

Perhaps they remembered the clever ploy of Adolph Hitler, who was elected
Chancellor of Germany in 1933. It is documented that Hitler burned the
Reichstag Building in Berlin and then blamed it on "subversives." A known
communist was executed for the crime, and Hitler persuaded the Parliament to
give him dictatorial powers in order to combat the "terrorist threat." The
civil rights of the German people were no longer in effect. You recall what
happened in Europe, after that....

It is noteworthy that Clinton's antiterrorist legislation was floundering in
the U.S. Congress, but was quickly passed by the befuddled Congress just
after the destruction of the Murrah Building.. Will there be more acts of
"terrorism" in order to try to convince the people that such legislation is
absolutely necessary, so that Congress will be pressured to pass more such
bills in the guise of protecting our women and children from terrorism? What
about the railroad accident in Arizona? Was it really caused by a group
called "The Sons of the Gestapo?" There is no evidence that this group
exists. Or was it an act of "Agents Provocateurs"--certain agents of the
BATF, FBI, ISA, or the IRS?

Now that this legislation (the Antiterrorist bill) has been passed,
essentially all of our protections under the ten amendments to our
Constitution ( the Bill of Rights ) can and would be suspended, if the
President declares a national emergency. Congress would probably be
adjourned. The state and local police would be completely federalized.
Corpus and posse commitatus would be suspended. Federal agents are now free
to tap your telephone, seize your property, break down your door at 2 AM and
arrest you, beat you to unconsciousness, seize your weapons, and imprison
or kill you with impunity. All this without probable cause--or the suspicion
that a crime has been committed.
Oh, no, you say--this is America! It can't happen here! This is a free
country! Well is it??

It is interesting that the BATF was witnessed by Gen. Partin to promtly
dismantle the damaged building and bury the remains, along with the
before a full investigation could be carried out. Investigators had to rely
mostly on witnesses and photographs. What does this suggest?
I remember growing up in the "land of the free, the home of the brave...."
But those days are now only a memory. Nazi types are here with us now; they
are in the Federal Government and they are showing their true colors. And it
will get worse. The mind controlled patsy Timothy McVeigh is now destined to
die in May as the truck "bomber" who took the rap for the explosion, but I
doubt that his fertilizer laden truck had much to do with the deaths of the
168 people. Once again, the thugs in the BATF get off scot free!

So what are you going to do about it?

Dr. Byron Weeks


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