Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lined up for final approach-JFK Jr

1999-09-04 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

Sorry for the late response. What I believe happened was someone was
monitoring his radio transmissions to the airport,after hearing the last
call, they realized how close he was to the airport and the subsequent
landing. So it was at that moment,(after the call) they needed to bring down
the plane. If they waited just alittle longer, the plane would have been that
much closer to land, which would have made the recovery so much easier.This
also would have afforded the pubic access to the crash site, being so close
to shore. This is something they just could not afford to happen. Too many
people would have seen the remains of the wreckage if not the bodies. This
would make it impossible for them to put their "spin" on the sequence of
events, as well as the aftermath.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Lined up for final approach-JFK Jr

1999-08-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Kennedy Lined Up for Final Approach
In our previous bulletins on the UPI article "Hopes fade for missing
Kennedy plane" we focused primarily on the TIMING of the contact as
indicative of Kennedy having been in a fully coherent state--aware of
his position, location, distance from land and the like. No the
slightest hint of problems of any kind were indicated in this detailed
communication. Also noted by Kennedy were his plans to fly on to Hyannis
later that evening.

There is additional significant information conveyed in this UPI report.
Pilots flying as Kennedy was almost always make such a radio contact
when they have made VISUAL CONTACT with the airport. This in fact is
exactly what Kennedy SAID to the flight controller at Martha's Vineyard
airport. According to WCVB-TV Boston, as further reported by UPI:
"…At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13
miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to
WCVB-TV news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his final approach."
OK. He SAID where he was because he SAW where he was! Got it? FORGET
about this mysterious and fictional vision-obliterating "haze". HE SAW

There was NO disorientation.

According to standard practices he would in fact have been almost
completely ALIGNED with the airport runway ALREADY. No further
substantial maneuvering or changes of direction would have been
necessary at this point. 

So there he his, heading right in with the coast in sight and the
airport in sight. The guy is due to land IN MINUTES. In light of this,
WHAT, by any stretch of the imagination, could have occurred in the few
seconds between the completion of the call and the plane's headlong
descent to have called into play the endlessly-repeated yarn about pilot
error (due to that risk-taking gene… and his "astrology chart"!!)!

Suddenly it's bye-bye time.

Really… there is DEFINITELY a LOT wrong with this picture.

Now, if one plots out Kennedy's position as he described, that WOULD in
fact be roughly 10 miles west/southwest of the shoreline, which itself
is about 3 miles south of the airport.
In this regard everything fits perfectly in terms of him being where be
said he was. 

One thing that DOESN'T fit into this schematic, however, is where
federal and state authorities claim they retrieved the plane's wreckage.
Unless the force of whatever destroyed his plane blasted it about 7
miles to the northwest--which is genuinely doubtful, then there is
something REAL fishy (sorry for that pun) about this angle as well.
It seems that the wreckage was dragged underwater to a different
location: perhaps to prevent too many people from observing the recovery
or some other reason.

To reiterate: according to the content of Kennedy's call he was in fact
lined up for final approach. This additional EXTREMELY pertinent fact is
ANOTHER reason this radio contact has been excised from official
renditions; because it is completely unreasonable to claim a pilot with
Kennedy's AMPLE piloting skills, flying a plane with an auto-stabilzing
system as he was, could "blow it" at that point due to disorientation.
IMPOSSIBLE that he could not make out Martha's Vineyard from that
distance, ESPECIALLY with the noted "light pollution" permeating the
skies in the area that area residents had been complaining about. Again,
these OUTRAGEOUS and unfounded speculations that pilot error and such
are the cause of the crash are completely without merit. THERE WERE NO
MORE TURNS TO MAKE! He was LINED UP with the runway.

So what happened?

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.